Tuesday 18 August 2015



This entry, does have to do, and with the said too, Honorary Title, and of the Elder of the Burning Spear that is. A said Honorary Title too, and that is often said attached, and to the very name of Mzee Jomo Kenyatta for instance, and as said too Kenya's first President that is, for this said Honorary Title, does in all even give a clearer picture, and of Kenyan History, and of the very manner in all, Kenya did come to be that is. That Kenyan History, can too, be said perceived along the lines of that said too, to speak of the Middle East, and in speak now and of what the term/word of Vestige, is said to denote that is. That the very term/word of Vestige, now too, does see the History of the Middle East for instance, very much said turned away, or torn away, and from speak now and of Ancestors, and towards speak too now and of Elders that is. That Vestiges, now does speak, and of what is said to remain, and of the past ways in all, and of living that is, and which are now perceived, and from a said even Political lens, or a said even Political stance too, and that does too speak and of the obsolete too, and which does have many, clamouring in all, and for a said return, and to past ways of living that is. That it is in speak of Vestiges, and of Elders too, and that does see the Middle East today, said too suffering lots of said Political turmoil, and in speak too of the Gulf Wars in themselves that is. 

Kenyan History, can too, be said perceived, and from speak of Vestiges, but with it all too, said a difficult manner in all, and of making out Kenyan History, and if not said perceived too, and from speak of the said Honorary Title, and of the Elders of the Burning Spear that is. That this Title, does in all even refer, and to Kenya's unknown Storytelling tradition, and as said too, rivaling, that to be seen in many another part of the World, for Kenyan History in all, is not said defined by the Event truly, but in all truly, and by speak of the Story in itself that is. Story too, and that does say that, the very origins of Kenya, does too, very much go along, and with the said famed authors, deemed too Victorian, and of the following works: the Lord of the Rings, Sherlock Holmes, Samuel Pepy's, Oscar Wilde, King's Solomon Mines, and if not in speak too of names and such as that of David Livingstone too, or of Biggles, for it all too, is a History, and that does in all even arise, and with speak of the French Revolution in itself, of Moors in Europe/France, and of the very name of Alexandre Dumas too that is [for Dumas and unknown to most, did have an uncanny resemblance, and to the late Ali Mazrui too that is]. That this too, does in all even speak, and of the said troubles, that Kenya does face today, it said defined truly, and by the Story, and not the Event truly either, and in now saying that, of the Moor in Europe, he said too Cavalier, now too does see in all, their settling in Kenya, and are in all said too, at the very center, and of the creation, and of the Victorian World that is [and as said too Cartographers in all][Link].

A History, complex in its ways, and is often believed documented truly, and by those who were said, members in all, and of the Elders of the Burning Spear, and as said an Order too, for it all too, does see Kenya, and in the said Colonial Era, become in all, a Military State, and one too having said advanced Military Equipment to it all, and before, and in the name of the Story too, it all does come down collapsing or crashing, and in the name of Ethnic Violence, and if not of the Story in itself, and that does speak too of the Hyena, and as said a Killer too that is. In all, what we are trying to get at here, is that, the very said world of the Story, and as versus that of the Event, now too, can be said to speak of Africa's Oracles, for the Oracle in Africa, is believed said in all, grounded, and in speak of only one term/word: Celebration, but that in all again, and in now saying that, the Story, is too said highly defined, and by its Characters, is to now simply claim that, views, and that do in all say that Kenya, is said a Failed State, said having to do, and with it said possessing Characters, and that Africa's Oracles, would view and as said imbecile too perhaps [for in speak of Kenya, and of the Story too, it all too, does speak of Kenya's Political, Religious, and if not Cultural life too, and as said defined truly, and by speak of the Oath that is].