Wednesday 19 August 2015

New Media

of New Media.

This entry, will attempt to explain, just what in all, New Media, is simply said to be, and from a said even Philosophical stance, and not that said Theoretical either in all. That New Media, is said something new, but is believed said olden in its ways, for it all too, can be said interpreted and in a said Victorian manner too in all, of Victorian perspectives, and that does too, speak and of what they do term Hybridity that is. That Hybridity, is said and to speak of Evolution too, and as perhaps said referring, and to speak too of Genetic variation/hybridity, and in the Tsavo too for instance.

In understanding though, what New Media is simply said to be, is to now too, speak of the said History of Media, and as said too something African that is. That Media, does in all even truly define Egyptian life in itself, and in speak now too, and of what they do term Arts & Media that is. That in understanding all this better, is to now correlate the rest of the World, and to speak of Iraqi Civilization, and of it all said associated too, and not with speak of Arts & Media, or of Media truly, but in speak truly now, and of what they do term Arts & Culture, and in further speak too now and of Mythology, and if not of Storytelling too that is. That Media, does in all even differ, and as said best too, to speak and of what they do term Parentage, and not Ancestry either.

In saying that, most of the World, is said defined, and by a Media, and that is very much Egyptian, and that does too speak and of what they do term Arts & Media, is to now too, speak of the said efforts of Man, and in his studying or defining too, his said very World, and in regards and to the Precise, and if not of the Exact too that is [that Arts & Media, does in all even attempt to present the World, and as said too, rather Precise, or Exact and in its ways too that is][and in further speak too now, and of the Pyramids at Giza for instance].

In saying that, the rest of Africa, outside Egypt too, does in all even differ, is to now too, say it all, said to speak and of the Visual Arts. For the Visual Arts, are said too, a Media, and that do in all even attempt to study, our very said World, and from speak too, and of said even Multiple Realities that is [that the Visual Arts, do in all even represent, what Diversity in itself, is said to be, and in now saying that, African societies, are not often said associated and with speak of Evolution, and in said speak too of the Evolutionary Instinct, or of Natural Selection too, but in speak too now, and of what Trajectory, Continuism/Continuity, and if not of Trackings in themselves too that is, are said to be. That this in all, Trajectory, is too, what does lie at the very heart in all, and of the Visual Arts that is].

New Media though, is said too, to speak of Evolution, and as said to speak too of Kenya, and if not Tanzania too, but does in all even speak, and of a said interesting manner in all, and of viewing society today. That according to New Media, society, can too be said to evolve, and in its said origins, and as said having to do, and with speak too and of what they do term the Shadow Archetype that is, and in now saying that, History, does in all even become a horrendous endeavour for Man, and in more recent Times too, the said Times of the French Revolution that is, and in now associating it all, and with speak of Racialism in itself too that is. New Media though, and as said to speak and of Anti 'Nairo', and if not of Culturalism too (and with New Media, said too, to lie at the very heart of Culturalism in itself that is), now too, does not only deal and with speak of Evolution in itself, but speak too now, and of Human Behaviour, and as said too, and to speak of the Shadow Archetype, of Racialism, and if not of what one could term here, Evolutionarism that is.