Thursday 13 August 2015



What Majimboism, is said to be, is not actually known to most, and other than references made, and in speak and of Kenyan Ethnic Identities too that is. That Majimboism, is perhaps, said best perused, and from speak too, and of Nationalism, Kenyan, and as said even a Philosophy in all, and as having failed in its ways, and in regards and to the said attempt, and in defining society in Kenya, and as said too Open, or in speak too of Kenya, and as said defined, and in speak of said Open Communications that is. Open Communications too, and that could in all even be said to refer, and to what too did pass for Kenyan Broadcast culture, and under speak too of the VOK (Voice of Kenya) that is.

In saying too that, Nationalism, and in Kenya, did in all even attempt to define all said citizens of Kenya, and as said too having a more or less equal Status, Political too, and in regard and to what too could be said to speak of Kenyan Communications, is to now too say that, Nationalism and in Kenya, is now too, simply said in all, acquainted truly, and with the said rise of corruption, and if not of bribery, and as said too defining, everyday Kenyan transactions.

Majimboism, said too a Swahili Philosophy, and that does speak and of what does pass too for Swahili Communications that is, is said here, best perceived, and from a said even Kenyan Setting, and in associating it all, and with speak and of what does pass for the Contemporary, and in Kenya, and not of the Modern, or Western truly either that is. That Majimboism, now does too presuppose, and in allocating it can be said, said Equal Status, and to said differing Majimbos, and who do in all even it is believed said, do possess, said equal Economic opportunity to them that is.

In saying that, Majimboism, does in all even deal, and with the very question of Status in Kenya, that said too HIV, is to now speak of it all, and as said too a probable or realistic philosophy in itself, and in regard, and to what does pass for Survival in Kenya, is to speak of it all, and along the said lines and of the Contemporary in itself too that is. That most in all, would associate, any said Majimbo, with many a said great Idea, and on what to do with it all, when Ideas in all, and as said well financed too, cannot be said to speak of the Majimbo in itself, For Majimbos in all, do in all even it can be said, best speak and of Kenyan definitions, and of the Composite/Composition that is.

In all, Majimboism, and as said truly failing in Kenya, now too, can be said to have a Positive Outlook to it all, and when in all one does accommodate speak of Tanzania, and to it all, and in now saying that, the greatest said problem, and that Majimboism does face, does have to do, and with the said defining of African Ritual, and that does too, separate, every said Majimbo in all, and from each other, for the said even everyday Kenyan Ritual that is, and of Breakfast, Lunch and Supper/Dinner too, is actually truly believed said even, an import in itself that is: Colonial.