Tuesday 21 July 2015

African Media

of African Media.

Most out there, do in all even truly wonder, what Media, is simply said to be, and in speak now, and of what can too be said to speak of Exhilaration, and as said too the very highest of peaks, and of the Human Experience too, and in regards and to speak too of Media that is. That Media, does remain something puzzling to most, and in speak too now of it all said too, a Human Want, Need or Desire that is, but that to most, Media, is often said presented and from speak of Production Studios, and if not of Production Quality too, and when in said reality, Media in itself, can too be said described or defined too, and in speak and of only one word/term that is: the Accessible.

That the Accessible, is simply what Media in itself is said to be, but does speak too, and of it all not only said to speak of the rise of Media, and as said Egyptian too, but that in all again, the Accessible, does in all even very much talk of us all, and when do perceive anything, everything, and in speak too now and of whom/who in all, we are simply said to be that is [that our very Bodies too, and if not in speak of Viruses too, are said to very much work in all, and from speak of the Accessible that is].

This entry though, does attempt to claim that, African Media, is something said truly real. For it does too now, speak and of Media in itself, and as said described, or defined, and in simply one word/term that is: the Permissible. That all there is, everywhere, anytime, anything, everything, does in all even speak truly and of the Permissible, and in further speak too and of the very manner in all, our very Bodies are said to in all function that is, but in further speak too of a said Virulent Virus for instance, and if not in speak too and of that Media, and that does have us in all pondering, if it is in all, capable, and for one, to simply walk through a Wall that is.