Saturday 15 August 2015

Africa & the Middle East

Africa & the Middle East.

When we do speak of Africa & the Middle East, we are now too, referring, and to the very manner in all, Nairobi, or Kenya too, is simply said, Mapped out, Charted out, or even Traced out too that is. That in truly understanding Nairobi, Kenya, and as they are today, is to now view it all, and from a said Context that is, Political, Historical, and that does in all speak of Africa, and the Middle East, perceived, referenced, and from a said even Cartographic perspective, of Mappings, of East Africa, Kenya, and one in all again, and that does speak too of, and of Identity created/formed in all, and in speak of said Expectation in itself, of Expectations, and not in speak of Circumstance truly either, of Circumstances, of Conditions.