Friday 28 August 2015

the Gathering

The Gathering.

There is a said belief that, popular too, that Africa, can never truly catch up to the rest of the World, and no matter what said Investment, is said put into the place that is. In saying that, it all too, and from a said even Evolutionary perspective, does speak and of the said term/word of Recovery in itself, of Retrieval, is to now too, associate, speak of Africa, and with speak too of, and of many a said Adder in it too that is, of Puff Adders, [Link].

However, what and in all, we are trying to get at here, is that, Africa, could be said too, having failed to define itself properly in all, and in speak of Political Institution in itself that is. That Political Institution in Africa, is often too best said associated, and not with speak of Resource in itself for instance, but with speak truly of Equity in itself that is, and in now too saying that, Africa's attempts, and in defining itself, and in Political Institution too, said grounded in all, and in speak of Political Structure that is (Custom, Ritual, Rite, Oath, Myth, Duty, Heritage, Monument, Symbolism etc.), has in all even failed, and such that, African History, is now too perceived, and from speak of Africa today, and as said having to it , or possessing to it, Public Office (and before, where there was said none), but that in all again, Public Office, and in Africa, has in all even failed to truly define itself, and in regards, and to speak of Merit, and if not of said Award too that is.

In now too saying that, Africa today, does in all even struggle, and with defining itself, and in regards and to speak of everyday society, and in said speak here too of Sensualism, Sexualism and of Ritualism too, is to now to say that, Africa's attempts and at Developing, should not be taken too much at heart, for in speak of Africa, and as said defined truly by Public Office today that is, it all does in all even now speak and of many another said region of the World, the United States of America too, or of Japan too in particular, and as now said too, very much having to it, said even, rather strong Private Institution to it all that is.

In all, what can be said here is that, Africa, can too be said to define itself in Political Institution, and that is said grounded in all, and in speak of the (Political) Gathering, and of it all said too Gathering, and that does in all even define itself in particular, and in speak of Symbol ('Shakespeare'), and if not of the said meaning of Void/Voidness, and if not in speak too of Celebration in itself that is. In all, speak now too, and of the said difficulty and of recording African History, for the African Memory in itself, can too be said to speak and of Disease in itself (Disease, Plague, Virus, Terminal Illness etc.), and with it all even said too, to actually speak of Cultural Institution in itself that is, and in Africa, and not that said Religious, or Political either too, and in speak of the said comparison here, and to those who would in all even attempt to in all even record or document African History, and as said too, to speak of Heritage, Monument, or of the said (Political) Title, and of the said Chief too that is.

In all, the above too, now said too applying, and to speak in particular, and as said beneficial that is, and to speak of Kenya, and if not of Tanzania too that is.