Thursday 29 September 2016

Common Sense

of Common Sense.

or Amir Hamza Revisited;

In speak and of what is said as of Common Sense, of Imagery, now is to in all speak, and of society, and as said even perceived, and from talk and of what is said Object, and of what is said Subject, and if not of the Objective, and of the Subjective too that is. That what is been said here, is that, it all does speak and of the very manner in all, most do in all even perceive what is said as of Common Sense that is, of Intrepidity, and in now too asking of one, and of their said perceptions in all, and of what is said as of Common Sense, of Contention, and as said to speak of, and of what is said as of Sleep [Link] in itself too that is, and if not of what is said as of Trepidation in itself too that is.


In a said referral to, and to what can be as said of, and of said Sense too that is, of Sense, of Common Sense, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can be as said of, and of a said Construct too that is, of Constructs, of Constructivity, of Constructionality, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can be as said of, and of a said View too that is, of Views, of Perspective, of Outlooks, or if not in a said regard to, of Senses, of Sensitivity, of Sensibility, and to what can be as said of, and of said Prayer too that is, of Prayers, of Songs, of Poetry, and if not in a said referral to, and to what can be as said of, and of the said Wayful too that is, of Ways, of Manners, or if not of the said Mannerful too that is, of Manners, of Ways, of the said Meaningful too that is, of Meaning, of Purpose, or if not of the said Purposeful too that is, of Purpose, of Meaning.


In now giving a said Developmental perspective, and to all this said, what is said Common Sense that is, of Doings, is to now associate speak and of Development, and as said to speak of a said Modern Egypt too, and with talk and of what is said Governance, but in speak of Development and as said to refer and to talk of Nigeria that is, talk of what is said Developmental Status, and as said to speak of the highly Developed, the lowly Developed, the Underdeveloped etc., but in speak of Development and as said to speak of South Africa, speak of it all said to refer, and to a said Knowledge Base, and that would too speak of the said First-World, Second-World, Third-World etc. In saying that, Development and as said to speak of Common Sense, of Sayings, does in all differ, is to now associating it all, and with talk and of what are too said 'things', and of things said African too, and of the Curator (Link) too perhaps, and if not of the said belief that, things said African, do in all even speak of African Civilization in itself, and as said even grounded in all, and in talk and of Common Sense in itself too that is.

In finalizing on all this, is to now attempt to give a said backbone to all this said, and with it all even said now to possess, said even Mathematical functionality to it all, and that does too speak and of what Consention in itself, of Common Sense, is actually said to be, and of the said even Mathematics of Logarithms, Exponentials, Natural Curves etc., and in now associating, most of the World, and in said functionality too, and with talk and of what is said as of Acceptance too that is, the Acceptable, the Agreeable, and if not of the said Mathematics of Calculus too that is, the Calculable, the Estimatable.

Kikapu, [Link].
of Common Ties.

In talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Common Sense too that is, the Un-Common, of Kawaida, Kisw., now is to and in all, even, claim, or say that, in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said civilization too that is of Civilization, it can now and in all, be as said of, and of said East Africa too that is, of East Africa, Kenya, and as in all said too that is, having, and to it all, 5, or Five said even, civilizations, and that would too and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Opon Ifa too that is, of Kichanuli, of Common Ties, of Symbol, or if not of said Mythism too that is.

Of said Opon Ifa that is, [Link], [Link], and of said Equatorial Africa too that is, of Nigeria, of Kenya, of said Kichanuli too that is, [Link], [Link], of East Africa, of Kiswahili, of said Common Ties too that is, [Link], [Link], [Link], of East Africa - East Africa, Kenya, South Sudan, the Congo region of Africa, the Swahili lands, of said Symbol too that is, [Link], [Link], of Africa, of India, East Africa, Goa - India, or if not in talk too of, and of said Mythism too that is, [Link], [Link], of East Africa, of Bantu Africa.

of Kichanuli.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

the Swahili Sun

The Swahili Sun.

the Sun, the Complementive.
the Sun, African, of Jua Moto, [Link], of East Africa, Kenya, of Luminescence, the Complementary, the Likeably, the Likeable.
the Sun, Swahili, the Potentiate, the Imaginary, the Illusionary, the Complementary, the Commendeably, the Commendeable.
the Swahili Sun, of Complementation, of Complemence, the Complement, the Complementative.

Jua Moto

of Jua Moto.

of Refulgence: the Sunny;
the Sunny: the East African Sun.

In talk too of, and of said, perceptions, views, and of said life too that is, of Existence, of Reality, African, african, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Verberations too that is, [Link], of Vibrance, [Link], of Vividness, the Intense, or if not in talk too of, of East Africa, of Kenya, the East African, the Kenyan, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said African Colours too that is, of Colouration, the Colourized, -->, of Virus, the Communicateable, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Survival too that is, of Adaptation, Adaptivity, the Adaptive, of  Habituation, of Acclimatization.

Jua Kali,  R.I.P

Monday 26 September 2016

Internet Kijiji

of Internet Kijiji.

In talk too of, and of what could/can and in all, be as said of, and of said Internet Kijiji too that is, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Knowledge too that is, the Knowledgeable, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Considereable too that is, the Complementative, the Translative, -->, the Effective.

In all and again that is, all this is too said, or if not in a said too that is, referral to, in regard, and to the said Internet too that is, Kijiji, African, [Link], or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of and of said Regularity too that is, or if not of said Normality too that is.

Of such said Regularity too that is, the Regular, of said Routes too that is, African, Networked, of the said Standardized too that is, of Standards, of Plannings, or if not in talk too of, and of the said African Internet too that is, of Technologies, the Internet [Link].

Of such said Normality too that is, the Normal, of the said Subtle too that is, of Subtlety, the Subtle Effect, of Congolese, African Guitar, [Link], [Link], the Considereable, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Application too that is, of Applications, the Internet, [Link].

of Normality.

Of the said Internet too that is, African, Kijiji, of Regularity, of Normality, of said Links too that is, of Linkage, the Internet, Media, of said Routines too that is, the Routinistic, the Routenized, of Computer Technologies, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Connecteable too that is, of Connecteability, of Connectivity, of Kijiji, [Link], the African city.

of Computing, -->, of Normality, of Normalcy; in Exchange, the Exchangeable.
of Computation, -->, of Regularity, of Regulation; in Exchange, the Exchangeable.

the Kijiji Internet.

Sunday 25 September 2016

Kijiji Communications

of Kijiji Communications.

This very entry, will have to do, and with the said even, defining in all, and of Communications, and within Kijiji (Link) that is, and such that, those said in Kijiji, or of Kijiji in itself, are now said even separate that is, and from what is said outside Kijiji too that is, and in said speak too, and of the very said activity, and that do in all even define in all, Kijiji in itself that is. That it all too, will lead to what one could term Kijiji Communications, and of what is too believed said to lie at the very Heart of Kijiji too that is, and if not of said too Communications Kijiji that is, and of Kijiji and at the very said Core too that is.


Of Jiji.

Of Kijiji: Ki-jiji Contact; Ki-jiji Connectivity.

Of Kijiji Money: Ki-jiji Money : Reimbursements, Returns, Remittances.


That it all even now, this entry, does attempt, to in all even present Kijiji, and from a said even evolutionary stance, and that does too now speak, and of what are said even "Dormant States", and of what are said too "Sleep States" that is, and as said even imagined as said Stable States, and within Game Theory logic too that is. That in talk of what can be termed Kijiji Communications, we are now and again referring to it all, and from a said even Spiritual stance that is, and that does in all even now equate talk and of life in itself, and of what are too said "Dormant States" that is, and with talk and of what is said a Smile in itself that is. That it all does too now, ask of one, to in all even perceive, talk and of Kijiji in itself, and with talk and of what is said Symbol, Concept, Pattern, and if not of Method too, and if not of what too, is said Money, Address, Means, and of Measures too, and in said regard to all this said or mentioned, and as said respectively too that is. That in talk and of what one can term Communications Kijiji, talk too now and again, and of said even "Sleep States" that is, and if not of what is said to speak of the Existential that is, and as said even perceived, and from talk and of what is said too, or can too be said termed that is, Viralism, and if not of what is simply said Viral that is. That it all too, does speak and of Kijiji in itself, and in said Perception in itself too, and if not of what is said Repose, and such that, any said Idea of Repose, does too equate, and to talk too and of what is said as of Laughter in itself too that is, and if not and of what is said Heaven too, and as said even now idealized and as such too that is.

Thursday 22 September 2016

the Pyrenees

the Pyrenees.

the Pyrenees + Spain.

the Conspectus.

of Spain, of Abstracts, of Espana, -->, of Spaniards, the Spanish, <--, of Matadors, Conquistadors, Don Quixote, or if not of said El Cid too that is.

In the said perceiving of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said African races too that is, of African Ethnology, Racial, Genealogic, [Link], and if not in the said Modern World today too that is, of Modernism, of Modern Africa, now is to and in all, even, perceive, talk too of, and of said Nigeria too that is, Bantu, Guinea, of Morocco, of the Western Sahara State, or if not of said Spain too that is, of the said Sudan too that is, Hamite, Arab, [Link], of Egypt, of Libya, or if not of the said Arabian Peninsula too, of Oman, or if not in a said too that is, referral to, in regard, and to the said Central African Republic, Pygmy, Hottentot, of Mozambique, of Angola, or if not of said Brazil too that is.

Supa Soya

of Supa Soya.

'Food for thought'.

of Knowledge.

In the said too that is, equating of, and of said Knowledge too that is, of Thought, African, [Link], and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Ends too that is, of Extremes, Boundaries, Margins, Limits etc. too that is, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Coded too that is, of Units, Metrics, Tables, Charts etc. too that is.

Of such said Knowledge too that is, of Thought, African, or if not in said Quantification too that is, and in the said too that is, perceiving of, and of said Quantity, Quality too that is, of Zero, 0, of One, 1, of said Limits too that is, of Brackets, Intervals, Braces etc. too that is, and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Quantified too that is, or of the said Qualitative too that is.

Of such said Knowledge too that is, of Thought, African, of Reductionism, or if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Reducible too that is, of 1, Mmoja, Kisw., of said Alchemy too that is, of Property, Properties, or if not in talk too and of, and and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Irreducible too that is, [Link], [Link], of said Matter too that is, in Question, of Africa, of India, [Link], of the said Matterly too that is, of Soya, of the said Particulate too that is, [Link], or if not of said Atomicity too that is, [Link].

of Irreducibility.

the East African Secretariat

the East African Secretariat.

To East African Government Secretaries:

This entry, is too said addressed, and to the said East African Secretariat, and which too can here be in all even said, to simply speak, and of said even East African Presidential Press Secretaries that is. That this said entry, is said too, to very much speak on, and of what have been termed, Home grown solutions that is, and in said regard, and to what too, does pass for, or speak of that is, and of said even Development and in East Africa too that is. That what they do often term Home grown solutions, do in all even refer it can be said, and to what too is said to speak, and of a said even Developmental Status, and if not of the the said even Addressing, and of a said problem too, and from a said even View that is, and would too refer, and to what too is believed said to speak of the Norm that is. 

That it too can be said that Esteemable Members of the East African Secretariat that is, that the probable said role, that the Secretariat, does in all even have to play, and in the said Development and of East African societies, could too be said even summarized, and in talk, and of what one could very well term, Public Health for instance. That Public Health is said many a thing, but from what it is believed said here, it all too said now, to refer, and to what is said even self-perception that is, and if not of an East Africa, and as said even perceived, and from a said even Multiple View that is, and that would too speak and of what the Multitudes, are too in all, said all about that is. That it could too be said to speak, and of East Africa, and as said even perceived, and from talk of Population sizes, of Infrastructure, of Historical Monument, of Religious denomination, of Educational standards etc., and such that, what is said even Public Health, now is too said the very said manner in all, those in East Africa, are simply in all even said Identifying with each other, and from talk too and of what too, is said Civil, of Civility too, and if not of the said Field of Studies, and that would too encompass talk of Civics in itself that is.

That in the attempt here, to in all even detail, what Development and in East Africa, can too be said all about, is to now say it too, to very much in all, refer, and to what can be said Key-Facts, and in said regard to anything that is. Key-Facts too, and that do too and in all even say that, Development and in East Africa, and from the said probable said stance of the East African Secretariat that is, can too be said even to refer, and to the said even Search, and for Clarity in itself too, and Clarity too, and that does to speak of, or would too speak of, or refer too, and of what is said Disease for instance. That Disease, is too often said even, blamed, and for the said even Lagging, or the said 'falling back', and ins aid even Status, and in said regard and to speak of Development, and in East Africa in itself too that is. That it all too, could be said even to refer, and to the best said manner in all, and of perceiving Disease that is, and as said even to speak, and of what is believed said Health, Law, Education, Religion, Ethic etc., and such that, it all too could very well be said, and to very much lead, and to the said even Greek term, and of Polemics that is. That Polemics, could very well be said to speak, and of what Clarity in itself is said all about, and if not of what is too said even Disease in itself, and as said too now, to refer, and to what some have often termed, Western Domination, or of said Western Control too, and by said Western Powers that is, and of the said even Political domination that is, and of Africa, and in said regard and to what is said to speak of Intellectualism, and as often said too Modern that is.

That in talk again and of the said Key-Facts that is, and in said regard and to what does too pass for speak, and of Development in itself, and in East Africa too, now is to very much throw in, the very said term of Texturisation, and as said even to refer, and to talk and of what is said Preservation in itself too that is. That Development in East Africa, is often too associated in all, and with talk of Preservation, and of East African perceptions, and of what is said Independence day too for instance, and as said now to refer, and to the very said manner in all, one would too perceive, what are said Key-Facts, and in said regard, and to life, and as said lived out, and in East Africa today too that is. That Texturisation, and as said even to refer, and to talk of Preservation that is, does too now ask of those in East Africa, to in all even probably perceive their said pasts, and from talk, and of what is said to speak of Culture, Media and of Politics too that is. That it all too could be said even, Texturisation that is, to speak, and of said even Mudhuts in East Africa, of what are said Textiles, and if not of what are said Masks & Artefacts too, East African, and of all this said too, respectively that is, and vis-a-vis talk, and of what is said Culture, Politics and of Media too, and in East Africa that is. That it all too could be said even to correspond, and to talk of East African history that is, and in said Development, said even perceived, and from talk too, and of the said even, Development that is, and of the Sultanate of Oman and in said History too, and as said even equated, and to talk too, and of it said Swahili, Egyptian, and if not in speak now and of the Middle East in itself too that is. That in talk of Texturisation, and in said regard and to the said even History of Missionary Christianity in East Africa, and of the said even Pentecostal Church of East Africa too, now is to talk of the Chapel, and as said even to refer and to talk of Mudhuts in East Africa too, now is too talk of East African Textiles, and in probable said talk now and of what is said a Church, but in talk of Masks & Artefacts, now is to refer, and to what is said a Cathedral that is.

In saying that, East African history, could too be said even equated, and to that too said Swahili, and as often presented and as said, both Arab and Bantu that is, is to now speak and of the very said term of Texturization, and as said to differ from that said Texturisation, for the latter, was too said to speak of Preservation, but of the former, it all too believed said to speak, and of Mechanism that is. That in speak of East Africa and in Mechanism, it too could be said Swahili, and in now associating what is said Texturization, and with talk too of Disease in East Africa, and as said too perceived, and from talk of Diseased Bodies that is, and if not of what are said too now, Political Bodies, and of said even, Political Organs that is. That the said failure and of East Africa, and in its said defining itself, and in talk of Mechanism truly, now has seen to it, very much disintegrate, and from its said nascent or early years too, and that would too speak and of what is said Public Health in itself too, and if not of the said even Health and of the Individual and in East Africa, and as said even perceived, and from talk too and of what is said Clarity in itself, and in now too, saying it all to speak and of the forementioned term of Texturization, and as said even equated now and to talk too and of said Political Bodies, and of said Political Organs too, and in East Africa, and in said regard now, and to what too can be said to speak and of a said even East African Political Fabric, and if not as said Social too, and away from that said Swahili too that is, and if not the said even Swahili State, and of the said too, Swahili Leadership that is.

In finalizing on all this, and in said speak too, and of what too Texturization is said to be, is to now present talk, and of the said even 'Biblia ya Kiafrika', and by Paulines Media & Publishing Africa too, and which too would in all even speak and, and of what is said even Address in itself, said too Public Address that is, and as said even now to speak, and of the said History and of Disease in East Africa, that too said Zika, and as said even perceived, and from talk too, and of what is said to speak and of the Coded that is.

Thank you Honourable Mr./Mrs./Miss Secretary.


A. W . Gicheru

the East African Parliamentarian

The East African Parliamentarian.

To the East African Parliamentarian:

Honourable Members of the East African Parliaments, I would in all, very much want to engage any of you, and to my said disclosing many a thought, and that I do in all it can be said, hold or possess, and about life, and as said even lived out and in East Africa too. That if I was to be asked, what this said Address to you, does in all even entail, it could be said to refer, and to what Congruency is said to be, and if not of what Impotency, and Relevancy too, are in all even said all about. That in speak and of the said problems, and that do in all even ail or assail East Africa today, and in said speak too, and of it all said even perceived, an Entity that is, is to now too very much ask, and of the very manner in all, speak and of the Law, is said too and in all, perceived, and in East Africa, and as said even to refer, and to what is said Congruency in itself that is.

That in said speak, or talk too, and of the very said even, best of manners in all, and of perceiving life and in East Africa too, is to now probably say it all, best said, to speak, and of what one could too term, a said even Paramount Law that is. That the Law could be said one thing Honourable Parliamentarian, and that such a said one thing, could too very well be said to speak, and of the very said term of Obfuscate that is, and in now too claiming that, it too could be said a term, and that would too be said even to render, just about any said Reality, and as simply said inexistent, and in said regard, to what too is believed said, to speak, and of the Actual in itself that is. That in speak of the Law and in East Africa, it too said now, to very much hinger on talk, and of what is said Regulation in itself, and in said comparison, and to the Law, and as said even perceived, and from talk of the Ruling that is. That while it can be said that, the Human Experience, could too be said to speak, and of the Integral that is, but in said speak too now, and of the Law, speak now and of the Differential, and with it all even said referring, and to those in East Africa, and as said too perceived, and from talk too, and of what is said Impotency that is. In speak of the Law though, and as said too Paramount that is, and as said even perceived, and from talk too of what is said Relevancy that is, we too could be said even, to refer now, and to the said even Swahili saying of 'Mwacha Mila ni Mtumwa' that is. 

In attempting though, to truly explain what is been said here, is to now simply add, a said even, Mathematical function, and to what is said to speak, and of a said Paramount Law that is, and that would too now, simply be said to speak of it all even said perceived, and from speak of the one-to-many, and if not of the several-to-one too that is. That in the attempt here, to in all even probably expound, and on what is said East African Law, is to now too, say it all to refer, and to speak and of what does in all even refer, and to what is said Sensitivity in itself too that is. That it too can be said that, those in East Africa would in all even perceive the Law, and from talk too, and of what is said Descent, and of said even to refer or speak, and of said Historical references that is, and if not of the Law, and in said Ruling too, simply said even perceived Pliable that is, and in said speak too, and of what could too be said to refer, and to what is said even Corruption, and in said even East African societies too that is. That the Law and in East Africa, and as said even perceived as such, as said too Pliable, could too and in all be said even, traced back that is, and in its said ways or manners too that is, and to speak too, and of what is said even, Swahili Law for instance.

That the said Law in all, and in East Africa Hounourable Parliamentarians, could too very well be said, to refer, and to the said even, Politics of Domination, Coercion, Control etc., and that would too be said even to refer, and to speak and of the said History of Colonial Rule and in East Africa, and if not of the said even history of slavery and in the said Swahili Coast too that is, and in now asking of those in East Africa too, and of their very said definitions in all, and of Sensitivity in itself too that is. That it all too, would be said even, to speak and of the World and as it is today, and of those in East Africa, and as said even sensitive truly, and to speak and of what are said Politics, and in South Africa too, what is said Media, and of Nigeria today too, and if not of what is said Culture, and of said even Modern Egyptian Identities too that is. That in many a said way, speak here too, and of the very said need, and to in all even protect the said Minds that is, and of those said living in East Africa, and of what is believed said even to speak, and of the said even contamination, pollution, defilement etc., and of the Mind that is, and in said speak too, and of East African Identity, and as said even perceived, and from talk too, and of what is said Culturalism that is.

That East African Identity, can too be said even, to speak of Culturalism, and if said even perceived, and from talk and of what is too said, Traditionalism that is. That in speak of East African Identity, and as said even to merge, and to talk too of Disease in East Africa, said even Malarial that is, perceptions now and of East African Identity, and as said even to speak, and of the said Ancestral, of Ancestry, and if not of Ancestors too that is. That in speak of East African Identity, and as said even perceived now, and from talk, and of what is said Antecedent, and if not of what is said too Precedent that is, speak now, and of it said Bantu, and if not of it and as said to speak of what some have termed ATR (African Traditional Religions) that is, and of the Traditionalist African too, and of all this too said, and as said too respectively that is. In speak now though, and of the very said even perspective, and from which, the said Blogger here or writer too, and to you said Honourables Members of East African Parliaments that is, does in all even approach all this said, talk of the Law and in East Africa too, is to probably now add, a said even third level, or layer too, and to what does too speak and of East African Identity, and as said too refer, and to what is said Culturalism, and if not of Traditionalism too, and in said speak too now, and of what is said Biblism that is. That Biblism, could in all even be said to speak and of an East Africa, and as said too perceived, and in said Civil Conduct too that is, and if not of it all said even, Political that is, and in now too associating, what one could term, 'the Bible tradition', and as said too a Sacred tradition that is, and as said too having its said roots or origins, and in a said Ancient Egypt too, but in speak of the Near East and of Israel too, speak of what are said termed Biblical Studies, but in now too referring and to speak of Italy, speak now and of what are termed Bible Studies, but in said speak though, and of East Africa now, now is to refer, and to what too is termed Biblism that is. That Biblism, now does too refer, and to speak of East Africa, and as said even perceived, and from talk too, and of what is said Political Status that is.

In now completing, and on all this said, is to now speak, and of what is said too Legality, and as said even the very manner in all, most would in all perceive the Law, and from talk, and of what is said even Conscience that is. That in speak of the Law, and from what is said Traditionalism, it to now say it all even to refer, and to what Awareness in itself is in all said to be, but in speak of Culturalism, now is to speak, and of Conscience in itself too that is. That it all does too refer, and to speak and of what is said a Paramount Law, now said even perceived, and from talk too and of what is said Concept that is, or of the said Conceptual too, and as probably said even now to speak, and of what has been termed, Zika, or of the said even Zika Virus too that is, and in East Africa. That in speak of Zika, we now do too find, a said even Conscience, one could in all even adhere too that is, and in the the said attempt to in all even understand, what is said a Paramount Law, and in now too associating it all, and to speak too of the said even History of Human Atrocities in East Africa, and as said even now to refer to talk of Ethnic Cleansings in Kenya, of the Lord's Resistance Army and in Northern Uganda too, and if not of what is said to speak of Genocide that is, and in said Rwandan and Burundian History too that is.

Thank you Honourable Parliamentarians.


A. W . Gicheru

Tuesday 20 September 2016


of Copulation.

When we do here, talk of Copulation, we are too and in all, referring, and to what is said Sexuality, and within East Africa, and as said too civilization that is. That it all too, does refer, and to speak of an East Africa, said grounded in all, and in talk of what Simplicity is said to be, or said even all about, and as said too both Humility and Honesty that is, but in saying that the latter said, both Humility and Honesty that is, do in all even refer, and to speak of Gender Constructs, and within East Africa, or of those in East Africa too, and as said in all perceived, from talk of Half's that is, is to now and again, simply mention in many away, that those in East Africa, can in all even perceive their very said selves, and from said speak of evolution, and that does too refer, and to what are said Strands, or of said Genetic Strands, and if not of the Genetic, and as said now to refer, and to one and as said perceived, Wholesome that is, and in now equating talk of the said history of those in East Africa, and as said a people too, and as said now perceived that is, and from talk of their been said, Simple beings that is.

In talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Strand too that is, of Strands, African, Genetic, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Regeneration too that is, [Link], of Mutation, the Mutative, the Split, or if not of said Reproduction too that is, [Link], of Replication, the Replicative, the Whole, or if not in a said too that is, of Recognition, [Link], referral to, in regard, and to what can and in all, of Sensibility, of Tangibility, of Physicality, be as said of, and of said Frequency too that is, of Frequence, or if not of said Vibrancy too that is, of Vibrance.

of Strandings.

Sunday 18 September 2016

the Kijiji Family

The Kijiji Family.

In said reference, or in said regard too, and to the previous post, and on Kijiji Technologies, [Link], and which did too refer, and to talk, and of what is said a Holdings Company, [Link], this very entry though, will in all deal, and with talk, and of what is in all even said to constitute for that is, and for the Kijiji Family. That Africans, are believed said even to have to them, said even complicated modes that is, and of defining Family, said even believed grounded in all, and in talk and of what is said Taboo in itself, and if not as said even, to encompass talk, and of what are said African Banking systems too, and from the said even West African tradition perspective that is.

That it all too, can be said even, to lead, and to the very said term of Monetisation that is, and that would ask of one, to in all even define what is said Contextual, and in ones life that is, and in said regard and to what too does constitute, and for Human relations in themselves, and as said even now perceived, and from talk too, and of the said Contextual, and as said even perceived, and from what is too said as a Commune in itself, and as said even now, defining the Family in itself too that is. That Monetisation, can only be said well understood, and not only from said talk of the Contextual truly, but from what is said Commune, and that life in Africa too, is believed now said best defined in all, or said even best perceived that is, and from talk and of what is said Base, and not of what is said Basis either, and of Interpretation, Translation, Extrapolation etc., or in speak too, and of the Basics that is. That in speak of the Base, and in said regard and to what is said to speak of the Kijiji Family, and if not of Monetisation too, we are now too, asking of those in Kijiji, to simply in all truly define themselves that is, and in one too said Context [Link] that is, and that does in all even open one up, and to what relationships or relations, Human, are in all even said all about, and if not as said even perceived, and from what they are said to be, and as said even now, to refer, and to what too is said Monetisation in itself that is.

Saturday 17 September 2016

Kijiji Technologies

of Kijiji Technologies.

When we do in all here, talk, and of what now is said, Kijiji Technologies, we are too now and again, attempting to in all even, perceive life and in Kijiji too, and from talk, and of what is said too, Impetus in itself. That the very said term of Impetus, now does too, speak, and of what is said, to pass for, or serve for too, and for speak, and of Inspiration in itself, and if not of Aspiration in itself too that is. That Africa, is too said now, to very much be said lacking, and in what is said motive (Link) too, and that would have to do, and with speak of Africa, and as said even, truly defining itself, and in said speak, and of the said even benefits in all, that the said acquiring or developing, and of Technology in itself, or of what some have too termed, to product-ize that is, does in all even, impart on one that is. That Africans in all, are in all too probably believed said, not to in all even truly understand or comprehend, the said too purpose and of Technology in itself, and as said too Conscience in itself too that is. 

That in now too claiming that, Conscience in itself, and in speak too of Africa, could too be said even, and to speak and of the Existential in itself too, is to now and in all, probably associate it all, and with talk too, and of said even African Performance, or of African Music too, Kijiji, and as said even perceived, and from talk truly, and of what is said Instrumentation in itself that is. That it all too, could be said even to refer, and to speak too of Miles Davis 'Kind of Blue' album, and if not of said speak too, and of the numerous works of John Coltrane too that is. That Instrumentation, is the very manner in all, Africans, are believed said even, to in all even understand, what does too speak of Conscience in itself, and as said too Existential that is.

That in a said here, better bid, and in understanding Conscience in itself, and as said too Existential, now is to throw in here, the very said term of Treatise, and if not that of what is said to speak, and of what one could term here, Americentrism that is. That Americentrism, could too be said to speak, and of the very manner in all, Americans, do in all even do many a thing, and in now to saying that, it all too, could be said even, and to speak too, and of the Treatise in itself that is. That Americentrism, now does too refer, and to talk too of African-American Identity that us, and of what are said even to speak, and of said too, Historical Black Colleges & Unversities (HBCUs) that is, and in the United States of America too, and in now attempting to associate talk of HBCUs, and with talk too, and of said even here, Kijiji Technologies that is. That in the said attempt here, to in all even truly place, all this said, and into its said proper perspective, is to now too say that, Kijiji Technologies, does not have to it, any said proper Platform to it all that is, and in said speak too, and of what are said Products, and if not of Services too, but that in all again, it all could very well be said to speak, and of what is said too Script in itself, of Scripting too, and if not of what is said Coded too that is. That life in Kijiji, is in all even believed, to simply be said, to Scroll that is, or simply be said, to very much run on its own, and in said comparison, and to life, and as said even perceived, and from talk too of Time, and if not of the Second in itself too that is. That Kijiji Technologies, and in said speak too now, and of what is said Script, and if not of Code too, can too be said now equated, and to those Technologies too, and that do too speak, and of what is said Animation in itself for instance. For Animation, is too believed said even a Technology, and that does too have to it, a said Conscience, and that does too speak and of the Existential in itself, and that, the said studying of Animation, will too and in all even, impart that is, such a said Conscience, and of the Existential in itself, and onto one too that is.

In now too claiming that, the other said Blog on 'Nairo' that is, Counter 'Nairo' (Link), does too and in all attempt, to in all even associate talk of Development, and with the said too Technologies, and of Photography that is, and if not of Film too, is to now associate talk too and of such said Development, and with what too is said Format/Layout, and if not of what does too speak, and of what is said to in all even Stand/Represent for, and for just about anything, and that does too refer, and to talk too of Development in itself that is. That Kijiji Technologies, can too be said even now, envisioned, and in talk too, and of what a Holdings Company, is in all said to be. That the Holdings Company, does too now speak, and of what too Monetization is actually said all about, and as said even to speak, and of the very said acts, said mechanism too, and of Investing, Divesting, and if not of what is said Funding in itself too, and as said even to speak, and of what Internet Web Services for instance, are believed said too all about, and if not of it all as said too, perceived from talk, and of what is said Scripted that is. That it all too could be said, that the Holdings Company that is, is to and in all said to speak, and of what Monetizing, is in all even said to be, and as said even to speak, and of what is said Conversion in itself, and as said even now to refer, and to the very said idea too, and of what is said to speak of, and of said "Kijiji Money" too that is.

Thursday 15 September 2016

Kijiji Ritual

of Kijiji Ritual.

When we do in all refer, and to what is said to speak, and of said even, Kijiji Ritual that is, we are too said speaking, and of a said manner in all, and of perceiving Africa, and that does too speak, and of what is said to refer, and to the said even now, day-to-day basis that is. That it all too, does now refer, and to what is said termed here Kijiji (Link), and as said even perceived, and from talk too, and of the said too, Simple Setting that is, and that would too be said to define in all, everyday-to-everyday life, and in Kijiji too that is. That it all too can be said even, a Simple Setting, said too Religious, and that would too speak, and of what does in all too pass for that is, and for speak and of both, Invocation, and Evocation too that is.

In having in all defined, what too can be said Kijiji Ritual in itself, and in said Setting, Simple too, is to now and in all associate, talk of such said Ritual, said even everyday too that is, and as said even now to speak, and of the said Swahili terms, and of Damu, Afya, and if not of Adabu too that is. That in speak of Damu, speak now and of what too is said Somasis/Response, but in speak of Afya, speak too of Meaning/Purpose, but in speak of Adabu, speak now and of what is too said, State/Emotion that is.

That in a better said attempt here, and in helping one understand all this said, is to now associate it all, and with talk too, and of what are said configurations that is, and in said regard too all this said, and in now speaking and of the following said slash, /, and as said even to speak, and of Halves, while that said as follows, \ , can too be said to speak, and of Sides, but in talk of the said dot, . , talk too now, and of Parts that is. Furthermore, if one was too in all, place a spacing, and between the said configurations above, and in speak too now and of a said example as follows, Somasis / Response, we are too now referring, and to what too, are said Matches that is.

In all, Kijiji Ritual, and as said too now, defining those in Kijiji, and in their very said Homes too that is.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Tuesday 13 September 2016


of Salutations.

of Contexts.

In the said equating of, and of said Salutations too that is, African, [Link], and to talk too and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Bodies too that is, African, of African Bodies, in Perception, of Perceptions, the Perceptory, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, Ideologically, Philosophically, of Contexts, and of said Resistance too that is, [Link], or if not of said Acknowledgement too that is, [Link].

In the said now, claiming, or saying that, it is often said believed, that, of Africa, that it is the said Egyptians that is, of Africans, and that are too often, believed as said, the first, and to have to them, possess, what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Custom too that is, of Africa's, claim, and to said Civilization too that is, in Name, and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to the said Politics too that is, of Power, of Domination, of Genocide, Regicide, Patricide, etc. too that is, [Link], and that would too and in all, even, nowly, refer to, and to the said Histories too that is, African, Political, and of said Colonialism too that is, of Slaverism, of Modernism, [Link], of Africa, of India, the African Sense, [Link], the Sensory, and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to talk too and of, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Body too that is, African, Political, and if not in said Exclusion too that is, Expulsion, Repudiation, Rejection, [Link].

In the said now, referring to, and to the said Body too that is, African, Political, and if not in said Salutation too that is, of Jesus, of Salutations, of Romans, [Link], now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to the said following too that is:

of the said Tempering of the Body, of Lent, of Penance, [Link], the Stations of the Cross, [Link]
of the said Freeing of the Body, of Phrasings, [Link], the Passions, the Last Supper, [Link]
of the said Appeasing of the Body, the Cross, the Crucifixion, [Link]

of the said Surrendering of the Body, of Prayer, of Ineptitude, the Inept, of Nakedness, of Jesus of Gethsemane, [Link].

of Ineptitude.