Sunday 26 July 2015

**Market Economy

**Market Economy.

It can be said that, while the Blog on 'Nairo' (Link), does in all even truly speak of the Money Economy, while that on Counter 'Nairo' (Link), does in all even truly refer and to the said termed Knowledge Economy too, this very Blog on the otherhand, can too, be said to speak of the Market Economy, and of said Identity too, Kenyan, and as said extending and into speak too perhaps, and of Oman / the UAE that is.

Of the said Market Economy, African, or if not of the said Market too, of Markets, Kenyan, of Funds, of Resources, Monetary, or if not of said Currency too, of Legal Tender, of Money, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Economy too, of Economies, East African, of Expenditure, of Cash, of Worth, of said Charges, of Fees, of Fines, or if not of said Cost too, of Price, or if not of said Value too that is, of Valuables.