Sunday 26 July 2015

**Market Economy

**Market Economy.

It can be said that, while the Blog on 'Nairo' (Link), does in all even truly speak of the Money Economy, while that on Counter 'Nairo' (Link), does in all even truly refer and to the said termed Knowledge Economy too, this very Blog on the otherhand, can too, be said to speak of the Market Economy, and of said Identity too, Kenyan, and as said extending and into speak too perhaps, and of Oman / the UAE that is.

Of the said Market Economy, African, or if not of the said Market too, of Markets, Kenyan, of Funds, of Resources, Monetary, or if not of said Currency too, of Legal Tender, of Money, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Economy too, of Economies, East African, of Expenditure, of Cash, of Worth, of said Charges, of Fees, of Fines, or if not of said Cost too, of Price, or if not of said Value too that is, of Valuables.

Thursday 23 July 2015

La Bella Donna

La Bella Donna.

(Signor Raphael Gortarzar)

I write this entry, and with one said purpose in mind too. For it does not in all call out, and to said too Italian presences, Papal too, and in Kenya that is, but with the said goal here in all, and of Celebrating, and if not truly Weeping, and for that said god, and who does carry the very said name of Cupid too (and not of said Eros either). For the name of Cupid, does in all even spell out a fate, and of simply everyone, no one, and as simply said caring to know one in all. That it was Cupid in all, and who would envision life, and that would ask of us, to for instance, refer to Woman, and as said La Bella Donna, and not said Woman truly either. How we do Weep for Cupid though, for such references made, or gestures made out too, would in all lead Italy, to violent clashes, and if not war in itself, and that would in all even see, Cupids said vision of a life, on Earth, simply said Italian too, fall to the side, and in favour of Woman, and as simply said now adorned in all, and in speak only truly, and of Cosmetics, Make-up, and Perfumes too that is.

This entry though, does truly deal, and with the very said manner in all, those in Africa, do in all even make-out their very said Worlds or World too that is. That on asking any said African, and one said dressed in a Suit too, what beliefs or views, they do in all even possess, carry or hold, African, and in regards and to speak of the World today, they do in all even resort, and to thinking along the lines, and of said Ancestors, and Ancestors too, very much said in all, Egyptian in their ways/manners that is. That for the African, Egypt, is simply said too, 'the Land of the Ancestors', and those too simply said, and in Custom that is, the first of us all, and if not in speak now, and of Africa, and of the foreboding Authority too that is. 

This entry though, would in all like, to take a detour, and in regards to all this, talk of Ancestors, and in Custom too, and in now associating such talk, and with speak too of Central Asia that is. That Central Asia, does in all even possess a Psychology to it, and that does too, simply associate being Human, and with simply one term/word that is: the Strike; and as with it all even said, to speak too of the said impact in all, and that a Bell, or Clock too, does have on a Human that is. In all, a Psychology, said suitable too for Africa, and other than speak of the Alluring, or of the said truly dead, but truly famed, Ancestors too that is.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

African Media

of African Media.

Most out there, do in all even truly wonder, what Media, is simply said to be, and in speak now, and of what can too be said to speak of Exhilaration, and as said too the very highest of peaks, and of the Human Experience too, and in regards and to speak too of Media that is. That Media, does remain something puzzling to most, and in speak too now of it all said too, a Human Want, Need or Desire that is, but that to most, Media, is often said presented and from speak of Production Studios, and if not of Production Quality too, and when in said reality, Media in itself, can too be said described or defined too, and in speak and of only one word/term that is: the Accessible.

That the Accessible, is simply what Media in itself is said to be, but does speak too, and of it all not only said to speak of the rise of Media, and as said Egyptian too, but that in all again, the Accessible, does in all even very much talk of us all, and when do perceive anything, everything, and in speak too now and of whom/who in all, we are simply said to be that is [that our very Bodies too, and if not in speak of Viruses too, are said to very much work in all, and from speak of the Accessible that is].

This entry though, does attempt to claim that, African Media, is something said truly real. For it does too now, speak and of Media in itself, and as said described, or defined, and in simply one word/term that is: the Permissible. That all there is, everywhere, anytime, anything, everything, does in all even speak truly and of the Permissible, and in further speak too and of the very manner in all, our very Bodies are said to in all function that is, but in further speak too of a said Virulent Virus for instance, and if not in speak too and of that Media, and that does have us in all pondering, if it is in all, capable, and for one, to simply walk through a Wall that is.

Saturday 18 July 2015

Voodoo Chile

of Voodoo Chile.

I'm a Voodoo Chile, Lord, I'm a Voodoo Chile,

teng-ting-teng-ting-teng-teng ............

Voodoo Chile (Slight Return) ~ Jimi Hendrix

This entry, could be said, to very well speak of, and of the very manner in all, we do define, Constriction, and in our said lives too that is. That Constriction, is too and minimally in all, said too, and to speak of Parenting, and if not of Parental Mechanisms, and in our very said lives too that is. 

Constriction though, can be said believed, something more or less, said to speak, and of the said condition too, and of Blindness that is. That Constriction, can best be explained, vis-a-vis, talk of Blindness in all, and as with it all too, not actually said a Physical Condition, but one too Mental, and if not Emotional too, and in the name too of Neglect for instance, and if not in speak of Impartiality too that is.

That Constriction, now too, does not speak of our said being Free truly, but can be said to speak of the said Images in all, and in our Minds/Heads too, and as said too in all, a passing wishful thought, or said too, a wishful passing thought, but in saying too that, Constriction, does best too speak of Blindness, and as said too a Spiritual Condition, is to now and in all, simply refer, and to speak of Constriction, and of said the ability in all again, to very much actually see, things, and as they truly really are that is.

In all, Constriction, said too, siding and with speak too of Genetic programming for instance, and in Theory too, for it all can be said, to speak of a said Image, and that does in all even free one and of all said Constriction, and such that, Theories in all, and that do speak of Shapeshifting in itself, and into a said Werewolve too, or a said even, Zombie, Zombies, and if not in speak too and of one and as said, 'turning' in all, or taking too, the said form of a Leo Panthera for instance, are said believable in their ways/manners in all, and in speak too now and of Blindness, and as said to speak too and of the said Steering in itself too that is.

Friday 17 July 2015


of Tetanus.

This entry, does not only deal, and with speak of Tetanus, and as said a Disease too, Infection, but does speak too, and of European History, and as most don't know it, but very well truly do. For it is European History, and as said accompanied too, and with speak and of the very name of Napolean that is.

That in all, when we do speak of Tetanus, and in its said too African derivative or form, we are in all even referring, and to speak of a said virulent Disease that is, and that does touch or afflict one, and at a said level too perhaps, and that does speak too of God in 'himself' that is. That it all, does too, refer, and to whom/who in all, we are, and when we do actually Tremble that is. For Trembling, does too, speak of someone, something, and as said too touching one it can best be said here, and at a said level too, and that does too speak of in all, and of a said touch too, and by God in 'himself' that is. A said even deepset, part of us it can be said, and which when said afflicted or touched and in a wrongful manner in all, can in all even wound, or harm one too, and in a said manner, and that does too speak too the extinct in itself that is.

In all, European History, and in regards truly, and to speak of the Revolutionary period, and if not of the very tales of Dickens too, and as now said interpreted and from speak of the Fallen, or Unsung (of) Hero too, now is said too, and to speak of the Tremble in itself, and with it all even said a part of us all, and that does tell of life, and as actually said truly real, said physical only, and in Matter too perhaps, of Memory, of Black-Matter, of Eyes, Both, the Third-Eye, of Glands, Pineal, Pituitary, of Registration, of Markers, of Identifiers, deciphered in all, and from speak only perhaps, and of the Cartesian plane too, and such that, it does too tell us that, Imagination in itself, does only speak, and of the Deluded too that is. In all, speak now and of what was said at the very heart in all, and of Revolution in Europe, and as said even rather violent or despicable too (there were Swords involved), and which did in all even give an end, and to Europe, and as simply said an Idea too that is.

In all, is to now too say that, this Blog, does associate itself, and in speak of Disease, and with Tetanus in itself too, and as versus speak of HIV, and as said too Disease that is, and not Virus truly either, and which too can be said determining, and of the said Human nature too, and of the Kenyan too that is.

Thursday 16 July 2015

The Nairobi Hilton (Hotel)

The Nairobi Hilton (Hotel).

Bobby Womack

of Bobby Womack.

This entry, will deal with the said belief, Scientific/Genetic too, that Primate, Pig and Mouse, are in all truly too, said in all again, Man's said closest counterpart, and in speak too of survival, and of evolution, and of behaviour too that is. For this in all, are the claims made too, and by the said often termed too, Western Scientist that is, for he/she in all, does too, associate the Primate, and Man, and with speak of Genetic Sequencing, and of the Pig and Man, and with speak of Genetic Analysis, but in speak now of the said famed Genomic Rat, and with he too truly a Mouse, speak now and of 'him', and Man, and in regards and to speak of Genetic Codes that is. That hopefully, the latter view is accepted or realized in all, and in now associating speak of Genetic Codes, and with Software Code too perhaps, and in speak now too, and of the said too, failed realization here that is, that this said same Code, and with different said inputs to it, does in all give one, either Man, or Mouse too.

In talk too of, and of the/a said Origin too, of Originsof Conception, and if not of the said Gene too, of Genesof life, now is to and in all, even, refer to, of Mechanisms, bodily, body, and to what could too be as said of, and of said Evolution too that is, of Evolution, of Evolutionarism, the Evolutional, or if not of said Virus too that is, of Virus, of Evolution, the Evolutionary. Of life, of Mechanisms, of Creation, -->, of Centres, of Particularities, of Centrings, of Centrification, or if not in talk too of, of Mechanisms, the Mechanistic, the Mechanism, and of what could too be as said of and of said Recreation too that is, of life, of Mechanisms, of Recreation, -->, of Particles, of Centrings, of Particularities, of Particulation, or if not in a said regard to, and to what could too be as said of, and of a said body too that is, of bodies, of Bodies, the enbodied, the bodily.

Of said Africa too that is, or if not in said Origins too, of Africa, of Africans, of Origination, of Substantiation, of Initiation, the Initiationary, or if not in a said referral to, and to what could too be as said of, and of the said Genetic too, of Genetics, of life, of Blood, or if not in a said regard to, of Africa, of Genetics, and of what could too be as said of, and of a said Genetic Make-up too that is, African, of Raciality, of Genetics, of Memory, of Africa, of said Progeny too, of Progenitation, the Primogenitor, the Progenitor, of Akhty, [Link], or if not in ta said regard to, and to what could too be as said of, and of said race too that is, of Raceof Africaof Africansthe African races, or if not as said as perceived too that is, of race, African, and if not in talk too of, and of the said Sudan too that is, of Sudan, of Nigeria, of Angola, or if not of said Kenya too that is. 

Of said the Genetic too that is, of Genetics, of Genetic Make-up, of race, or if not in talk too of, and of what could too be as said of, and of the said Agglomerate too that is, of Agglomeration, the Aggregate, or if not in talk too of, of Particles, & of Bits, and of what could too be as said of, and of a said gene too that is, of genesthe gene, or if not in a said referral to, and to what could too be as said of, and of a said Genetic Series too that is, of race, of Filiations, of Geneticsthe Genetic Series, the Relativistic, or if not in a said regard to, and to what could too be as said of, and of the said Genetical too that is, of Genetics, of Geneticism, of Genes, the Genetic. Of the said Genetic Series too that is, of Genetics, of race, or if not in talk too of, of Africa, of India, in Contrast, and of what could too be as said of, of Africa, of Africans, and of the said Sudan too that is, of Sudan, of Southern Sudan, in Continuation, of said East Africa too, of East Africa, of Aksum, [Link], of Axum, the Aksumite, of said Kenya too, of East Africa, the Congo, the Swahili, or if not of said Central Africa too that is, of Central Africa, of Cameroon, of Gabon, of Angola, in Variation.

This entry, does too though, deal with the Music of Bobby Womack, for it all too, is said Music, and that does not speak of the Blues truly, but is a said too Soul Music, and that does speak of the Blues, and Music too, once popular in Kenya, back in the 70's, and into the 80's too, and that does/did deal with a said condition, and that does afflict in all, many a person, and in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia too that is. A condition, and that does in all even speak, and of the said Psychology of Withdrawal that is. That in understanding all this, speak now too, and of Evolutionary Theory, and as often said associated and with speak and of Bodily/Body Mechanisms that is. That the Human Body, is believed said to in all, possess, or have to it, said even, endless Body/Bodily Mechanisms that is, and in numbers too, and in now saying that some are in all even said unique and to certain regions of the World, while others are said too, ubiquitous in their ways/manners in all, and in now not associating, parenting / parental mechanisms in the United States of America for instance, and with those to be found in Africa too that is. In all, the Psychology of Withdrawal, and as said truly influencing in all, speak of Bodily/Body Mechanisms, or Human Behaviour too that is, and in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia, and in speak now of Evolution too that is, and such that, this Psychology of Withdrawal and in Somalia for instance, now does associate Somali Identity, and with speak truly of the Performing Arts, while in speak of Ethiopia, speak now and of Desolation in itself, but in speak of Kenya, speak now of Communications, and that do in all even encompass, speak of Panic, Strokes, Seizures, Feebleness/Fainting, Comas etc.

In however saying that, the Psychology of Withdrawal, does have to do, and with whom/who in all we are, and not with speak of Realization in itself truly, but with speak and of the failure in all, and to truly realize that is, many a thing, is to now too say that, this very Blog in all, does in all even posit, that Kenyan life, and as said even perilous in its ways, does too, speak of the Fathomable in itself, and of the Unfathomable too perhaps [and in further speak here too, and of that said famous/infamous 'snake', and of Luoland too, and who dos go by the name of Omieri that is].



of Pigs.

There can be said here a belief, and that does say, Identity, and that does pass too and for being Kenyan, simply in all, doe speak too, and of the Moron that is. For this in all, now does too, speak and of the very belief that, speak now of Identity formation, and in regards to speak of Development, does too, have to it all, a major/minor Geographical Reference in all. That what is been said here, is that, most Kenyans know nothing too much, about Identity creation, and in regards and to speak of Terrain, Imagery and Topography too that is. That when we do talk of Terrain, of Topology, we are in all even referring and to Identity formation, and in regards and to speak too of Stakes for instance, of Interests, while in speak of Imagery, speak of Identity and as simply said to refer and to speak of Posits, while in speak of Topography, speak now too, and of Identity creation, and as probably said having to do and with speak of Targets that is.

That this too, now does speak of the African Commune, and of Identity said created, and as said Physical too, and if not Spiritual truly, and that does in all speak even and of the very terms/words of Condition and Trait too, and as with it all even said, associating, Reality in itself, and with speak too, and of the very Images said held, and in our said Minds/Heads too that is. Hopefully, this is understood, and in now pondering in all, if and if not, these said Images, are believed said believable, or not believable, and in now associating it all too, and with speak of mediums/tech., and such as speak of (Fine) Prints (and of the Dodo Bird fame too), Cine, Film, Tape, Stills, Sketches, Drawings, Stencils etc. That hopefully and again, all this is to be understood, and in now simply associating the Human, and with the said Images held in ones Mind/Head that is, and which can in all even be said believable that is, and if and only if truly, they can be truly classified or categorized too, or said placed, and in the very said world of mediums/tech that is.
In talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Film too that is, of Interests, of Interest, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Direction too that is, of Posits, of Positings, or if not of said Moderation too that is, of Targets, of Targetings, talk too now and of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Filming, Prints, Framings, of Technologism, of Mediums/Tech.

Finally, said here Religious/Scientific beliefs, and that do in all even make associations, and of the Human, and genetically too, and via placing 'Him', the Human, and as said next to perhaps, or side by side too, and with the Primate that is, do not actually speak of this very Blog, for this very Blog here, does in all even assume truly, that it is the Pig, and that is said, Mans, said closest living relative that is.

Tuesday 14 July 2015


of Damnation.

This entry, is too now, said even, steeped in History in itself that is. That it too, now does in all even refer, and to the very rise, and of the said even termed, 'Cult of Jesus' that is. That this History, now too, does differ and from that which does speak of Christ, for in speak of Christ, we are in all even now referring, and to a said manner in all, and of deciphering struggle, pain, sufferance etc., and in our said lives too, and away from speak of the Mother Goddess/Figure that is.

The very story of the 'Cult of Jesus', does in all even differ though, and from that of Christ, and as it does in all even arise, and amidst talk, and of simply what, society, is simply said to be, and in speak too now, and of the often termed 'Golden Rule' too for instance. There is more to it though, for speak of the 'Cult of Jesus', now does see it all, go along in all again, and with talk now, and of Salvation in itself. For most are not said to fully realize, what Salvation, is said to be all about, for it does now too speak, and early on in History too, and of Man and as simply said tainted in his ways, and in Potential too, and that in all again, it is only via speak of Jesus it is said, and in Body and Blood too, or speak too of the 'way of Christ', and that one in all again, is said able, and in finding redemption in all, and in saving ones Soul too in all, and in speak now and of truly unleashing ones Potential too that is. That the 'Cult of Jesus', now does tell us, that most of said Humanity in all, or speak of the Human too, is simply said mired in a way of life, and that does too, speak of the 7 Vices in themselves, and that speak of society in all, could very well save them too, but that in all again, Salvation, is in all even said acquainted truly, and with speak and of what they do call too, the Ascension that is.

This Blog though, does in all even attempt to claim, that Man today, is simply said enmired, and in many a thing, and that does in all even simply refer, and to speak of Damnation in itself that is. That the 'Cult of Jesus', did in all even attempt to warn or teach one that, Hell, was simply said real, and as is the Devil too, and that we could all be saved from it all, living/wallowing in self-pity that is, and by simply in all knowing of Jesus that is. That Damnation, now too does tell us that, Man, is said to be in the need, and of very much too Freeing his very own Soul that is. That Man too, does simply seek to be Free in his ways, and not speak truly and of seeking out Freedom too, and that in all too even, damnation, now does ask of us, to truly in all question, the very relations/relationships, Human, that we do in all even seek to engage in that is. That this in all, is the very goal of the Commune, African, the search in all, or need, and to simply be said Free that is, and in speak too now, and of telling one that, what they do term Eternal Damnation, is believed said too a Concept real in its ways, and in now asking of us truly, to very much question, the Human Body, and in Sensual Awareness too that is.

speak of Damnation:

the African Commune

the East African Commune.

This entry, will attempt to in all contribute, and to speak, and of just why most do in all continue to speak of Development, and in Africa too that is. That for most, a said move to Africa, and in the name of Development too, is considered a said even last resort of a kind, and in now saying that, those who do attempt to associate Africa in all, and with that or many a said thing, and that does speak of us as Human today, and in said speak too here, and of Money, Fame, Riches, Relationships, Conquest etc., are in all even now said to simply not know too much, and of what they are talking about [that in all, there is nothing much to truly say].

The above though, might make for some sense, and to those who do readily know that, African Rifles, are actually African, or African Boots, are actually truly made of an African Leather, or speak too again, and of the Victorian/Missionary Explorer, and into Africa that is, and of the making, and of the Victorian Imagination too that is.

For many though, an interest and in Africa, and as said Developing too, now too does have to do, and with speak not only, and of the said Lessons, that Africa does have to teach one, but that in all again, speak now too, and of the very belief by some that, Africa, does in all even posses, a said Political Powerhouse potential to it all that is. That this in all, is now too, said in all again, a matter in all, and of Historical Debate in itself, and in speak now too, and of what does pass, and not only for Political Interests, but speak truly, and of the defining and of such Interests that is. That all this too, now does refer, and to the said belief by some that, nothing new actually does go on in the World anymore, but that Africa, might be said to have some thing new to offer that is. That the World of Political Interests, is best said here too perceived, and in speak of Europe, and as versus speak now and of the United States of America, South Africa, or speak even and of the Middle East too that is. That there are those who do perceive Africa, and as said too the best of Sanctuaries, and in speak too now, and of the History of Britain too that is. There are those though who do in all believe that, Africa, does store/have/possess Potential, and in regards, and to speak too of Social/Political Activism, and as with it all even said to speak of the History of Russia too for instance. For others, Africa, or speak even of African Religion, and as said too, to offer new manners in all, and of simply interpreting, just about anything, and from a said even of Symbolic Reference/Representation that is [that secular African Art, is too said even a Hotseller that is]. In all, this too, does speak and of the said even History of Spain that is. Finally, speak now too, and of a said African Taste (Travel/Safari), International in its ways too perhaps, or of a said African Approach too, Guided, and to just about anything, and which too does speak of the Theorist in all, and of the said here too, History, and of both the Netherlands, and of Italy too perhaps.

In saying that, it is via speak of Political Interests, and by which, it is believed now, Africa, is now said developing, is to now though, present another view of living in Africa, and that does speak too of this very Blog, and in speak now and of the African Commune that is. That Africa, is believed said even a different place/continent and than most or the rest, are said to be, for Africa too, is often said too, and to speak of the Spirited, and not of the Vivacious/Energetic either. That hopefully, all this is now understood, and in speak of perceiving life, and from speak and of what some do term the Corporeal, and as said referring to things said Physical in all, but in saying that life too, can be said Incorporeal, or Non-Corporeal, or even Spirited truly, is to in all even refer, and to speak of Africa that is. That this too, now does and in all even speak of Africa, and as said perceived in all, and from speak of Conservation/Conservatory, Reservation/Reserves, the Nursery too, the Park/Gardens, and if not in speak of Ranges/Grounds/Fields too in particular that is. In all, the very belief that, the African Commune, is simply said grounded in all, and in truly experiencing life, and at the said even Incorporeal, Non-Corporeal, or even Spirited, levels, planes. and if not dimensions too that is [--- Link].

Thursday 9 July 2015



This very entry, will attempt to deal, and with what some do too term, a said Worldview that is, and as with it all even said too, either Egyptian, or African too. That the said Egyptian Worldview, and not Universe truly either, now does ground life in itself, and in speak too and of what some do term Physical Reality that is, and in speak too now, and of the said Mother Archetype, and if not of the Mother Figure too, and of the very names too of Isis, or Ma'at too, and in now associating life in itself, and with speak truly of Pain, Struggle, Sufferance, Trial, Tribulation, Misadventure etc., and in now too saying that, many a differing Religious Goddess, does in all even interpret all this, and in said differing manners too in all.

Africa though, and in speak of the Worldview, is in all even truly said defined, and by speak of Fetish [and not of Fetishism truly either]. For the very said existence ('World') in all, and of the Fetish, now too, does ask of us, and of what we do believe is said to be real, unreal, not real etc., and in now associating it all too perhaps, and with speak too of the Tangible, and of that said too not (truly) Tangible either that is. In all, the very said belief in Fetish, now too, does ask of us, to in all even truly ponder, what Lightening for instance, is said to be, and not from speak of Physical Reality either, but from a Fetishist stance too in all, and that does now in all even now, associate Reality in itself, Physical too, and with speak of Improvisation, Versatility, Arsenal, and if not in speak of Magic in itself too that is.

In now referring, and to speak of the other said Blogs on Nairobi, they being 'Nairo' (Link), and Counter 'Nairo' (Link) too, is to now associate the former, and with speak of said even (Private) Spaces that is, while the latter, does in all even speak and of what they do term too, a Core City that is [and in speak too now, and of the Domain too that is]. This Blog though, does in all even associate speak of Nairobi in all, or Anti 'Nairo' too that is, and with speak and of the very manner in all, we do define Celebration, and in itself too that is, and as said too, the only thing that does matter in life that is, and as furtherly said in all, and to speak of a quick smile, and to a stranger too for instance.

In all, what we are trying to get at here, and in speak too of Africa in Egypt, is that, most don't truly understand, what does pass for normal procedure for instance, or speak even, and of any said happening, tragic too, and as simply said now truly acceptable in its ways, but in now saying that, and in speak too of Fetish here that is, that the said even Egyptian tradition and of the Fetish, is in all even said associated truly, and with speak too of Subconscious Programming in itself for instance. That said though, African, Fetish, now does tell us too that, any said happening or act, any, is actually believed even said legit in its ways truly, and as said even the very 'work of God' too that is, and in regards and to speak, and of the very manner in all, it all does actually happen that is.

In all, and in the said even attempt here, to counter in all the two said manners that is, and of viewing Fetish, Egyptian and African, is to now too, speak even and of California, and in its rise/origins that is, and as said even and to speak too of Fetish that is.
