Thursday 15 September 2016

Kijiji Ritual

of Kijiji Ritual.

When we do in all refer, and to what is said to speak, and of said even, Kijiji Ritual that is, we are too said speaking, and of a said manner in all, and of perceiving Africa, and that does too speak, and of what is said to refer, and to the said even now, day-to-day basis that is. That it all too, does now refer, and to what is said termed here Kijiji (Link), and as said even perceived, and from talk too, and of the said too, Simple Setting that is, and that would too be said to define in all, everyday-to-everyday life, and in Kijiji too that is. That it all too can be said even, a Simple Setting, said too Religious, and that would too speak, and of what does in all too pass for that is, and for speak and of both, Invocation, and Evocation too that is.

In having in all defined, what too can be said Kijiji Ritual in itself, and in said Setting, Simple too, is to now and in all associate, talk of such said Ritual, said even everyday too that is, and as said even now to speak, and of the said Swahili terms, and of Damu, Afya, and if not of Adabu too that is. That in speak of Damu, speak now and of what too is said Somasis/Response, but in speak of Afya, speak too of Meaning/Purpose, but in speak of Adabu, speak now and of what is too said, State/Emotion that is.

That in a better said attempt here, and in helping one understand all this said, is to now associate it all, and with talk too, and of what are said configurations that is, and in said regard too all this said, and in now speaking and of the following said slash, /, and as said even to speak, and of Halves, while that said as follows, \ , can too be said to speak, and of Sides, but in talk of the said dot, . , talk too now, and of Parts that is. Furthermore, if one was too in all, place a spacing, and between the said configurations above, and in speak too now and of a said example as follows, Somasis / Response, we are too now referring, and to what too, are said Matches that is.

In all, Kijiji Ritual, and as said too now, defining those in Kijiji, and in their very said Homes too that is.