Monday 30 November 2015

Kijiji cha Nairobi

Kijiji cha Nairobi.

This post, does very much have to do, and with speak, and of what Reality, is said to be. That in referring to Nairobi, and by the Swahili term of Kijiji, we are in all even now calling into question, what is believed said to speak, and of Reality, Physical too, and within the said environs, and of Nairobi in itself too that is. That Reality, can too be said, Egyptian, Greek, Italian, and if not African too.

In saying that Reality is Egyptian, is to now too say it Relational in its ways. In saying that Reality is Greek, is to now too say it Proportional in its ways. In saying that, Reality is Italian, is to now too, simply point it out, and as said Correlational, and if not in speak too and of the very name of Leonardo da Vinci for instance.

In saying though, that Reality, is said too African, is to now too though, say it too, Egyptian, and African that is. That this said Model of Reality, is too said Directional in its ways, and in a said two-part, and if not two-tier Model basis, and which in the said Egyptian perspective here, does now too, speak of, and of said Physical Reality, and if not of said Action in itself too that is.

Ofo' Ase.
of Reality: of voice, the Questioning, of speech, the Asking, of sound, the Query.
of Odu: of Alignments, the Aligning, the Alignment, direct, indirect.
           : of Odu, of Ogbe Meji, of Duals, of Duality, the Dual, the Aligned. 
of Existence: of Requests, the Request, of sound, the soundingly.
of life: of Ofo' Ase, of Eji Ogbe, of sounds, the sounding.       

In the said African tradition though, and which does too speak and of Nairobi and as said too, or termed a Kijiji, is to now too, say it first off, acquainted in all, or associated truly, and with speak and of spirits, and if not of the said 'forces of nature', and as said too, perceived in all, and in speak, and of what Mood is said to be. However, and in all again, and on the other said part of it, speak now, and of what, Ofo Ase, Ifa terminology, is said to be. That Ofo Ase, does speak ,and of Words of Power, and as said to refer, and to the uttered word, or truth too, and such, what it all does refer too, is that, Reality in Africa, is not simply said to actually be, in that, just about anything that does happen in Africa, Kenya included, is simply said too, difficult, and in its said Recording, Measuring, or if not in its said Documenting too that is. That this in all, now does too speak,and of African Languages in themselves, and as probably not said exact/precise in their ways, but that in saying that, Reality in Africa, could too be said to truly speak and of Angles in themselves, now does call into question, and of just what, Perception in itself, is in all actually said to be.

That Perception, and as said to speak and of the Kijiji, can now too, be said Inter-Dimensional, and if not in speak, and of said Expectation too that is, or if not of said Circumstance in itself too that is.