Tuesday 3 May 2016

East African Media

East African Media.

This entry, does very much have to do, and with the said even here, Political Debate, and that is too said, the Kiswahili Language in itself. A Debate too, often simply presented to most, and as said to refer, and to Kiswahili, and as often said too, a Lingua Franca that is. In the attempt here though, to in all even help many, truly understand Kiswahili, and in a said even simple format too, is to now associate truly, the Kiswahili Language in itself, and with the very term of Prospection too, and as said even to refer, and to the said belief here that, Kiswahili, is in many a way too believed best said, a said Accumulation, and of many a said View, Perspective, and if not Belief too that is.

That in understanding, the said role and of Kiswahili, and within the said lives, and of those too simply said East African, of Tanzania, "the Knowing of", of Kenya, "the Hearing of", of Uganda, "the Seeing of", is to now simply perceive Kiswahili, and from speak too, and of what Expression in itself, is believed said to entail. That Kiswahili, and in Expression, does too speak, and of what Perception in itself is said to be, and if not of what Contact, is said even all about, but in putting all together, Kiswahili, and as said now Expression, and Expression only, now does see to it defined in all, or said perceived too, and along speak and of what too a Connection  is said even to be all about, and with it too acquainted, and to speak too, and of what too is said, Incident, or Accident too that is.

That Kiswahili, does not only attempt to in all even define, Africa, and from the said perspective too and of Regionalism that is, but does too appear to have to it, ambitions, Political, and that do too speak and of what Transnationalism, is said even all about, and in said speak here, and of what too can be termed, Transnational Contexts that is. That Kiswahili, is said now defining and of us all, and from what too are said Political Relations that is, and that do too attempt to truly define us all, and in East Africa too, and alongside speak and of what they do term Siasa that is, and as said even now to refer, Siasa that is, and to many a said even backward Cultural practice, and as said to be found, and in the Eastern Africa region too that is.

In however saying that, Language is many a thing, is to now ponder, the very role that Media, does play, and in the said Development, and of Language(s) in itself too that is. That it is too believed that, the very Act of Broadcasting, or of what too Transmission, is said even all about, does now too, in many a way re-write, the very rules of Language in itself that is, and in said regard now, and to what too is believed said Audience, and if not of what too, is believed said even Applause or Acclaim too that is.

In now attempting to in all even present, the very manner in all, Language, does too interact, intimately, and with Media in itself, is to now speak and of what too is said to refer, and to an East African Media, and as said even to speak, and of the said even here, Constituents Countries, of East Africa that is, they too said being Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, but if not in speak too now, and of Burundi, and Rwanda too that is.

That in speak of Media, and in Kenya, it all too can probably be said best associated, and with speak here too, and of what one could term 'The Language of Mathematics', and of life in Kenya, and not Kenyan life truly either, said now perceived, and from speak too, and of what Probability, and Statistic, are in all even said all about that is.

That in speak and of Media, and in Tanzania too, it now said even associated truly, and with speak and of the said 'Language of Love' for instance, and if not of life in Tanzania, and as said too now perceived, and from speak too, and of what Updates, and Upgrades too, are in all even said all about.

That in speak and of Media, and in Uganda too, speak now and of what one could term 'The Language of Music', and as said even to speak and of life in Uganda, and as said even now truly perceived, and from speak too and of what is said Experience, and if not Memory too that is.