Wednesday 14 October 2015

Urban Nairobi

of Urban Nairobi.

This entry, does have to do, and with the said even, huge Urbanization problem, and that Nairobi does in all even, continue to face that is. That it all too, does speak of the said best manner in all, and of Centering Nairobi, and if not Positioning it truly, and in now associating Urbanization, and in Nairobi too, and with speak and of a said Spiritual Condition, and that does in all even ask, and of simply where, Home, is simply said to be. That Nairobi, can be said a place, and that does in all even lack a Vision of any kind, and other than in speak and of it all perceived, and as said too an Eco-City that is.

In saying that, Nairobi can too, be said three things, is to speak of it all, and not only and from speak too of 'Nairo', Anti 'Nairo', and Counter 'Nairo' too that is, but in speak too now, and of what does pass for City Planning in Nairobi / Kenya too that is. That 'Nairo' in all, does posit Nairobi, and as said too, Politically, and in Kenya that is. Anti 'Nairo' on the otherhand, does too posit Nairobi, and as said too Geographically, and in East Africa that is. Counter 'Nairo' on the other said hand too, does in all even posit Nairobi, and as said too Continentally, and in Africa that is.

In having said that, and in now too, repeating what was said before, that Urbanization, does speak and of the said search for a true Home it can be said, and as said to refer and to speak too of a said Spiritual or Psychological Condition that is, and if not in speak of said Living Conditions too, is to now too say that, Urbanization and in Nairobi, does in all even create, the said huge problem, and of simply how best in all, to position, or center, the City, and as said a whole too that is. 

That in speak of the History of Nairobi, and as said to refer, and to speak of Positioning, or Centering too, is to now too, associate it all, and with speak of 'Nairo' too, and of the said centering of Nairobi, and in the Colonial Period too, and in speak of many a said Church in Kenya, and Africa too, and that does in all even mirror, the said named Holy Family Basilica, and in Nairobi too that is. That this all, did in all even speak, and of a Kenya, and as said home too, and to a said even, celebrated Victorian Figure that is.

In saying that, the above said version of Nairobi's History, does speak and of the very reason, why many a famed Person in all, might in all even visit Kenya, or Nairobi too, is to now speak and of centering or positioning Nairobi, and in a said manner in all, and that does too speak of Anti 'Nairo', and which does in all even refer, and to speak and of Nairobi's and Kenya, said celebrated, Hotels, Bars, Lodges, and Restaurants / Resorts too that is. A manner too, and that does in all even now associate, speak of Nairobi, and not only and as said defined and in speak of City-life in itself that is (and of Night-life, 'the Glamorous' (Link), and of the High-life too), African, and in speak too of a Nairobi, not said defined by speak of the Commercial, but in speak now truly, and of Finance that is [and in now too saying that, Counter 'Nairo', does in all even speak of Monetarism, Anti 'Nairo' and of Finance, and of 'Nairo', speak now and of Banking in itself too that is (and that too said African)].

In speak now though, and of Counter 'Nairo', and in said regard and to speak of centering Nairobi, or positioning it too, is to now speak too and of JKIA (Jomo Kenyatta International Airport), and of the attempt to in all, have Nairobi, develop a said even, Worldly Consciousness, and if not in speak and of the said even Worldly Citizen that is, and in speak too of Kenya, and as said allowing for Dual-Citizenship too for instance.