Monday 29 June 2015

the Blues

The Blues.

The above said 'photo-op', or b/w photo too, now does in all even refer, and to speak of Nairobi, and in history, and as not only perceived, and from speak of East Africa that is, but in speak too now, and of the Commune that is. That in now saying that, the Blog 'Nairo', does correspond, and to speak too of African Markets that is, and that on Counter 'Nairo', now too, does speak of African Industries, and with the Kenya Government on the otherhand, said too working hard, and at solving all Kenya's said problems, and from speak too of African Economies that is, is to now say too that, Kenya's problems, and as said even mitigating, any said Educational Endeavour in all, do speak of the term 'Nigger', and as said African too, and in regards now, and to what does pass for the African State that is. This Blog though, and as simply stated above too, does speak truly, and of the African Commune that is.

In attempting though, and to now put an American twist to it all, is to now too, associate it all even, and with speak of Blues Music that is. However, in now too saying that, 'Nairo', does in all even speak of said Alternative Grunge Music, and in Sound too (and in speak now, and of what could be said Cool, and in just small amounts, and of Kenya today too) [Link], is to now too though, associate speak of the Light, and with speak too of Counter 'Nairo', and if not in speak too of the Live Concert that is. 

In finalizing all this, it can too be said, that the Saint, does in all even refer and to speak of Religion and 'Nairo' too, while the Monk, does speak too of Counter 'Nairo', but in now and surreptitiously too, speaking of Anti 'Nairo', speak now too, and of the Ascetic, and as said too, Eremite that is.