Thursday 14 April 2016

African Phonetics

of African Phonetics.

There are those, and who do in all even believe, that Africa, and in History too, and if not in said speak and of the Future in itself, has in all even failed to make its Mark, and on the said even World Stage too, and away and from speak of Egypt, and if not in further speak too and of what is said here, to speak, and of the Africa Imagination in itself that is. That Africa, and as said even having a said too here, foreseeable future to it all, does in all even speak and of its said even, redefining itself, and if not re-imagining itself, and in said speak too, and of what Imagination in itself, is said to be [that the African Future, is believed said to lie, and in speak of that Imagination said Western in all, for it too can be said here that, what they do term an African Imagination, does in all even continue, and to be simply said disregarded in its ways in all, or even simply ignored, maligned and if not ridiculed too that is].

In the said perceiving of, or equating of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Check too that is, of Checks, of Checkings, and of/to the said Comprehensive too that is, of East Africa, or if not of the said Tick too that is, of Ticks, of Tickings, and of/to the said Comparative too that is, of Kenya, now is to and in all, even, perceive, refer on to, and to talk too of, and of the said Mark too that is, of Marks, of Markings, and of/to the said Concise too that is, of East Africa, Kenya, of Kenya, East Africa, or if not in a said referral to, in regard, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Central too that is, of Centres, of Centrings, or if not in a said regard to, in referral, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Actual too that is, of Actuality, of Actualness.
That for many, and who do in all even believe, that the said forces of Globalization, do in all even threaten to truly wipe out Africa, and in said Imagination too, and that African Culture, is now too simply said even extinct, but in said speak too and of Resilience in itself, it too can be said that, African Culture, and as probably said culture too [little 'c'], of Kijiji, [Link], does and in all even find itself that is, simply said to in all even thrive in its ways in all, and in speak and of African culture in itself, and as simply said summarized in all, and in speak truly, and of what African Phonetics, are in all even said to be.

That in truly attempting to understand Africa, and in said even Historical Contexts, and of Africa and as said too, having no true or said even genuine/authentic History to it all, is to now and in all again, ascribe the said rise of Civilization, and in the World, and to speak too and of the said Field of Geography, while it too can be said that, Africa on the otherhand, does in all even truly appear defined in all, and by speak and of the said Science truly, and of Cartography that is. That Geography, is too often said two things, Physical Geography, and Human Geography too, and that these two said Disciplines in all, could very well too, be said responsible that is, and for the said rise, and of Civilization and on this very Earth too that is.

In having said the above, is to now attempt to in all even, approach talk of Africa, and from speak and of Cartography and as said too a Science, and away from speak and of the said Conventional approach and of viewing Africa, and which does too attempt to in all even define Africa, and from the said Human Geography perspective that is [and of Africa too, and as said even primarily viewed and from speak of race, and if not of the said History of (Ancient) Nubia too for instance, and not from speak truly either, and of culture, or Language too].

That Africa, and in said speak here and of Cartography too, can too now be said, proficiently perceived, and not sufficiently perceived truly either, and by Mapping it out, and in said speak of the following: Nigeria, the Congo, East Africa, and if not of Rwanda, and Burundi too. A manner in all, and of Mapping out Africa, and that does too evoke, the said Memory and of Explorers, Victorian too, and into Africa that is.

That in speak and of Nigeria, now is to refer, and to a said perspective, often said British too, and that does in all even attempt to associate, speak and of African Identity, and with speak and of what Celebrity, Fame and if not Stardom too, are in all even said all about. That Africans, are never truly perceived, and by the said Historian too,  and from speak and of the said Historical Figure that is, but that in all again, Africans, and as said Figure too, are in all even believed said truly Trickster that is. That surprisingly enough though, the said British World, and as said even to speak and of the British Historian, and in said comparison and to that Historian said Roman or Jewish too, has in all even come to help truly define Africa and as it is, and with their said now even attempting to in all even redefine African Identity, and away from it said even Tribal, and onwards to it all even said to speak and of Celebrity, Stardom, and if not of Fame too that is. That Nigeria now, does figure in all this, and in said speak too here, and of the said complexities of Nigerian Identity that is, and that does in all even speak and of Nigeria and as said even to define itself in all, and in speak and of what the 'IT' (Link), is actually said to be.

That in speak and of the Congo, speak now too, and of the very manner in all, those said African, would in all even be said, readily perceived that is, and by those too, said even not African truly that is. That most of the World, can too be said even perceived, and from speak too and of Cretan Greek Civilization that is, and which does in all even perceive others, or one, and in speak and of the Mark, and in regard, and to what too, is said Motif that is. That Motif, is today believed best said viewed that is, and from speak too, and of Emblem, and in the United States of America too [Link]. Africa though, and in regard and to the Congo, can too best be said perceived, and from speak and of what a Politic, is actually said to be. That a Politic, does not only speak and of the very ways of a Virus for instance, and if not and of what too, Conga Drums [Link], are believed too said to be, but it does in all even truly speak and of said African Identity that is [and if not of what a Capoeira Malandro is too said to be], and as said even primarily viewed in all, and from speak too, and of Stereotype in itself that is.

That in speak here and of Rwanda too, and as said even a Country, place or region, and that is said too relatively unknown, and to most and in History too, is to now place its said peoples, Tribes too that is, and within a said Historical Context too, and that would in all even associate, those said Rwandese, and in said regard and to Africa and as it is today, and with speak too, and of what a Technocrat is said to be, and if not in speak too and of Technocracy in itself that is.

That in speak here and of Burundi, and of its said peoples, and cultures too, perhaps the said here belief that, theirs is a 'Way of life', and that can too be said grounded in all truly, and in speak and of what Counsel in itself is said to be, and in said comparison, and to a World today, defined in all, and in speak and of Diplomacy, and if not of a said Diplomatic Identity, and that does too speak and of the World Stage in itself that is.

That the above said, can too be said now best perceived, and from speak too and of East Africa, and of what African Phonetics, are in all too said all about. That it all too does refer, and to the very said belief, or fact too, that African Languages, do in all even appear, not defined truly, and by speak and of Grammar, or of Syntax too [and of the said difference between Linguistics, and Lingualism that is], but that in all again, they are in all even believed, truly defined in all, and by speak and of Conscience in itself that is. That African Languages, are not best perceived, and from speak of Language and as said even Tool, Means or even Construct too, and of Language and as said even perceived primarily in all, and from speak and of Communications truly, and of what too is in all even said Facet, Component, and if not of the said Part too that is. That African Languages on the otherhand, are in all even best said perceived, and from speak and of what a Cultural Artefact is said to be, and of the said debate, and of what Conscience in itself too, is too actually said to be [and of a said work and such as 'The Lord of the Rings', and by J.R.R Tolkien], and if not of what it does too mean, and to be said Devoid, and of any said Conscience that is [and of a work, and such as 'The Hobbit', and by J.R.R Tolkien too that is]. That it all too, can be said even to refer now, and to certain said Tribes in Kenya, and such as the Turkana, the Kipsigis, and if not of the Kalejin too, and whose cultures in all, can probably be said best perceived, and from speak and of the said term of Technopoly too, but that in all again, East Africa, or of said East African Identity truly, is best said perceived, and from speak and of Language and as said even Cultural Artefact truly, and if not in said speak too, and of African Phonetics in themselves that is.