Thursday 16 July 2015


of Pigs.

There can be said here a belief, and that does say, Identity, and that does pass too and for being Kenyan, simply in all, doe speak too, and of the Moron that is. For this in all, now does too, speak and of the very belief that, speak now of Identity formation, and in regards to speak of Development, does too, have to it all, a major/minor Geographical Reference in all. That what is been said here, is that, most Kenyans know nothing too much, about Identity creation, and in regards and to speak of Terrain, Imagery and Topography too that is. That when we do talk of Terrain, of Topology, we are in all even referring and to Identity formation, and in regards and to speak too of Stakes for instance, of Interests, while in speak of Imagery, speak of Identity and as simply said to refer and to speak of Posits, while in speak of Topography, speak now too, and of Identity creation, and as probably said having to do and with speak of Targets that is.

That this too, now does speak of the African Commune, and of Identity said created, and as said Physical too, and if not Spiritual truly, and that does in all speak even and of the very terms/words of Condition and Trait too, and as with it all even said, associating, Reality in itself, and with speak too, and of the very Images said held, and in our said Minds/Heads too that is. Hopefully, this is understood, and in now pondering in all, if and if not, these said Images, are believed said believable, or not believable, and in now associating it all too, and with speak of mediums/tech., and such as speak of (Fine) Prints (and of the Dodo Bird fame too), Cine, Film, Tape, Stills, Sketches, Drawings, Stencils etc. That hopefully and again, all this is to be understood, and in now simply associating the Human, and with the said Images held in ones Mind/Head that is, and which can in all even be said believable that is, and if and only if truly, they can be truly classified or categorized too, or said placed, and in the very said world of mediums/tech that is.
In talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Film too that is, of Interests, of Interest, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Direction too that is, of Posits, of Positings, or if not of said Moderation too that is, of Targets, of Targetings, talk too now and of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Filming, Prints, Framings, of Technologism, of Mediums/Tech.

Finally, said here Religious/Scientific beliefs, and that do in all even make associations, and of the Human, and genetically too, and via placing 'Him', the Human, and as said next to perhaps, or side by side too, and with the Primate that is, do not actually speak of this very Blog, for this very Blog here, does in all even assume truly, that it is the Pig, and that is said, Mans, said closest living relative that is.