Wednesday 20 April 2016

Pharos University

of Pharos University.

Of Pharos University, or/and in Alexandria, Egypt too, or/and in said probable speak now of, or/and of the said African Institute too that is, [Link], or/and in Egypt too that is.

If the said Greek World in all, could have and in all, been, as said as perceived too that is, or envisioned, or if not in talk too of, or of it all, as said as Neutral too that is, or to itself, the Disparate, the Differing, now is to and in all, even, refer to, or to what can and in all, be as said of, or of the said Settled (in) too that is, of East Africa, Kenya, [Link], [Link], of Stability, of Neutrality, the Particular, or if not in talk too of, or of what can and in all, be as said of, or of a said Particle too that is, of Neutrons, the Neutralized, the Stabilized.

Of such said Stability too that is, of Models, Structures, of said Leggings, Footings, or Groundings too, the In-Line, of Africa, of India, of Reflections, the Reflecteable, or if not in talk too of, or of said life too that is, [Link], of Activity, [Link], of Actors, of Actions, [Link], the Actioneable.

Of such said Stability too that is, the Wholly-said (of), the Realized, Realizeable, or if not in talk too of, or of said Reality too that is, Cartesian, Physical, or if not as said too that is, perceived, referenced, or if not in a said too that is, referral to, in regard, or to all its said Points too that is, of Scales, of Scalings, the Scaleable, or as in all said too that is, perceived, referenced, or if not in talk too of, or of the said Neutral too that is, of Traces, of Tracings, the Treaceable.

Of such said Stability too that is, of Stabilizers, [Link], of Pharos University, the African Institute, of Identity, identity, African, of Compartibility, of Comparisions, the Compareable.

of Stability.