Tuesday 14 July 2015


of Damnation.

This entry, is too now, said even, steeped in History in itself that is. That it too, now does in all even refer, and to the very rise, and of the said even termed, 'Cult of Jesus' that is. That this History, now too, does differ and from that which does speak of Christ, for in speak of Christ, we are in all even now referring, and to a said manner in all, and of deciphering struggle, pain, sufferance etc., and in our said lives too, and away from speak of the Mother Goddess/Figure that is.

The very story of the 'Cult of Jesus', does in all even differ though, and from that of Christ, and as it does in all even arise, and amidst talk, and of simply what, society, is simply said to be, and in speak too now, and of the often termed 'Golden Rule' too for instance. There is more to it though, for speak of the 'Cult of Jesus', now does see it all, go along in all again, and with talk now, and of Salvation in itself. For most are not said to fully realize, what Salvation, is said to be all about, for it does now too speak, and early on in History too, and of Man and as simply said tainted in his ways, and in Potential too, and that in all again, it is only via speak of Jesus it is said, and in Body and Blood too, or speak too of the 'way of Christ', and that one in all again, is said able, and in finding redemption in all, and in saving ones Soul too in all, and in speak now and of truly unleashing ones Potential too that is. That the 'Cult of Jesus', now does tell us, that most of said Humanity in all, or speak of the Human too, is simply said mired in a way of life, and that does too, speak of the 7 Vices in themselves, and that speak of society in all, could very well save them too, but that in all again, Salvation, is in all even said acquainted truly, and with speak and of what they do call too, the Ascension that is.

This Blog though, does in all even attempt to claim, that Man today, is simply said enmired, and in many a thing, and that does in all even simply refer, and to speak of Damnation in itself that is. That the 'Cult of Jesus', did in all even attempt to warn or teach one that, Hell, was simply said real, and as is the Devil too, and that we could all be saved from it all, living/wallowing in self-pity that is, and by simply in all knowing of Jesus that is. That Damnation, now too does tell us that, Man, is said to be in the need, and of very much too Freeing his very own Soul that is. That Man too, does simply seek to be Free in his ways, and not speak truly and of seeking out Freedom too, and that in all too even, damnation, now does ask of us, to truly in all question, the very relations/relationships, Human, that we do in all even seek to engage in that is. That this in all, is the very goal of the Commune, African, the search in all, or need, and to simply be said Free that is, and in speak too now, and of telling one that, what they do term Eternal Damnation, is believed said too a Concept real in its ways, and in now asking of us truly, to very much question, the Human Body, and in Sensual Awareness too that is.

speak of Damnation: