Thursday 29 December 2016

the Human Question : Activity

the Human Question : Activity (the African World series).

This said entry or posting too, and on the Human Question, is said even a fourth, and of a said even installment of entries, and on what the Human Question [link1, link2, link3], is in all even said to be, and as said even now to speak, and on what Perception in itself, is in all even actually said to be, and as said even now to furtherly speak, and of the said even African Medicine man for instance, or of the said even African Medicine tradition too, and of what too Pattern Recognition in itself, is in all even actually said all about that is. That the Human Question, is too now said even to speak, and of the Human, and in said speak too now and of what Pattern Recognition is in all even said to be, and if not of it all and as merely said perceived here now, and in talk and of the said even Laws & Customs that is, and of a said people too, and if not of what does too make for similarities, and between the said even peoples, and of East Africa, of the said Swahili lands too, of Rwanda, and of Burundi too that is.

In helping put all the above said, and in a said perspective too, and that would too speak and of what is said Activity, now is to in all even attempt and to in all too, define, what is said Activity in itself, and in now too saying it all to be said, to speak, and of what is said in alignment, and with said speak too now, and of what is said Profound, Mystery, Truth, Action etc., and as with it all even simply said now, to lead, and to talk, and not of what is said Ori that is, Yoruba, but of what instead, can be said to speak, and of what is said Ori in itself that is.

In having said the above just said, now is to associate talk of Activity, and with talk too, and of it all even said now perceived, and from talk and of Egypt, Greece, Italy, and of Africa in itself too that is. That in talk of Activity and of Egypt, talk too now, and of what is probably best said Monument that is, in talk of Greece and of Activity, probable talk now and of what is said Architecture that is, of Italy, talk now and of Artefact, but in talk of Africa, and in itself, talk too now, and of what is said the Landmark that is.

In said speak now and again, and of what the Human Question, is in all even said all about, now is to in all even refer to it all, and from talk, and of the said even now, Question, or Questions too, and of History, Philosophy, and if not of Ethics too that is. That in speak and of the said Question of History, and of what is said Activity, it said now probably best perceived, and from talk and of the Political, in talk though, and of the said Question of Philosophy, and in said regard to what is said Activity, or of what Activity is in all even said to be, talk too now, and of the Ceremonial, but in talk of the said Question of Ethics, and of what is said Activity in itself, talk too now, and of the said even Methodical too that is.

In having said the above just said, the above paragraph that is, now is to in all even, speak, and of what is said Activity, and from talk too, and of Africa in itself that is. Of Africa, and of its said even History too, and of simply why in all, Africa, is in all even believed said to simply in all, be said to falter in its said ways that is, and in said regard too, and to what is said Activity in itself that is. That it all too, does now speak, and as said foremost too, and of what is said Instruction that is, and of it all even said now perceived, and from speak of East Africa that is, and from said speak too and of said even Swahili Instruction that is, and of the Swahili and as believed said even civilization too that is, and if not in said speak too now, and of the said even Victorian phrase of 'the Ways of the World' that is, and of Africa and as said under Colonialism, and if not in said speak too and of Media today, and on Africa too, but that in all again, it all does too lead, and to the said even History of Christianity, and into Africa in itself too that is. In speak though, and of what is said Activity, and in said regard now, and to speak and of the said even Egyptian World, or of said even Egyptian Civilization too that is, and if not of said too Egyptian History that is, now is to in all even speak, and of what is said Odu, Obi, Voodoo, and if not of what is said Palo (Monte) too that is. That it all too does speak and of the said Egyptian World, said even now perceived and from talk and of what is said Muslim, and not of what is said Islamic or Arab too, and in now too saying that, the said even religions of Western Africa, are best too said even Voodoo that is, those of Central Africa, said even Palo that is, but in speak of East Africa, and of the Swahili lands too, a said even understanding here, and that would too say that, Swahili religion, can too be said even perceived and from what is said Obi, but that in speak of East Africa, and of the said even history of said Church Activity and in the region, now is to say that, Voodoo, and as said even perceived and by talk of the Church, would in all even associate it all, and with talk and of what is said Odu, and as said even to encompass, what the Bible, is in all even believed said to be all about that is. In talk of the Western World though, and in said respect and to speak and of Africa, and in said regard to what Activity is in all even said to be, now is to simply or merely say that, what is said Western, and in Activity, canto be said even perceived Economic, or of what is said Economy in itself that is, but that in speak and of a said Africa today, perceived said even under said domination that is, said even racial or cultural too that is, now is to in all speak, and of Activity in itself, and as said even perceived and from talk and of what is said to speak and of God, spirit, Possession, and if not of the said Undertaking in itself too that is. In speak though now, and of what is said Activity in itself, and in said regard to speak and of Africa in itself too, now is to speak, and of what is said Code that is. That Code, is in all even believed said Activity, and that can too and in all, be said even perceived, as best said Sequence or Series, or as best said Sense or Logic, but that in all again, what can too be said here is that, Code, is in all even believed said its very own thing that is, and that would too lead to what is said Serpent for instance, or of what is said Virus, and as best said even now as said 'abstract' that is, both Serpent and Virus that is, and in said 'term' too that is.

In now attempting to put or place, what is said Activity in itself, and from the said even perspective, and of speak and of the Church in East Africa too, and as best said too U-Kanisa [Link] that is, now is to in all even speak and of it all, and firstly said that is, and in said regard or respect to that is, and to speak and of Government in East Africa, and in now too saying that, Activity and as said even Government, and in said regard and to speak and of this Blog too, can too and in all even be said to speak, and of that said posting and on what was said Africana Philosophy [Link] that is, but that in speak and of the Church in EAst Africa, or of U-Kanisa truly that is, speak now and of the Bible in itself, and of what was said Traditionalism [Link] too that is, speak now and of the Church in itself, and of what was said Katekisimu [Link] too, speak and of African Religious Material, and of what was said Christianity Africa [Link] that is, but in speak of what one could too term Biblism [Link], talk too now, and on that said even post and on African Brew [Link] that is.

In speak now though, and of what the African World, and in said regard and to speak of what is said Activity, or of what Activity is in all even said to be, now is to in all even refer, and to what is said African Identity, and of what are said even African Dimensions too that is. That in speak of African Identity, and as said even perceived now, and from talk and of Activity in itself, and of Egypt and Italy too, that said Egyptian, said even Sacred, Identity that is, that said to speak of Italy, said even now Sacrilegious that is, but that in said speak and of Africa, it said too now, to speak and of what is said Sacrifice, or Offering in itself too that is. In speak though, and of what are said African Dimensions, and in said regard and to what is said Activity, now is to in all even probably refer, and to the said too History of the World, and as said even perceived, and from talk too, and of said even Historical Maps, and as best said here too, as said even perceived as said European or Victorian too that is.

In said speak though now, and on the other said entries and on the Human Question, said too posted above, and in said regard and to this very posting too, now is to say that, they all can be said even perceived as said to in all speak, and of said even 'perceptions of self', and of said 'perceptions of being' too, and if not of it all said now, to speak, and of what is in all even said Celebration [Link] in itself, Festival, and if not of the said Party too, and in said Egyptian History too that is, but that in all again, such said perceptions of self or being, now can too be said even to speak, and of the said even Human Condition, and as said even perceived from talk of what is said Actual, or of what is said Context too, and in now too saying that, it all does too speak and of Activity in itself, and as said even now perceived and away, and from talk, and of what is said Work in itself too that is.