Thursday 14 April 2016

Secret Societies

of Secret Societies.

This very Blog, and moreso than the other said Blogs and on Nairobi too, 'Nairo', Counter 'Nairo' etc.,  (Link), does in all even attempt to lay down, said even ground rules that is, and that do too refer, and to what a said even East African civilization, is too said all about. 

That it all too, can be best said to speak too, and of what Secret Societies are said to be, and in speak now and of those too said French that is, and not those said Italian either [and in said regard, and to speak too and of what Talent is too said to be], or those too said Egyptian [and of what Power or Wealth, are in all even said all about]. That the said French tradition of Secret Societies, now does too concern itself, and with the said even advancement in all, and of Culture in itself, and something too, and which does in all even speak truly, and of East African Identity, and in said regard too, and to the previous post, and on African Phonetics that is.

In many a way, the above said, can now too, be said to encompass speak and of Kenya in itself, and of it all said even, a part of all this, and in speak too now, and of Secret Societies, and that do in all even truly ponder, what in all, the said true nature and of Reality in itself, is actually said to be.