Friday 14 August 2015

Majimboism (2)

Majimboism (2).



This entry, does very much have to do, and with the said term/word of Uarabuni that is. That Uarabuni, does in the very least, speak of growing influence, and by the said here Swahili world that is, and in their now influencing truly, what does pass for a Kenyan Architecture too that is, or if not of that and as said as African, or East African too that is. However, Uarabuni, is far more than what is said above, for it does in all even ask of us, and of the very manner in all, we do define Perception that is. That Uarabuni, is simply said too Perception in itself, and in now too saying that, Perception, does in all even tell us, and in a said comparison here, and to speak of Cognition too for instance, of U-Swahili, [Link], of U-Arabuni, that, the very views we do in all hold, possess, carry or have to us, and to just about anything, are believed in all even, deemed to change that is, and in the said too here, shortest of time that is. That Perception, and as said akin to what a Virus is said to be, does in all even tell us that, Africa's problems in all, are simply said unsolvable, and the best that one can do, is simply adapt to it all that is.

This entry though, does attempt to claim that, an alternate existence in all, and to that said to speak of Majimboism, does in all even exist, and in speak too here of Uarabuni that is. That Uarabuni in all, does simply ask of one, to simply accept a certain said open View for instance, and of life in Nairobi/Kenya, and one too, of self-consciousness, the Becoming, the Altering, and that does in all even serve for, and for a said here Stable Footing of a kind too, of Contact, the self-conscious, and if not in speak too of Ground Zero too for instance - of Malaika, Ki-Swahili Song. In having said that, is to now too, associate Uarabuni, and with speak of Majimboism that is, and in furtherly now associating, Uarabuni, and with said African Ritual too, the Composition/Composite, and that does in all even speak of the said Jamia Mosque and in said Nairobi too for instance.

In all though, what can be said here, is that, there does exist a manner in all, and of defining Uarabuni, and that does in all even speak, and of the said Infrastructure in place, and in Nairobi too that is.

1. African Ritual - Jamia Mosque
2. The Kenyan/African Press/Publication.
3. African/Kenyan Collectivism -  and in said speak here and of said National Emblems too.
4. The African Internet
5. The Family Council