Friday 28 August 2015


of Abstinence.

If Chastity, can be said defining of 'Nairo', and of Bik (Link) too, and of the Chaste, said defining of Counter 'Nairo', and of Vic. (Link) too, then it too can now be said, that for I on the otherhand, and if not of Anti 'Nairo' too, the said pursuit it can be here said of, and of said Abstinence, is believed simply as said, the Key, and to making it in life too that is.

In talk too of, and of a said Modern Kenya too, of Kenya today, of Kenyan Dishes, Traditional, Modern, is to now refer to, and to the said Colonial, or Post-Colonial too, in Memory, or if not of the said Day too that is, of Days, of Nights, of said Breakfast, of Lunch, or if not of said Supper too, Mon.-Fri., through the Week, of said Dinner too, Sat.-Sun., in the Weekend, of the said Meal too, Additional, Delicious, during/in the Week, or of the said Snack too, Extra, Popular, in/during the Weekend, or if not in a said referral to, in regard to, nowly, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Pause too that is, of Reflections, of Time, during the Week, of Pauses, or into the said next Month, or Year too that is: of East Africa, Kenya, the 70's-90's, or through the said Times too.that is.