Wednesday 11 November 2015



War, what is it good for?
Absolutely nothing.

This entry, does have to do, and with the very said manner in all, those said in Anti 'Nairo', do in all even again, perceive War. That War, is often said something to be looked down upon, for it does not only speak of many a Killing, or Slaying too, but in all again, speak now, and of what some do term, 'the loss of life', and if not in speak and of the Dead, the Deceased, or even the Departed too that is. That War, is said something not easily understood by most, for it is often not truly associated, and with speak and of what Suffering in itself is said to be that is.

In now saying that, those in ''Nairo" in all, are often believed said acquainted, and with what does too entail, and in speak and of Warfare truly, is to now too claim that, those in Anti 'Nairo', do in all even decipher War, and from speak and of Genocide, and if not of Ethnic Cleansing too that is. That those in Counter 'Nairo', would in all even perceive War, and from speak too and of Terroristic Acts that is. Those in 'Nairo' though, would in all even perceive War, and from speak now and of what, an Invasion, is said to be all about.

In having said the above, is to now speak and of what is believed said to validate, speak and of War in itself that is. That such Validation, does in all even arise, and in Ancient Egypt too, and in speak now, and of the Egyptians, and as said too in all, having much developed, what one could term War Ritual(s) that is [that the Egyptians, did in all even associate life in itself, and with speak and of what, War Ritual, is said to be]. That in speak of Greece and War, speak now too and of the name of Alexander the Great, but in speak and of Italy and as such, speak now and of Religious Warfare, and if not and of what one could too term, a Holy War that is.

In having said the above though, is to now truly ask and of what is said proof that is, and in teh attempt, to in all even validate War in itself. That it all now, does speak and of the very manner in all, we do perceive the Human Body, and if not that  too, and of Jesus Christ, and in said Injury, Pain, Wound etc. That in speak and of Africa, and of the Body, and of War too, speak now, and of where Imagination, is believed said to lay/lie, and in speak too and of Pain, and Agony in itself too that is. That in speak and of Egypt, and of War, the Human Body, now said too, very much Corporeal in its ways/manners that is. In speak of many another part of the World though, and outside Africa too, War, is often truly associated, and with speak, and of what Possession, is said to be. In speak though and of Christianity, and of War, Jerusalem, speak now too, and of what a Cleansing, is said to be all about.