Thursday 1 October 2015


The Babalawo.

When we do talk of Babalawo, we are in all even now too, referring, and to a said Title, often believed truly Nigerian, and that does too, speak of the Medicine Man in Africa, and if not of the Diviner, or Soothsayer too that is.

In saying that, most do in all even approach, speak of the Babalawo, and with speak too and of what Oracles are said to be, is to now and emphatically, approach this all, and from a said too Greek stance in all, and that does too associate life, and with speak of the Quest that is. That this in all, is not believed said a factual manner in all, and of studying the said ways and of the Babalawo, but could in all even be said to speak of Divination, and of the said interesting Counting or Number systems, and that are too associated and with Divination, and if not in speak now, and of said African societies, and as said too evolving, and in said manners in all, and that do not actually speak of the Hindu-Arabic Counting / Numeral system, or that too, said to speak of Greek Counting / Number systems too that is [and in said speak here too, and of what the Sciences are too said to be].

In saying that, the Babalawo, is in all even said truly, African that is, is to now approach speak of his said ways in all, and as said too, to refer, and to speak of Egyptian Civilization too that is. That it all too, now does speak of a said African Worldview, and that does too speak of the Subjective, and of the Objective too, and if not in speak of the World, African, and as said too in all, deciphered that is, and from speak and of Interrogation, Investigation, Contemplation, Reflection etcetc., and in now too saying that, this very manner in all, and of perceiving just whom in all, the Babalawo is said to be, for it does in all even speak of Egyptian Civilization in itself too, now does refer and to speak and of what Taboo is said to be, and if not in speak and of Egypt's said unique in all, Material culture that is. 

In however now saying that, the said world of the Babalawo, could in all even speak of the African Universe, is to in all even now, present a said troubling picture in all, and that does too say that, Concepts of Reincarnation or Evolution, and in African societies in all, do actually speak and of the African Universe that is. A Universe too, often believed said to speak, and of the Orisha for instance, but could be said well understood in all, and from one and as said defining in all, the Babalawo, and in the said following manner:

1. Ori
2. Altered States (of Consciousness)
3. Synergy
4. Symbol / Name
5. Delivery (Intonation)

In saying that, the African Universe does in all even truly remain undefined in its ways in all, and in now comparing it all too, and to the said Jazz Universe too for instance (and of Jazz, and as a said even, widely accepted African-American Artform, and in the United States of America in itself too that is), is to now too ground speak of the Babalawo, and in what, Direction in itself, is said to be. That for some, and in speak of the Babalawo and as most do in all know him, Direction, and as said too Egyptian, does in all even speak of Conscience in itself, for there are those too, and who do in all even associate, Direction, and with Intellect in itself too that is [and of African Divination and in the Americas too for instance]. In saying that, the Babalawo though, and as said too African, is said known to possess, certain Intelligence, deemed or marked too African that is, and in speak of Direction too, is to now too speak and of what the Capture is said to be (and of the Hunter too), and if not and of the Expose / Awakening too that is (and of the Tracker too).