Saturday 17 October 2015


of Advocacy.

This entry, can too be said a third, and of an entry, and in regard, and to speak too of Nairobi in itself that is. That it all too, will attempt to speak on, what Advocacy, is said to be, and as said too, to refer, and to what Lobby Groups (Link), are too said all about that is.

That in saying that, Kenya in all, can best be said viewed, and from speak of Nairobi / Kenya, and in said comparison, and to speak of Nairobi/Kenya that is, is to associate the latter, and with speak too and of what Meaning/Purpose is said to be, and of the former, speak of talk of Kenya, and as said too now, culminating, and to speak too of Nairobi in itself that is. 

In the said perceiving of, and of said Kenya too that is, of East Africa, and if not in their said Memory too that is, of Memories, and through the said 80's, or 90's too, is to now perceive, talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said as of, and of said Advocacy, and if not in talk too of, and of the said Troubling too, or if not of the said Problematic too, the Ailing, or if not in the said referring to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Access, of Autonomy, or if not of said Independence too, of Advocacy, the Troubling, or if not of said Resignation too, of said Insignation, of Commonalism, of Mutualism, of Advocacy, of the said Problematic, the Ailing, or if not in the said referring to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Markedly too that is, of Advocacy, the Markedly, the Marked.

Of said Advocacy that is, the Markedly, or if not of said Aim too, of Aim, the Disturbing, or if not of the said Marking too, of Markings, the Markingly, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Balance too that is, of Balance, in Response, in Question, of Simba Imara, Kisw., of Jua Kali, Kisw., or if not in a said regard to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Responsivity too that is, of Response, the Irresponsive, the Responsive.

That Kenya, and from the said regard, and of Nairobi too, can too be said to speak of Nairobi, of said Remote areas too, of said Rural areas, and if not of small Towns / Settlements too, and of the said too outskirts, of regions, of areas, of locales, and of Nairobi too that is. 

That in helping one see all the above, and as it truly is, speak now and of Remote areas and in Kenya, and from the said perspective, and of speak of Nairobi, simply said now viewed in all, and from speak of Access that is. In speak of Rural areas, speak now and of what Autonomy, and Independence too, are said to be all about. In speak of small Towns /Settlements, speak now, and not of the Commercial truly, but in all even, speak now and of Wholesale/Retail that is. In all, hopefully what has been said here is understood, and in now too saying that, said termed Remote areas, Rural areas etc., and in Kenya, do in all even contribute, and to speak too and of what Nairobi is said to be all about that is, and in speak too, and of our said definitions, and of Access, and if not of Autonomy, and Independence too that is.

In saying that, all the above does too, make for sense,  and when one does in all even factor, speak of what Advocacy, is said to be all about, is to now too though, associate, Advocacy, and with speak too of Counter 'Nairo', and in regard and to what they do term Designation too that is. In speak of Anti 'Nairo', and of Advocacy too, speak now and of Resignation in itself. In speak of 'Nairo' it can be said here, and of Advocacy too, speak, and of Consignation in itself that is.

In however saying, there is a said center to this all, is to now too, throw in the very word of Insignation, and as said too descriptive in all, and of Nairobi in itself, and if not in speak, and of what too does pass for, or serve for, Commonalism, or Mutualism too, and as said now to speak, and in said embodiment that is, and to speak, and of what a Tower, is too simply said all about.