Friday 16 October 2015

the 3 Powers

The 3 Powers.

This entry, can be said to correlate, and to that to be seen/found in Counter 'Nairo', and that does too, speak, and of the said 3 Superpowers (Link) that is. That speak of that said entry, and in the Counter 'Nairo' Blog too, and on the said 3 Superpowers (and of the United States of America, India and China too), and which too, can be said to lead, and in Topic or Subject, and to speak and of Africa, and as said too Powerless, Helpless, Hapless, Cursed, Doomed etc., and if not in speak and of Africa, and as once said, having been the Light, and to the World in itself, historically, and if not in speak and of the very name of Egypt in itself that is. In now though, saying that, it is an entry too, and that could too be said to speak, and of India, and of Indians too, and as often said Esteemed, or Esteemable, and despite any talk of poverty and of/in India too, is to now too, associate it all, and with speak and of what Prestige is simply said to be, and if not in speak and of Africa now, and in said Recluse too that is.

In speak now though, and of the said 3 Powers here, is to first off, speak now too, and of what they do term Centers of Excellence, and in said comparison, and to speak of Centers of Power/Repute too that is. That it all too, does speak and of the attempt, and of fomenting/creating Identity, and in a said place too, and that does too speak and of the Individual Make-up/Profile that is, and in said comparison, and to that which does speak of Nationality, or of the National too that is. 

In having said the above, the attempt here, and in now, attempting to declare that is, and if not proclaim truly, Spain, Egypt and Kenya, and as said too, the 3 Powers that is. That in understanding all this better, is to now associate speak of History, and with speak of Excellence, and if not of Repute too, and with further speak of Surpassing the Other, and in Success too, and not of speak truly, and of Overriding the Success, and of another that is. That in all, speak of the 3 Powers here, does speak and of the said Overriding of anothers Success that is, and not of the Surpassing of it either.

That it was mentioned, and in a said previous post, that Kenya Identity, could too be said grounded in all, and in speak and of what Orchestra (Link), is said to be. That it was too said, and in the name too and of what Idealism is said to be all about, that Kenyan Identity, could in all even be said to speak of Orchestra, while that said American, does speak too of the Philharmony, and that said Italian, and of Symphony too that is. That it all too, does speak of Idealism, and in now equating it all, and to speak of Egypt, and as said even, a Center of Excellence, and in regard and to what Idealism is said to be all about, for the said Egyptian World, does have to it, the said Choral tradition, and which too, is said responsible, and in Idealism, and for the said birth too, and of the European tradition of Freemasonry, and which too does speak of the name of Mozart that is, and if not of European Architecture too.

That it too can be said, and in a said here too, Fashionable Africa, that in speak of the pursuit of Excellence, and if not of the seeking out, and of a said even Individualism that is, it all does now speak, and of the said manner in all, most in Africa, do perceive the World outside Africa, and as having to it, said even racial connotations that is, and that do in all even speak of Africa, and Africans, and in Phenotype too, and if not in History in itself too that is. A manner in all, and of viewing the World, and that does too claim Brazil, to be Multi-Racial in its ways in all, the United States of America, and as now too said Multi-Ethnic, and if not of Italy, and as said even Multi-Cultural that is [and in said comparison, and to speak too and of Canada, and which does too, view itself and as said Multi-Cultural, and does too view the United Sates of America, and in regard, and to speak of Melting Pot theories that is]. In having said all this, the just said above, now is to center it all, and in speak and of Excellence too, and of what too Human Behaviour is said to be all about, and in speak and of the said held belief that, and by the expert Academic too, that Spain, is said too, of a said higher Civilization than Italy, for the above said and on Excellence, and if not of said Human Behaviour too, can too be said centered, and in speak and of Spain too that is.

Thirdly though, a whole different view and of the World, and as having too, a similar said Make-up/Profile, and to the said Worldviews presented just above, and that does now attempt to place Kenya, and at the said center, and of a said Order here, and that does too, speak of it all even said overriding, and not surpassing, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa too, and in speak of Success that is, and that could too be best said to speak, and of the Individual Make-up/Profile that is, and if not of the Victorian, and as now said too viewed, and from speak of the Lead, the Heralding, and if not of the Eclipse too that is. That what is been said here is that, the Blogger here, born in more recent times, said too 1978, does in all even acknowledge, or said to be in the know, and of the very fact or belief that, the Victorian World was actually real, and that it too was said centered in many a way, and in speak of Kenya (and in speak and of what too does pass for Victorian Publishing), but Publishing too, which now does appear to simply be said lost in all, and along the lines, and of speak of the Lost Ark of the Covenant that is. That in understanding all this better, and in speak too of what we do in all even believe, to speak and of what does hold us back, and in said Endeavour too, and if not in speak and of the Psychology and of the Letdown too that is, that Saudi Arabia, is simply said Arabian, but is too, said defined in all, and by a said Culture, and that does too speak of the Derogatory, the Explainitive, while Nigeria, is too said Islamist, but simply too, now said defined and by a said Culture of Discrimination, while South Africa, is now simply said (British) Imperialist, and is said too highly defined, and by a said Culture of Racialism that is. That Kenya, could very well be said too at the very center of this all, and in speak too and of what Victorianism (Link), is said to be all about, and in the attempt now, to simply make Victorian culture, readily accessible, and to most in Kenya, and in simply now too, basing it all, and in speak, and of what Subjugation in itself, is simply said to be all about that is.