Thursday 31 December 2015

Natural Product

of African Products.

of Natural Products too that is, African, of Products, or as said too a part and of the said Identity, and of Anti 'Nairo', and in said comparison and to speak too of said Natural Commodities, (Link), and of said 'Nairo' too, [Link], or if not of said Natural Produce too, (Link), and of said Counter 'Nairo' too that is: [Link].

In talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Product too that is, of Products, African, Natural, or if not in talk too of, and of said life too that is, the Productive, the Reproductive, or of what can and in all, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Complementation too that is, of Complementation, the Complementational, or if not of a said Supplementation too, of Sumplementation, the Supplementational, or if not in talk too of, -->, of Teknolojia, [Link], [Link], and of said Reality too that is, of Notion, [Link], the Existential, the Inexistential, or if not in a said too that is, referral to, in regard, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Level too that is, of Levels, of Degrees, -->, the Realistic, of History, of Perception, the Perceptive, or if not in the said too that is, pointing-at, referencing, talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Program, Programmeable too that is, [Link], <->, the Line-in-between, of Centres, [Link], [Link], <-> of Frequence, [Link], of Frequency, <->, the Slope, [Link], the Slant, the Inclined, <->, of Perspicacity, the Perspicacious, the Perspicuous.

of Supplementation.

Wednesday 30 December 2015


of Ordinance.


When we do talk of Ordinance, we are in all even referring, and to the said 'Order in place', or speak too, and of our said perceptions, and of what Shaping, Molding or Conditioning too, are in all even said to be. That Ordinance, does in all even best talk here, and of the said even problematic nature, and of Gender relations in Africa, and which have in all even led many, to simply associate African societies, and with those too said Primitive, Heathen, or simply said Uncivil too that is.

That in understanding all this too better, is to now associate speak of society, and with speak too, and of what custom, tradition, ceremony, rite, ritual etc., are, but what can too be said is that, when one does too speak of 'the Order in place', and in regard and to speak too of African societies today, and as said too perceived and from speak of Gender relations that is, one too can say, it all does come down and to speak, and of what the Customary, and if not of what Customary Law in itself, and as said too defining any said Order, are said to be, and  in Africa today that is. That it all too, is believed said even, the driving force, the Customary or Customary Law that is, and of just about any endeavour to be seen in Africa today, and as said to speak too, and of why Africa does today possess, quality Real Estate to it for instance.

In saying that, the very said world of Customary Law, or of the Customary too, is said too defining, and of what they do term Political Tensions in Africa, and as said too rising, is to now too say that, most in Africa, would too be said, or can too be said, to have a difficulty, and in defining Ordinance in their lives, and as said to speak too and of Direction, and of Alignment too, and other than in speak, and of what Commentary, is said to be. That this all, does take on our said Media driven societies, and whose content in all, Media today that is, is not always believed too helpful, and other than in speak, and of that too simply said Commentary that is.

In reverting though, and to speak primarily and of what does too truly pass for Gender relations, and in Africa, and as simply said too, and alongside speak of the African State that is, simply said Failed in their ways, is to now ponder, the said difficulty in all, and of creating/fomenting such relations, Gender, for it is to now too, simply claim Customary Law, and in Africa today, and as said too, to speak and of Privilege in itself that is. In all ways too, relations now, Gender, said now too defined in all, and in speak too and of the Correspondent, the Respondent, the Despondent, and if not of the Exponent too [Hopefully, this is all understood, and from said speak here, and of what too does pass for an Affair in itself, and of the very fact that, Africans to this very day, do too have a problem in all, defining, Intimacy in their said lives that is].

In finality though, the very belief that, it can be said that, speak of Ordinance, or of the said too 'Order in place', or in speak too and of what Shaping, Molding or Conditioning too, are too said to be, it in all even now, can be said, to speak of African Oracle Readers, or Diviners too, and if not of what they do term Male and Female Energies, and as said too, to in all even speak of us, and in said Aversion, Diversion, Subversion, and if not in Revision too that is.

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Literary Classics

of Literary Classics.

In a previous entry, and that did speak of Interests (Link), it was in all even outlined, a said intention, and by the blogger here, and in seeking out prosperity, and in Canada too. However, what can too be said here is that, this entry, does deal, and with another said manner in all, and of observing or analyzing too, Human Behaviour, and as said to speak, and of what it does mean to be Curious that is. That Curious, is said differing and from one and as said possessing, or holding Interest too, and in any said thing, but what can best be said about Curious here, is that, it is what is said too defining, and of what a Literary Classic, is said to be all about.

That this said manner in all, and of viewing our said World for instance, now too, can best be said to go along in all, and with what Dance in itself, is said to be, and if not in speak, and of what Attention, is too said to be, and as simply said to speak and of the Identifying of etc., and if not, the Associating of oneself, and with just about anything too that is.

In having said the above though, that it is Dance too, and that does in all even help and in defining any of us, and as said Curious, is to now perhaps, simply speak of Curious, and as said to refer, and to speak and of what Curiosity/Instinctive, Threat/Danger, and if not of the Scary/Frightening too, are in all even said about. That Curious in itself, is perhaps said best associated in all, and with speak, and of what Stick Dance, is said to be all about. In having said that though, now is too speak, and of Human relations in all, and as perceived and from speak and of Dance in itself, and of Curiosity/Instinctive, and as probably said having to do, and with the very term of Kaiso! (Link), and if not of the name of Katherine Dunham too, and if not of Janelle Monae now, and in her said hit video Yoga (Link) too that is. In speak of Threat/Danger, and of Dance too, speak now too, and of the Tango Dance, but in speak and of the Scared/Frightened, speak now too, and of what does serve too for Martial, Sacred, Secular, and if not of Ritual Dance too that is.

In the attempt though, to in all Politicize all this, the claim in all that, there is a said Psychology, and that does too speak of the Curious, and if not of what Attention in itself, is said to be, and as said to speak of the Identifying, or of the Associating too, is to now and in all, attempt to in all even, associate such talk, and with speak too and of what they do term Power Play, Power Moves, and if not Power Politics too, and in Northern America too that is. Perhaps something difficult to explain, the very manner in all, everyday life in Northern America, and if not of the United States of America truly, has in all even come to be defined in all, and by speak and of Power, and as said too perceived in all, and from speak and of the Curious in itself, and not from speak of Interest truly either. That what they do term Attention-seeking, and if not in speak too and of one and as simply said having, holding, possessing, or even carrying Curiosity (Link) to them, is to now speak and of the defining and of everyday life in the United States of America today, as such, and such that, it has in all even come to be said defining, and of what too does speak of Crime and in the United States of America today, and if not of Minority, Immigrant or in speak too of, Alien Rights, and in the United States of America too that is. That it all, now does see to it, a complicated manner in all, and of viewing American History, and that does Associate speak and of said African peoples, and in the United States of America too, and with speak too and of the names of Montezuma, Quetzalcoatl, Hayiti, and if not of Jamaica too that is. In many a way too, in the attempt to in all even Identify that is, what does truly pass for American Identity, and as said too Racialized that is, speak now too, and of it said Caucasoid, or Negroid (Olmec) too, but in saying that, the United States of America, does have a said Hidden or Secret History to it, is to now too, associate speak of the said History of Washington D.C. for instance, and with speak too and of the very term of Africoid, and as said to speak and of the Founding Fathers, Freemasons in America, and if not of Native American Indian Physiognomies too that is.

In finalizing all this though, and as said to speak too of Africa, speak now perhaps, and of what too Brands, are said to be, and not Political Symbolism truly either, for it all too, does now speak and of Africa, and as perceived too and from speak and of Gathering (Egypt), Celebration (Nigeria), and Praise (South Africa) too, and if not of the History too, and of Quebec and New York State, and as said perceived, as one too that is.

Monday 28 December 2015


of Vultura.

of Vultures, of Vultura, the Vulture, African, the Crowning of the Head, African, [Link].


and of the said Free World (Link) too.

Saturday 26 December 2015


of African Interests.

In saying that, this Blog and on Nairobi, Anti 'Nairo', is said too more defining and of life in itself, and in Nairobi too, and in said comparison, and to speak and of the Blog 'Nairo', or of Counter 'Nairo' too, is to now too say that, life in Nairobi, does still very much appear, to be truly defined in all, and by speak and of Motive (Link) too that is. 

This entry though, is said to speak, and that far-flunged, or far-distanced too, said land too here, and of Canada that is. That it does too ask of many a said person here, or speak specifically too, and of Bik (Link), Vic (Link), one said Pat. Muhindi too (Link), I the Blogger here too (or Belini), and if not of one too said Hosea Litiku (Link) that is. That we could all move to Canada, and in the name of jest too, and if Success, or Happiness too, is said not forthcoming anytime soon, and in Nairobi, or Kenya too that is [and in this very lifetime too].

That Canada, is said a pace in all, best perceived, and from speak of Interests, for most in all again, do not actually view it all, Canada that is, and from speak of Ambition either, but in all again, from speak of Drive, and if not Publicity in itself too that is. That in understanding all this better, it is Drive, that is believed said to be at the very center in all, and of the said rise or birth too, and of Canada, and which does in all even lead, and to speak of Canadian History, and as said too now, playing itself out, and in speak of Economy (and of Status, and Identity too), and if not in speak of Profiles (and as said too Cultural, Political, and Religious too).

In saying that, there could very well be said existent opportunity, and in Canada, and for those who do wish to in all even, attain Independence, or Autonomy too, and in the said name too of Sport, Game and if not Recreation in itself, is to now approach, speak of Canadian Policy Research, and as said to speak too of Psychology, Sociology, and if not of the Behavioural Sciences in themselves too that is. That it all, now does too speak and of what Interests, Political, are in all even said to be, for it does now too refer, and to Canadian life, and as said in all even deciphered, and from speak of Public (the Blogger), Private (BiK), Corporate (Pat.), National (Vic.), and if not Family (Hosea) Interests too that is. That there could be said opportunity here, and of truly making it in Canada as such, in the name of Interests, and which does in all even speak and of Canada, and in Instability too, and if not in said speak of Incompetence or Ineptitude too, and as said now viewed in all, and from speak of Inflation, Inflationary Rates (often termed Interests Rates too), and if not in speak of Flattery in itself too that is.

of Hosea.

Famed Actresses

of Famed Actresses.

- and of the said Commune too.

the Chinese Studio

The Chinese Studio.

If the said too that is, Politics, Issues, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Development too that is, of Progress, of Advancement, Modern, African, can too be as said that is, perceived, referenced, tied-down, and to talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Studio too that is, Art, Professional, Television, [Link], etc., now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Print too that is, African, the African Print, the Tracing, the Margin, the Condition, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Configuration too that is, of Programming, or of said Indoctrination too that is, of Instillation, [Link], or if not in the said too that is, referring to, perceiving of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the/a said Pression too that is, of Pression(s), the Pressive the Pressionable.

Or speak too, and of travels and into China today, and that are too best said perceived, and from speak too of, and of what Ori Inu (and of African Identity), Ori (and of the Personified Identity), or if not of Iponri (and of Worldly Identity), are in all too said as all about: [Link].

the Free World

The Free World.

Marcus Clarke.

In respect, or said even regard, and to the said previous post on Sino-African Relations, is to now attempt here, to in all even declare Africa, and as said too the Free World that is. That it all, does now speak, and of the said best manners in all, and of tracking History, of Britain Kenya, [Link], of Britain, of/in History, the Historicized, and in its said Development too, and along the said lines, and of speak too of, and of what Experience, the Collective, [Link], and if not of said Memory too, are in all too said to be all about that is.

In talk too of, and of the said Body too that is, of Bodies, African, of Symbology, [Link], of Mwil-i, Kisw., the Body, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Free too that is, of Freedom, of Motiveof Sanity, of Reticence, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Imposing too that is, of Impositions, or if not of the said Restricted too, of Restrictions, or if not in a said referral to, and to the said Inhibited too, of Inhibitions, of Symbols, of Africa, of India, or if not of said Restraint too, of Restraint, of Constraints, or if not in a said refferal to, nowly, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Behaviour too that is, of Behaviour, of Tabia, Kisw., of Ntu, Kisw., or if not in a said regard to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Freely Beating Heart too that is, of Heartsthe Heartof Realization, of Self-Realization, of Heart-Beats, the Body, the self, of Sense, of Sensibility, the Sensible.

Of such said Realization too, of the said Freely Beating Heart, or if not in talk too of, in Positingthe Freely, and of the said Open too that is, of Opennessthe Openly, or if not of said Constraints too that is, or of the said Without Constraint too that is, of Memory, of Outlines, of Outlinings, or if not as said too that is, as such, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Alignment too that is, of Alignments, of Evolution, the Evolutional, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Recognition too that is, of Recognition, of Insanity, of Acknowledgement, or if not of the said self too, in Question, of selfs, the African self, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Control too that is, of Control, of Self-Control, of Evolution, the Evolving, or if not in a said regard to, of Mwil-i, Kisw., the Body, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Behaviour too that is, of Behaviour, of Response, African, of Comportment, or if not in talk too of, nowly, of Ways, of Manners, in Perception, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Action too that is, of Actions, of Evolution, the Evolutionary, of Conduct, of Note, the Noteworthy.

That the New World, (of Africa, +, the Americas), and as often said to speak of the very History and of the said rise or birth, and of the United States of America in itself too, now does see speak and of the Old World and so to say, associated, and with the said History too, and of Ancient Egypt, and which is in all even perceived, and from speak and of Experience, and Memory too, and Experience and Memory too, and as said in regard and to speak too and of the New World, does see it all speak, and of the said even Opening of ones eyes, and to all said sorts of new Experiences, and that do too speak, and of what Blindness, and in Psychology too, is said to be all about [and in speak here too, and of what is believed said truly representative, and of Beauty in itself for instance][Link].

That the Free World, now is too said to speak and of Africa, can and in Experience too, and if not Memory in itself, probably in all, said best perceived, and from speak and of Deafness, and if not in speak and of the Mute, and in Psychology too [and in said speak here, and of what one chooses to hear, or listen to], of Noise, Sound, Distortion, Kelele, Kisw., etc., but that in all again, the Free World, of Africa, <--, of India, of Freedom(s), and as said to speak and of Africa, can too be perceived in all, and in a said two-fold manner that is, and that does too now associate, Civilization in itself, and with speak of Egypt (and not Africa either), and with the said too Northern Hemisphere that is, for it too can be said, another said differing manner in all, and of viewing Civilization, does too arise or exist, and with speak too and of Hindu Civilization, and of the said even Dark or Black races too that is. That Egyptian Civilization, and if not in speak and of those inhabiting the Northern Hemisphere, is in all even associated and with speak too, and of what Chi, Ki, Qi, Prana etc. [Link], are in all even said to be, for Hindu Civilization on the otherhand, and if not in speak too and of the Dark races, does find it all associated too, and with speak and of what Kundalini, is said to be all about.

In saying that, the above said manner in all, and of tracking History, and in said Development too, and that does in all even posit, and in Experience, and Memory too that is, Egyptian Civilization, and against that too said Hindu that is, can too be said to speak, and of the very manner in all, Australia in itself, did come to be, and as it is known today, for speak of the Free World on the otherhand, does best associate speak of Africa, and not with speak and of South Africa either, but instead, in speak and of the said rise of Nigeria that is, and to what it is today, for it all now too, and in speak of the previous entry on Sino-African Relations, does attempt to debate, what does pass for the African Experience, and African Memory too, and as said to go along in all, and with speak and of the said even History, and of Slavery, and Colonialism too, and in Africa that is [and alongside speak too and of Nigeria's believed said even burgeoning, Creative Arts Industry that is].

In all, the Free World, and as said too centered and in speak of East Africa truly, and not Kenya truly either, now does associate speak of Experience, and Memory in Africa, and with that too said to speak and of, and of the said Victorian Imagination in Africa too that is, and if not in said Australia too that is.

Sino-African Relations

of Sino-African Relations.

In speak and of what Sino-African Relations, are said to be all about, is to now too, perhaps, attempt to present it all, and from speak, and of what Democracy [Link1, Link2], is too said to be all about. That Africa, and to this very day it can be said, or as it is too perceived by some, does in all even continue to struggle, and with it said defining itself, and in speak too and of what Experience [Life's experience], and if not Memory too, are in all too said to be all about. That for some, this very issue or matter in all, said even rather defining and of African Politics, and African Political life too, does in all even attempt to in all even associate, speak and of Experience, and Memory too, and with speak and of Probability, and Statistic [and of a said too Per Capita Analysis for instance], speak and of the Upgrade, and the Update too [and of Development in Nigeria too], and if not of Expectation, and Circumstance too that is. 

In saying that, the above does in all speak and of Africa's said relations, and with the Western World too, and in the attempt to in all even define Democracy, and as said in place in Africa too, is to now though, speak and of the said Potential, or Role too, that China in all, does have, and in helping Africa, truly define itself, and in a said even Post-Colonial Africa [and of the African Experience and Memory], and not that said Post-Independence either [and of Institution, and Law Frameworks and in Africa today too].

That the Post-Independence view and of Africa, is believed said to speak and of Africa's relations, and with the West too, but in now associating it all, and with speak and of Democracy too, China, can too now be said to help develop Africa in all, and from speak too, and of what Exposure [Link1, Link2], is and in all said to be, and if not of what Transparency [Link1, Link2], is and in all said to be all about that is. That in viewing China as such, is to now too claim that, China and as said even rising, and in speak too of Development, and that does too speak of China, and as said even possessing Superpower Status that is, does too speak and of China, and in Experience, and if not in Memory truly, but that in all again, it all does too speak and of Africa today, and as said even often associated truly, and in Development that is, and if not in Progress truly, and with speak, and of what they do term the Party-State Model that is.

In all, and in the name and of what Progress is said to be all about, recent said attempts, and in Civilizing Africa and as some would say (and of the Church in Africa too), and not Developing it truly either, has in all even led to many a question, and that does too speak and of Discriminatory Attitudes, and as having to truly do, and with speak and of what Whiteness, Blackness, and if not Brownness too [and of said Indian Communities, and in the whole of Africa too], are in all said to be all about, but in speak and of what Democracy is said to be all about too, it said too, truly defining/re-defining Human relations that is, is to now perhaps and along the lines and of speak and of Chinese Culture, and of a Chinese Democracy too, associate it all, and with the very word/term of Notion [and of what Dependency is too said to be all about], and in now associating Whiteness, and with Notions of Purity, Blackness, and with Notions of the Sacred, and Brownness, and with Notions of Courage in itself that is.

In all, of Sino-African Relations, of China, Mainland, and as said too best centered, and in speak too of, and of said Tanzania in itself too that is, of East Africa, region.


of Attitude.

When we do talk of Attitude here, we are too perhaps, believed said even, acknowledging, the said belief that, we do live in a World said even driven in all, and by speak too, and of what Populism, is said to be. In supporting this said proposed view, and of a said  even World today, said possessing a Populist Worldview to it all, is to now associate it all, and with speak too of Attitude, and as said even defining just about any one of us, and with it all too, said to speak and of what they do term a Defeatist Attitude, and if not of the Psychological Condition, and of Delirium too that is.

In saying that, this very Blog, does attempt to in all even too, destroy, what does too perhaps pass for Sentiment today, and as said even Media driven, and if not as said truly representing the Popular too, is to now too, associate speak and of the World, and in Worldview too, Media driven, and with speak too and of what Direction is said to be, and if not of Alignment/Re-alignment too, and of what too perhaps, they do too term/call, a Negative/Positive Attitude that is [and in said speak too here and of what Positivism, is said to be, and as said to speak too, and in Italy that is, and of what they do term/call the Beatitudes that is].

In now attempting to explain, Direction, and if not Alignment too, and as said to speak too, and of what they do term a Negative/Positive Attitude, is to now associate it all too, and with speak and of what, they do term Conscience, Perception, Conscientiousness, and if not Character too. That it all, now does too speak and of what Media Development, and if not Media Studies, and in Africa, can too be said to be all about, and as said too grounded in all, and in speak and of what a Negative/Positive Attitude, is said to be, and if not in speak too, and of what both Direction, and Alignment/Re-alignment, are too said to be all about.

That Conscience, is often by some believed to speak too, and of the very name of Egypt, for it all does now present any said Reality, and from speak too, and of Awareness, Conscious States, and if not from speak and of Consciousness in itself too. That while Asian Civilization, is known to concentrate, and on speak and of what too Consciousness is said to be, that said Western, does in all even associate itself truly, and with speak of Conscious States that is, while Africa, is in all even believed said truly ruled over, and by speak and of what Awareness in itself, is said to be [Awareness too, and that does too speak and of our said even perceptions, and of a Puff Adder, and if not of a Vulture too that is].

That Perception, is something truly believed African in its ways, and if not in speak, and of what Curiosity, and the Instinctive too, are too said to be [and in further said speak here, and of what too Threat and Danger, are too said to be], but that in all again, Perception in Africa, is too said to speak, and of what an Infection is said to be all about, and if not of what a Virus too, is said to be. That for many, speak of Viruses, African, Not African, is too known to speak of Religion, and that does too refer, and to the attempt and in defining Africa, and along the said lines and of what Alienation [Egypt], Capacity [the Congo], Challenge [Nigeria], and if not of Compromise too [Kenya], are in all even said to be all about, and if not in speak, and of African lives, and as said too defined and from speak and of Sleep [Sleepy States], Dream, Hallucination etc. [Link].

That Conscientiousness, and as said too and to refer, and to speak and of Anatolia [East African Anatolia] [Link], and as said even presenting a differing view or picture, and of Africa too, does now too present speak and of Africa, and from what they do term Emotional States that is, and if not in speak and of the said Field (of Study) and of Psychiatry (Link) in itself too that is.

Finally, and in speak and of Character here, speak now too, and of the very manner in all, Religion in Africa today, does too perceive in all, African lives that is, and as said to speak, and of Psycho-Somasis for instance [and of what too, Misery, Sadness, or Sorrow, are all too said to be, and if not in speak and of what Victory, and the Victor too, are too said all about], but that in all again, speak too, and of what the Opening up, Embracing or Awakening, and to life, are too all said to be all about, and if not in speak and of what they do term Realization in itself, and as said too leading, and to speak too of what does speak and of the Fathomable that is. 

In all, the above, and in speak too and of what Direction, and Alignment too, are in all even said to be all about, does now too, associate everyday African Experiences in all, and with speak too and of Sensualism [often too said Egyptian], Sexualism [often believed said African], and if not of Sentimentalism [often said too Indian], and as with it all even said to speak, and of what did pass for Victorian/Colonial lives, and in said Colonial Kenya too that is. 

In finality though, all the above, can too be said to lead, and to one said thing: the very search, and for what they do call/term Ori that is. That Ori, is believed said to speak, and of that said thing, that is believed said within us all, and that does too explain  andf or our very said existence in itself, for what it is, does though, remain unknown to most, and if not all too, and in now too associating it all, and in speak and of the very name of Saint Augustine of Hippo, and as said to refer, or speak too of the very belief that, Man, is too simply said spirit, and matter too that is.

of Ori.

Sunday 20 December 2015

African Spiritism

of African Spiritism.

When we do in all talk of Spiritism, it is to perhaps best now, ground it all, and in speak too of, and of what Peasantry, is in all said to be. That Peasantry, is too often acknowledged, and as said a part of the Official History of Kenya too that is, and such that, it is often too said to give, credence, or as said to validate too, the said Peoples Revolt, said often Kikuyu too, and that did in all come to be said as termed, or called, the Mau Mau Revolt that is. In saying that, there are those as said Peasants in Kenya, is to now engage in Religious speak, for some of those termed Kikuyu, are actually said as Peasants, while many another said group similar to the Kikuyu, and such as the Kamba or Meru too, are actually not said as Peasants, but do actually live Rural lifestyles of a kind that is, but with the Embu, fully believed said as Peasants, and such that, it can too be acknowledged in all that, those said Kikuyu, and Peasants, are actually said as Embu too that is, of GEMA.

In now restating that, Spiritism, is too said the Religion of the Peasant, is to now speak of Spiritism, and as said to refer to, and to speak and of a life said as Depicted, or speak too even, and of a life said as Portrayed that is [and if not in speak of everyday life in all, and as said too perceived, and from speak too, and of the said Depiction/Portrayal too that is].

of Spiritism.

In now too saying that, that Spiritism, of Contact, or speak too of African Spiritism, of Interfaces, African, does in all even have its own said Worldview, and aside from that, said to speak of Nationalism for instance, African, and of Africa and as often said too defined, and in talk of Communications too in particular, is to now say that, the Spiritist Worldview, and as often said to speak of Religion, and that does believed in the Possessed, now does associate, speak of the World and as it is, and of its said myriad of problems too that is, and with it all even perceived in all, and as said White, Elitist, and if not as said as Feminist too that is. Something in all, this said Worldview, difficult to expound on, for it is often said best correlated to that is, and to speak too of, and of what the Major, and of the Majority too, and of what the the Minor, and of the Minority too, are in all even said to be that is. That in speak of the World as such, from this said Spiritist Worldview that is, speak too now and of, and of the said Possessed too that is, and as said now to refer, and to speak too of Demonic Possession in itself, and if not in speak too of, and of beliefs, and in said Demons in themselves too that is.

In saying that, speak of Demons, and of Demonic Possession, of Spiritism, of spirit, does too speak of those said as Mentally Irate, or Mentally Disturbed too, is to now not only associate such said Psychological conditions, and with speak too of, and of the said Peasant History of Kenya too that is, and which is in all believed said even to lead to, and to the said Mau Mau Revolt too that is (though it can best be said here that, those said a part of the Mau Mau in itself, were never actually Peasants), is to now and again though, present, a said alternate view and of Kenyan Colonial History, and that does in all even speak of the limiting, and of the said Distribution too that is, and of said needed Resources, and to those said needing them too that is. For the said Needy here, were none other than Peasants in Kenya, best identified as Embu too, Murang'a town, but the reason for not aiding them, does in all even speak of Kenya's History, Pre-Independence, and as said racialized in all, and around speak of Swahili Identity in Kenya too that is. That the said events in all, and that do lead to the Mau Mau Revolt in itself, are not exactly known, but while many do associate it all, and with speak and of names and such as those of Harry Thuku (Non-Peasant) for instance, what can best be said here, is that, the said problematic stance, and of grounding Identity in Kenya today too, and via speak and not only of Swahili Identity in Kenya too that is, and of the said Swahili Experience too that is (for Swahili Identity, does too see its way, and into the Middle East), is too believed in all said as to speak of Kenya, of Kenyan history, and as said too possessing, a said even Racial Climate that is, of Racialism, and that does in all even see to what, one could in all too term as said as of a Mau Mau like sentiment, and as said a part of everyday Kenyan life, and to this very day too that is.

In saying that, the History of the Peasant, does appear, is much in all, said as magnanimous in its ways, and than most would believe to be, is to now place it in a said Context, and that does too speak of, and of the said Official Histories, and of said New York City, Rome, and if not of Beijing too that is. That the said History of Modern New York, now too, is said to arise, and with speak too of Irish Immigrants, and into New York too, and with they too merely described as Peasants that is. That speak of New York City today, and in said Success too, now does speak of it said History, said too Peasant (Link), and if not in speak too, and of a life and as said Depicted or Portrayed too, now does too say it as Italian-American in many a way too that is. Th at the said Rise of the Roman Civilization, and of Rome, and if not of the said name of Caesar too, is believed said tied to, and to speak too of, and of the said Politics of the Peasant too that is, and which are too, said to speak too of the Mau Mau Revolt for instance. Speak though, and of Peasantry in China, cannot only be said to speak of Chinese History, and as said Mandarin \ Cantonese that is, but in all again, it is this History of Peasantry in China, and in said comparison, and to that, which does too speak of Rural China in itself, and that can be said truly responsible, and for the said even rise in all, and of the very name too, and of Beijing in itself that is of Peking, or if not of a said Modern China too that is.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Monday 14 December 2015

Half of a Yellow Sun

Half of a Yellow Sun.

In a said referral to, in regard, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Dictate too that is, of Dictates, of life, of said Life's Dictates, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to talk too of, and of said Perceptions too that is, of Precepts, of Notions, and of said Freedom, Liberty, Emancipation, Justice etc., or if not of said Security too that is, of Surety, and if not in a said referral to, in regard, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Editing too that is, of Editings, of Logicisms.

Of such said Editings too that is, of Logicisms, and if not and as in all, said as to Reflect on, and on what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Change too that is, of Growth, of Transformation, and if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Meaning too that is, of Purpose, of said Adaptations to life, of Adaptivity, of Adaptibility, or if not of said Embodiments too that is, of Enbodiment, African, and if not in a said comparison to, vs., and to talk too of, and of what can be as said of, and of said Analytics too that is, of Analysis, of Thought, or if not of the said Prognostic too that is, of Diagnosis, of Experience, of Rectification.

of Editings.

Sunday 13 December 2015

on Assignment

On Assignment.

If it can be asked of, or said too, and of what Work in all, is said deemed necessary, or worth carrying out, and in Africa too, then it can be said and to speak, and of the Assignment in itself that is.

In talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Assignment too that is, of U-Kurasa, Kisw., or if not in talk too of, of East Africa, Kenya, in History, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said View too that is, of Views, Victorian, [Link], Colonial, [Link], of East Africa, Central Africa, of Oman, the Arabian Peninsula, the Swahili lands, of Details, the Entailing, or if not in talk too of, of Views, of Gases, of Memorism, African, the Airy, the Atmospheric, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Context too that is, of Contextuality, of Maoni, Kisw., of KumbuKumbu, Kisw., of Memory, African, or if not in talk too of, of Views, East African, Kenyan, the Encompassing, and of what can and in all, be as said of, of Views, Basic, Prime, and of said Identity, identity too that is, of East Africa, Kenya, National, Country, the Congo region of Africa, the Swahili lands, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all, of Views, Intensive, Extensive, be as said of, of Kuchungulia, Kisw., of Peekings, the Penetrative, and of a said Alignment too that is, of Alignments, of Crossings, of Jointings.

**of Identity, identity, of Kenya, East Africa, of Mwananchi, Kisw., [Link].

*of said Memory, the African Memory; Simply, Merely, Truly, Fully, the Tractive, the Directive.

of Assignments.

Celibate/Bachelor/Singles lifestyles

of Celibate/Bachelor/Singles lifestyles.

(Falz ~ Celebrity Girlfriend)

In saying that, most never would truly associate life in Nairobi today, or many another African city too, and with speak of lifestyles, is to now too simply claim that, what they do term Celibate/Bachelor/Singles lifestyles in all, do in all even it is believed here, have promise to them, monetary too, and in speak too now, and of what Claim, Fame, Name, and if not of said Game too, are in all too said to be.

the African City.

the Village-City (Kijiji-Kikuu)

the Village-City (Kijiji-Kikuu).

Downtown Nairobi.

Kijiji-Kikuu Nairobi.

Nairobi City Center -- the City of Nairobi.
Nairobi CBD -- Nairobi City.

For those who do in all even often wonder, and if it is truly possible, and in salvaging Nairobi and as it is, the most said here, promising of answers, does in all even refer, and to speak and of what an Eco-City, is said to be. That the Eco-City, now does appear to have to it, the most promising of solutions that is, and in regard and to speak too and of an often said polluted, congested, chaotic etc., Nairobi that is, but said failures, and in realizing Nairobi as such, do in all even speak and of those in Kenya, and as probably said minimally failing to define themselves in all, and in speak and of what Appeal, Esteem, Excellence, Beauty, Praise etc., are all said to be. In the attempt to in all though, present what a Village-City is in all said to be, and in the most minimal of terms too, is to perhaps speak of it all, and in speak too of what Confidence, Courage, Limits, Appraisals etc., are all said to be.

The rest of this entry in all, will in all again attempt, to in all even truly define, what a Village-City, can too now be said to be. That hopes of Salvaging Nairobi, now are not believed to lie, and in speak of the Architectural tradition in itself for instance, but now too can be said to speak, and of Sustainable Models of existence, and if not in speak, and of those said too Decried that is [and if not of that, and which is now said, solely missed that is].

In the attempt here, and to fully explain the above, speak of Sustainable Models of existence that is, and if not of the Decried too, is to now too, associate it all, and with speak and of what Relief is said to be, and if not of what, 'the Act' is too said to be, and with it all now too said respectively that is. That in speak now of 'the Act', one can in all even refer. and to speak of an 'Act of Forgiveness', an 'Act of Confession', an 'Act of Mercy', and if not of 'the Acts of the Apostles' too, but in now saying that, the World today, has come in all to be truly influenced, and by speak too of 'the Act of Sex', is to now too claim that, when one does speak and of the Village-City, Kijiji-Kikuu, and as said to refer and to speak of Nairobi today, and in infrastructure too, is to now best associate it all, and with speak, and of what an 'Act of Cowardice' is said to be.

That in now saying that, the Village-City, does not define itself, and in speak and of Success truly, is to now claim or state that, what is truly sought out of it all, is nothing else truly, and than speak and of Relief in itself that is. That Relief, can too be said to speak of Viruses, and such as those said to speak of Gonorrhea (and as said Virus too), Syphilis (ouch!!), and if not of the Aids Virus too (and not HIV either), for it is to now however too claim that, Relief, and in regard and to everyday African life in all, now too, does speak and of what Order, Formation, and if not Design too, are in all even simply said to be.

The Village-City though, does differ, and from many another said City Model in all, and in speak too now, and of the very best of manners in all, and in Defining it, and if not in Describing it too that is. That in speak and of Defining it, the Village-City that is, speak now, and of what does pass in all for, Representation/Presentation, Mirroring/Shadowing, Engagement, Pursuit, and if not of Action too, and in now too saying that, the Village-City, is simply believe best defined in all, and by speak too and of what one could too term Artefact, and as said to speak too, and of an African Shakespeare for instance [that hopefully, all this is understood, and in now saying that, it all does speak of the Spirituality of the Village-City, and one too, and which does in all even claim, there is simply said a higher Existence in all, and than that, which does too speak and of Pursuit in itself for instance].

In speak and of the said Describing of the Village-City, is to now too, speak and of what does constitute and for Reality in itself, and within the Village-City that is. That Reality, now is said too Political, and can be said to refer, and to speak of Measures for instance, and if not of a said Ultimate Reality too, but in saying that, most do perceive Reality in all, and from speak too of Influence, in speak of the Village-City though, speak now, and of what the Subtle, and of Subtleties too, are in all even said to be, and as it does in all even simply associate, Reality, and from a said African sense too, and with speak and of Aromas for instance (and if not of Scent too), and if not in further speak, and of what Texture, African Textures, are in all even said to be. That in all again, there is a said deeper Theory to all this, and which does associate, speak of the Village-City, and with Religion in all, and that does too speak of the chanting of Oriki for instance (a said model too, said to speak of said traditional cities, and in Nigeria too for instance), but that this all, now does speak of chanting Oriki as such, and from speak and of the Subtle that is. In speak and of African Textures, and if not of Texture in itself too, speak now, and of what, the Creative Arts, are in all even said to be, for it can too be said here that, the Western World, and in guidance, and in said regard and to speak of Development, and if not Industry too, does in all even owe it all even, and to speak too of the Fine Arts Industries that is, while there can be said, a new emerging Wealth Base, often termed New Wealth by some, and as said to speak too of South Africa for instance, and if not of Brazil too, and that does owe its Wealth, and to speak too (and in guidance that is) and to what the Visual Arts, are in all even said to be all about.

That it too can be said, that the very question of Death, does await all, and this holds no exception, and for the Village-City too, or those in it, for it all does now lead, and to speak, and of what the Immaterial, is said to be. For my dictionary, does in all even give three said definitions in all, and of the Immaterial that is, and which do speak and of the following:

1. Having no physical substance
2. Having no importance or relevance
3. the Theory that Matter has no existence, apart from ones idea of it

In defining the Immaterial as such, is to now attempt to speak, and of the African Material Consciousness, and which does too speak and of the third definition of the Immaterial, and which does too claim, and alongside speak here of viruses that is, ones Material Consciousness does in all even truly become a part of one, and in speak now and of Life, versus Death that is. That in speak of the second definition of the Immaterial, speak now and of the Material, and as said too, defining one, and in Death in itself that is. it is however, and in speak and of the first definition of the Immaterial, and which does too speak now, and of where Heaven, is said to be, and away too from speak, and of what Vultures, or Puff Adders, are too said to be [that Heaven and as said as such, now does associate Life too, and with many a Theory, and on Materialization in itself that is].

In speak now though, and of the Communications of the Village-City, is to not only acquaint it all, and with speak and of the Private / Free Press, and if not and of what is too said Encompassing (and in speak too of the said Infusion of Ideas here), for it all too, Infusion, does speak, and of what News Media, the News Press, and if not Broadcast Media, are in all even said to be, and in speak now, and of their said defining us in all, and in Sexuality, Money, and if not Time in itself too, and as all too said in all, respectively that is. In saying that, Nigeria, could very well too be perceived, and as said too home, and to th Village-City Model, is to now claim that, Media, and in the Village-City, does in all even have to it, said even Nigerian antecedents, and in speak too, and of the said term/word of Premier, and in describing things too said Nigerian that is.

In saying that, the Village-City, does have its own unique said, definitions in all, and of what Wealth or Money, are too now said to be, speak and of what the said Higher Self, the Ascendant, the Iponri, the Other (Link) etc, are, and if not of the Eternal, and of the Perpetual too, and in African Religious speak, is to now too not only associate it all, and with speak and of what too, Psycho-therapy is said to be, but in all again truly, speak now, and of life in itself, and as said too defined, and from speak and of what Ethnography (or Ethno truly), is said to be. That in understanding this said here, Point-of-view, is to now say that, life in the Western World, is in many a way said grounded in all, and in speak and of Psychology (Freudian, Jungian, Erickson etc.) in itself, and in now too claiming that, life in the Middle East, does too appear grounded in all, and in their own said Psychology, and that does too speak and of Islam, but in speak of Asia, speak now and of Sociology truly. In claiming that, Africa, is in all even said grounded in all again, and in speak too of African Politics that is, and as said too actually, Traditional in their ways that is, is to now claim that, North America, or the United States of America too, and as said too defined and in speak of Umbrella terms, does appear to have to it, society or societies in all, grounded that is, and in speak too, and of Politics (American), Sociology, Psychology, and if not Ethnography too that is [for the United States of America, or Northern America too, are in all even said an Ethnography heaven of a kind that is]. Hopefully, all this can be understood, or appreciated in all, and from speak and of what does pass for Wealth in all, and in its defining too that is, and in now associating Australia, and with the Social Sciences for instance, and of Ethiopia, Somalia, and other parts of Africa too (e.g. Botswana), speak too now and of Social Studies that is [but with Social Studies, said too a part of the American Way of life too that is].

In the attempt to in all finalize on all this, and in now attempting to answer, what is said the main defining facet, and of life, and in the Village-City, is to now simply claim it all, and to speak, and of what Herbology, is said to be. That Herbology, is now said truly a part, and of Psychiatry in itself, for Psychiatry in all, is truly believed said to speak, and of the very manner in all, most Africans do think, and in said comparison, and to speak and of what Reason, Logic, Rationality, Conduct, Formalities etc., are said to be, for the African Mind, is in all even believed said truly defined, and by speak and of Doubt in itself, and if not of Worry in itself too that is. In all, Herbology here, simply now said too speak, and of foods, and such as Sorghum or Millet, and if not of many a said GNLD product too that is.

In finality though, and in the attempt here, and to claim that, the African, and in his said perceiving his very self in all, is truly believed primarily in all defined, and by speak and of Contact in itself (and if not of African Oral traditions too - Link), is to now too, not only speak and of Insight in itself, and of Possession too (Possessed States that is), for it is to now speak and on the very manner in all, the Village-City it can best be said here, does connect to the rest of the World, for Africa, and as merely said defined, and by speak of Contact in itself, or Contact only, does see to it, now associated and with speak too of Slavery in Africa, and if not of Colonialism too, but that in all again, Contact, and in speak of Africa, is today best believed aid defined, and by speak too and of China, while in speak of Insight now, speak now perhaps, and of Civilization in Thailand (and in Ritual, Performance & Worship too that is), but in speak of Possession, speak truly again, and of the United States of America, and if not of said Northern America too.

**In talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Insight too that is, of Thailand, of Thai Buddhism, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Practises too that is, of Kijiji, and if not as said too that is, perceived, referenced, or if not in talk too of, and of said Health practises too that is, or of the said Middle East too that is, the Arabian Peninsula, of said Traditional practises too that is, of India, or if not of said Spiritual practises too that is, of Central America, the Carribean, of Central Africa, East Africa, the Heart of Asia, and in the now referring to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Social practises too that is, of Kijiji, of Virus, [Link], of African Oral traditions.