Sunday 25 September 2016

Kijiji Communications

of Kijiji Communications.

This very entry, will have to do, and with the said even, defining in all, and of Communications, and within Kijiji (Link) that is, and such that, those said in Kijiji, or of Kijiji in itself, are now said even separate that is, and from what is said outside Kijiji too that is, and in said speak too, and of the very said activity, and that do in all even define in all, Kijiji in itself that is. That it all too, will lead to what one could term Kijiji Communications, and of what is too believed said to lie at the very Heart of Kijiji too that is, and if not of said too Communications Kijiji that is, and of Kijiji and at the very said Core too that is.


Of Jiji.

Of Kijiji: Ki-jiji Contact; Ki-jiji Connectivity.

Of Kijiji Money: Ki-jiji Money : Reimbursements, Returns, Remittances.


That it all even now, this entry, does attempt, to in all even present Kijiji, and from a said even evolutionary stance, and that does too now speak, and of what are said even "Dormant States", and of what are said too "Sleep States" that is, and as said even imagined as said Stable States, and within Game Theory logic too that is. That in talk of what can be termed Kijiji Communications, we are now and again referring to it all, and from a said even Spiritual stance that is, and that does in all even now equate talk and of life in itself, and of what are too said "Dormant States" that is, and with talk and of what is said a Smile in itself that is. That it all does too now, ask of one, to in all even perceive, talk and of Kijiji in itself, and with talk and of what is said Symbol, Concept, Pattern, and if not of Method too, and if not of what too, is said Money, Address, Means, and of Measures too, and in said regard to all this said or mentioned, and as said respectively too that is. That in talk and of what one can term Communications Kijiji, talk too now and again, and of said even "Sleep States" that is, and if not of what is said to speak of the Existential that is, and as said even perceived, and from talk and of what is said too, or can too be said termed that is, Viralism, and if not of what is simply said Viral that is. That it all too, does speak and of Kijiji in itself, and in said Perception in itself too, and if not of what is said Repose, and such that, any said Idea of Repose, does too equate, and to talk too and of what is said as of Laughter in itself too that is, and if not and of what is said Heaven too, and as said even now idealized and as such too that is.