Thursday 14 April 2016



In the said too that is, attempt, and to and in all, even, place, put, talk too of, and of the said Television too that is, the TV, of Television Technology, the Colour Wheel, [Link], [Link], the Acute, the Obtuse, the Reflex, and in (its) said Context too that is, proper, Political, Historical, Kijiji, American, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Signal too that is of Signals, the Signaling, of the said Switch too that is, of Switches, the Switching, of the said Current too that is, of Currents, _______, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Pulse too that is, of Pulses, the Pulsing.

**of Signals, the Signal, T.V., Television, of Transmission, the Transmittible, <----->, of Reception, the Receptible, of Variance, the Varying, of Divergence, the Diverging, of Tuners, the Tuning, the Sort, Sorting, -->, of Bleeps, the Bleeping.

**of T.V., the Television, -->, of Settings, the Regular, the Regularized.

of Currents.

of Signals, the Signaler, the Signal Pass, the Interval, --->, the Tracing.
of Switches, the Intermediate, the Middle-line, the Mid-line, --->, the Lining.
of Currents, of Filters, of Screens, of Modulators, --->, the Outlining.
of Pulses, of Existences, African, Kijiji, [Link], Political, Historical, --->, the In-line, the Linearized.

of Signals, Switches, Currents, Pulses, --->, the Directing.

When we do speak and of the MNET Movie channels, and that are to be found and on DSTv, is to now refer, and to the said previous post (Link), and on Kijiji that is. That it all too, does speak and of the Africa Magic Television channels, and which do in all even define Kijiji, and in speak too and of what the Instinctive, and if not of Interest, or Enthusiasm too, are in all even said all about, but in saying that the MNET Movie channels, can help and in defining what life in Kijiji, is too said to be, is to now speak and of Human life, and as simply said perceived, and in speak of the Instinctive, of Markings, and on one said hand, and on the other, speak now, and of what Doubt in itself, is actually said to be [that the MNET Movie channels, can now too be said perceived, and from speak and of Doubt in itself, but that in all again, all this said above, speak of Doubt specifically, said to speak now truly, and of East Africa in itself too that is].