Saturday 18 July 2015

Voodoo Chile

of Voodoo Chile.

I'm a Voodoo Chile, Lord, I'm a Voodoo Chile,

teng-ting-teng-ting-teng-teng ............

Voodoo Chile (Slight Return) ~ Jimi Hendrix

This entry, could be said, to very well speak of, and of the very manner in all, we do define, Constriction, and in our said lives too that is. That Constriction, is too and minimally in all, said too, and to speak of Parenting, and if not of Parental Mechanisms, and in our very said lives too that is. 

Constriction though, can be said believed, something more or less, said to speak, and of the said condition too, and of Blindness that is. That Constriction, can best be explained, vis-a-vis, talk of Blindness in all, and as with it all too, not actually said a Physical Condition, but one too Mental, and if not Emotional too, and in the name too of Neglect for instance, and if not in speak of Impartiality too that is.

That Constriction, now too, does not speak of our said being Free truly, but can be said to speak of the said Images in all, and in our Minds/Heads too, and as said too in all, a passing wishful thought, or said too, a wishful passing thought, but in saying too that, Constriction, does best too speak of Blindness, and as said too a Spiritual Condition, is to now and in all, simply refer, and to speak of Constriction, and of said the ability in all again, to very much actually see, things, and as they truly really are that is.

In all, Constriction, said too, siding and with speak too of Genetic programming for instance, and in Theory too, for it all can be said, to speak of a said Image, and that does in all even free one and of all said Constriction, and such that, Theories in all, and that do speak of Shapeshifting in itself, and into a said Werewolve too, or a said even, Zombie, Zombies, and if not in speak too and of one and as said, 'turning' in all, or taking too, the said form of a Leo Panthera for instance, are said believable in their ways/manners in all, and in speak too now and of Blindness, and as said to speak too and of the said Steering in itself too that is.