Thursday 23 July 2015

La Bella Donna

La Bella Donna.

(Signor Raphael Gortarzar)

I write this entry, and with one said purpose in mind too. For it does not in all call out, and to said too Italian presences, Papal too, and in Kenya that is, but with the said goal here in all, and of Celebrating, and if not truly Weeping, and for that said god, and who does carry the very said name of Cupid too (and not of said Eros either). For the name of Cupid, does in all even spell out a fate, and of simply everyone, no one, and as simply said caring to know one in all. That it was Cupid in all, and who would envision life, and that would ask of us, to for instance, refer to Woman, and as said La Bella Donna, and not said Woman truly either. How we do Weep for Cupid though, for such references made, or gestures made out too, would in all lead Italy, to violent clashes, and if not war in itself, and that would in all even see, Cupids said vision of a life, on Earth, simply said Italian too, fall to the side, and in favour of Woman, and as simply said now adorned in all, and in speak only truly, and of Cosmetics, Make-up, and Perfumes too that is.

This entry though, does truly deal, and with the very said manner in all, those in Africa, do in all even make-out their very said Worlds or World too that is. That on asking any said African, and one said dressed in a Suit too, what beliefs or views, they do in all even possess, carry or hold, African, and in regards and to speak of the World today, they do in all even resort, and to thinking along the lines, and of said Ancestors, and Ancestors too, very much said in all, Egyptian in their ways/manners that is. That for the African, Egypt, is simply said too, 'the Land of the Ancestors', and those too simply said, and in Custom that is, the first of us all, and if not in speak now, and of Africa, and of the foreboding Authority too that is. 

This entry though, would in all like, to take a detour, and in regards to all this, talk of Ancestors, and in Custom too, and in now associating such talk, and with speak too of Central Asia that is. That Central Asia, does in all even possess a Psychology to it, and that does too, simply associate being Human, and with simply one term/word that is: the Strike; and as with it all even said, to speak too of the said impact in all, and that a Bell, or Clock too, does have on a Human that is. In all, a Psychology, said suitable too for Africa, and other than speak of the Alluring, or of the said truly dead, but truly famed, Ancestors too that is.