of Currents

of Currents.

In talk too of, of Currents, of Sense, of Marks, and of the said Impact too that is, that talk of Technology, of Television, the Modern, the Modernistic, has and in all, had, and on our said Realities, Environs, lives, Existences, Environments etc. too that is, of Stimulus, the Stimulative, of Kijiji, [Link], now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to the said too that is, Questioning, Querying, Asking etc. of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Disturbing too that is, the Perturbing, the Confusing, the Disruptive, the Tumultuous etc., or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Enough too that is, or if not of the said Satisfactory too that is, of Satisfaction, the Satisfying.

of Television, or if not in talk too of, and of the said following too that is:

Of Television, --, the Mirroring, the Shadowing, the Reflective.
                      --, of Reservation.
                      --, of Interest, --->, of Colonity, [Link], African, Indian, the Colonial World.
                      --, of Restraint.
                      --, of Interference.
                      --, the Respective, of the self, African, [Link], the Body, of spirit.

of Sense, of Stimulus, of Currents, of Sensibility, the Sensible, -->, the Stimulated.
--, the Material, the Substantial, the Physical.
--, of Tangibility, the Tangible.
--, of Consequence, the Consequential, --->, of Hatiba, [Link], Kisw.
--, of Ideas.
--, of Note.

of Sense, of Stimulus, of Marks, African, of African Civilization, the Nile Valley Civilization, -->, the Stimulant.
--, the Marked, of Animals, African.
--, the Markedly, of Plants, African.
--, of Markedliness, of Humans, African, --->, of Palettes, Egyptian, [Link], the Hunters Palette.
--, the Markingly, of spirits, African, the en-spirited.
--, the Marking, of Instincts, African, the Instinctive.

of Sense, of Stimulus, the Continent of Africa, -->, of Stimulation.
--, the Continent, Length, Breadth.
--, the Continental, Range, Scope, --->, of South Asia, [Link], the Swahili lands.
--, the Continent-wise, Shape, Size.
--, the African Continent, of Particularity, the Particular.

of Sense, of Stimulus, of Pyramids in Egypt, the Great Pyramid, -->, the Stimulating.
--, of Parallels, the Relative, the Point, the Pointedly.
--, of Duplicates.
--, of Matches, --->, the Uni-, Bi-, Tri-, [Link], etc.
--, of Reflections.
--, of Analogies.

of Sense.