Monday 18 April 2016


of Joy.

PBS - Pyramid - David Macaulay.

Joy, can too be said, one of the more, disregarded of States, Emotional, and if not conditions too, and in said comparison, and to speak too of Happiness, or even Fulfillment too that is. That Joy, is too said even, truly defining, or has been truly defining, and of life, and in East Africa, and for a said even long time now that is. That Joy, is believed in all even, to be said of interest, and to those in East Africa, and in said speak too, and of an Africa, and that does too revel, and in defining itself, and in speak and of Name, and if not of said Interpretation too, and in said comparison, and to speak and of said Emotion in itself too that is.

In saying that, the above said, does too lead, and to said even everyday perceptions, and of life in East Africa, is to now too, attempt to in all, define East Africa, and as said even a region that is. That in perceiving East Africa and as such, as said a region that is, is to not only perceive it all and as said even a Whole that is, but that in all again, speak now, and of the very attempt, to in all even place that is, the Sky, and in East Africa too, and into its said proper perspective too that is. That most probably, don't ever realize the said existence, and of the Sky in itself, but in saying that, the Sky over East Africa, and as said too a region, but as fartherly said even, a Whole that is, and as such, it then does too lead, and to speak and of Religion in East Africa, said even traditional, and as said perceived now, and in speak and of Tanzania, and of Plant Totemism too, of Kenya, and of Animal Totemism too, of Mamba, [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], but that in speak of Uganda, speak now and of that said aspect and of said African Religion, and that does too speak and of the said Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Universe etc., and if not in said Mythology too that is.

In saying that, there is a said differing manner in all, and of viewing life and in East Africa, and that does too speak, and of the said phrase and of 'a Roof over ones head', is to now too, speak and of the said even Political History, and of East Africa too. That it all too, should not be confused and with speak and of Shelter that is, but that in all even, speak now, and of what a Home in itself, is actually said to be, or said even all about that is. That it all does now trace, East African history, and in its said origins, and to speak and of Tanzania too, and if not Dar-es-salaam in particular, and in said perspective that is, and before, it all does too turn in all again, and into speak and of it all even said perceived, and from speak and of Kampala, Dar-es-salaam, and Nairobi too. In saying that, Time has very much moved on, of Biblism, [Link], the Victorian, the Colonial, and in regard and to all this, is to now speak and of the said defining and of a Home, and in East Africa too, and from speak of it all even, perceived, and from speak and of Dodoma, Nairobi, and Kampala too that is. In many a way and again, speak too now, and of East Africa, and as said even a region, and as said too perceived, and from speak too and of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, and if not of said Burundi, [Link], of East Africans, and Rwanda too, the Close-Knit, and with they as said even, very much as said as truly, or fully, Distinct, Distinctive, and if not in their said ways or manners too that is.

In finalizing all this though, is to again, revert, and to talk and of what Joy is said to be, and as said even defining those in East Africa, and in speak too and of what the Psychic, is said too all about. That it all too, does speak and of Religion and in East Africa, and as said even perceived and from said too Egyptian dimensions that is, and which too, do now refer, and to speak and of the Egyptian Psyche, and if not as said Psychic truly, and as said even defined, and from speak and of the Epic (Link) in itself that is. That in saying that, Africa, of East Africa, does have its very own definitions, and of the Psychic, is to now too, speak, and of what Displacement, Projection, and if not of Distancing too, of Arusha, [Link], and as all said even to speak and of the Emotional that is, are in all even said to be, or said truly even all about, and in speak too and of those in Africa, in East Africa, and who do and in all even truly Identify with, and with speak too of, and of what an Object in itself, is actually said to be that is. 

In talk too of, and of the said African Poet too that is, of African Poetry, in Merit, in Value, in Status, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the/a said Object in itself too that is, of Joy, of Emotionality, or if not in talk too of, of East Africa, of civilization, [Link], East African, as said too that is, perceived, referenced, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Context too that is, the Religious, the Physical, the Physic, of the said Construct too that is, of Contrasts, of Comparisons, the Social, the Psychic, the Psyche, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Contest too that is, the Cultural, the Psychological, the Psychologic.

That it all too, does now speak of, of the African Poet, and of that said even component, and of African Religion, and that does too ask of one, to in all even ponder, and in the said name of Transference too, their very said selves in all, and in said even Heavenly Realms or Abodes too, and as furtherly said even, to speak, and of what does constitute, and for African Material culture that is, and if not of the said search too, and for Joy in itself too that is.

of Transference.