Tuesday 8 March 2016

"Africa and in spirit"

"Africa and in spirit".

When we do in all even, speak, and of 'Africa and in spirit', we can in all even correlate it all, and to speak too, and of 'Africa and in Name', or in said speak too, and of 'Africa and in Consciousness' that is. That when we do speak, and of Africa, and in such said terms, we can too be said perceiving Africa, and from speak of Intelligence, and if not in speak of Intellect truly. That in speak now, and of 'Africa and in Name', Intellect too, and as said now and to in all even comprise of, speak too of the following:
  • Experience / Memory
  • Upgrade / Update
  • Probability / Statistic
That in speak too and of 'Africa and in Consciousness' that is, speak now and of the following, and in Intellect too:
  • Imprint / Impression
It is in speak though, and of 'Africa and in spirit', that we could too be said to speak and of the following:
  • Direction / Alignment
In saying that, 'Africa and in spirit', does in all even, differ, and in many a way too, and from speak and of 'the spirit of Africa', and of Africa and in Task too, or speak too and again, and of 'the African spirit', and of Africa, and in Expression that is, it too though, can be said that, 'Africa and in spirit', does too talk of the following, and in said Sense that is: 'a Sense of Reality' [probably said Italian too], 'a Sense of Order' [said too Egyptian], speak too now and of 'a Sense of Duty' [often proclaimed American], and if not truly now, and of 'a Sense of Relief' [and which is something often believed truly African].

In many a way, speak and of 'Africa and in Name', can too be said to speak and of Africa today, and as said perceived and from speak of Nigeria, while speak and of 'Africa and in Consciousness', can too be said to speak and of Kenya today too, speak though, and of 'Africa and in spirit', has often in all, been equated, and to speak too of South Africa that is.

In all, "Africa and in spirit", simply believed and as said defining Africa truly that is, and in speak too now and of, and of said Action [Link] in itself too that is.