Monday 30 November 2015


of Circles.

Why would Circles, be said of interest, and to those in Africa? Perhaps it might have to do, and with speak too, and of Materiality in itself that is [and of the said belief that, many of the said physical objects in all, found in nature, do in all even have Circles to them].. That Africans, do not in all, often perceive, themselves, and as said innately Intelligent, but with the Circle, probably said helping in all, shed a light on all this said. 

Of Circles, of Tracings, of Time, of Centers, -->, of Views, of Perspectives, -->, of Activity.

That Circles, might in all be said truly acquainted, and with speak and of Intelligence, and that does too speak of Illumination in itself. That on standing on a said point, and of a said circumference, and of a Circe, and at a said distance, or radius truly, one can then and in all, develop, a said view or perspective, and on anything placed at the center of the Circle that is, and that does too, speak, and of what Illumination, is said to be all about. All this too said, and for two said main reasons.

The first of these, does have to do, and with speak of Inadequacy, feelings developed as such that is, and by many an African, and in said regard, and to what too, does speak and of African Material culture, African Material Identity, and if not of an African Material Consciousness that is. That the History of Materiality, now too, can be said to arise, and with speak and of Ancient Egypt in itself, and that many another part of the World, do in all even owe their said Material traditions, and to speak too of Egyptian Civilization in itself that is. 

In having said the above though, now is to branch off, and to the said, or very view or belief that, Circles, are said deemed of a said importance in all, and to Africans, and in speak too, and of what does constitute, and for what some do too term, a Physical Memory. That African Memory's, can too be said to very much work, and in the said manner detailed above in all, in speak of Circles that is, but that in all again, it all too, does very much lead, and to speak too, and of what Vacuums in all, are said to be. That the very heights of the African Memory, do in all even speak of the Vacuum, and such that, it all too, does lead, and to speak, and of the said behaviour of light, rays, and in a Vacuum too that is.

That Light, and in a Vacuum, does in all even have to it, and in speak of behaviour, a memory, and that does in all even speak of Materialization in itself, and such that, it all now does too point, at, said Theories in all, and of Materiality, or of the Physical Material world too, and as now too said materializing, and in speak of Light, and of Memory too that is.