Thursday 9 July 2015



This very entry, will attempt to deal, and with what some do too term, a said Worldview that is, and as with it all even said too, either Egyptian, or African too. That the said Egyptian Worldview, and not Universe truly either, now does ground life in itself, and in speak too and of what some do term Physical Reality that is, and in speak too now, and of the said Mother Archetype, and if not of the Mother Figure too, and of the very names too of Isis, or Ma'at too, and in now associating life in itself, and with speak truly of Pain, Struggle, Sufferance, Trial, Tribulation, Misadventure etc., and in now too saying that, many a differing Religious Goddess, does in all even interpret all this, and in said differing manners too in all.

Africa though, and in speak of the Worldview, is in all even truly said defined, and by speak of Fetish [and not of Fetishism truly either]. For the very said existence ('World') in all, and of the Fetish, now too, does ask of us, and of what we do believe is said to be real, unreal, not real etc., and in now associating it all too perhaps, and with speak too of the Tangible, and of that said too not (truly) Tangible either that is. In all, the very said belief in Fetish, now too, does ask of us, to in all even truly ponder, what Lightening for instance, is said to be, and not from speak of Physical Reality either, but from a Fetishist stance too in all, and that does now in all even now, associate Reality in itself, Physical too, and with speak of Improvisation, Versatility, Arsenal, and if not in speak of Magic in itself too that is.

In now referring, and to speak of the other said Blogs on Nairobi, they being 'Nairo' (Link), and Counter 'Nairo' (Link) too, is to now associate the former, and with speak of said even (Private) Spaces that is, while the latter, does in all even speak and of what they do term too, a Core City that is [and in speak too now, and of the Domain too that is]. This Blog though, does in all even associate speak of Nairobi in all, or Anti 'Nairo' too that is, and with speak and of the very manner in all, we do define Celebration, and in itself too that is, and as said too, the only thing that does matter in life that is, and as furtherly said in all, and to speak of a quick smile, and to a stranger too for instance.

In all, what we are trying to get at here, and in speak too of Africa in Egypt, is that, most don't truly understand, what does pass for normal procedure for instance, or speak even, and of any said happening, tragic too, and as simply said now truly acceptable in its ways, but in now saying that, and in speak too of Fetish here that is, that the said even Egyptian tradition and of the Fetish, is in all even said associated truly, and with speak too of Subconscious Programming in itself for instance. That said though, African, Fetish, now does tell us too that, any said happening or act, any, is actually believed even said legit in its ways truly, and as said even the very 'work of God' too that is, and in regards and to speak, and of the very manner in all, it all does actually happen that is.

In all, and in the said even attempt here, to counter in all the two said manners that is, and of viewing Fetish, Egyptian and African, is to now too, speak even and of California, and in its rise/origins that is, and as said even and to speak too of Fetish that is.
