Sunday 8 November 2015

the Africa Report

The Africa Report.

There is believed said, lots of talk, and in many a said Political Circle too and in saying the least that is, and that does truly ponder in all, the very best of manners in all again, and by which, Africa, can in all Develop, and if not Evolve by too that is.

When one does hear of such talk, it can too be said, to best point at Nigeria in all, and as said too believed possessing, the very Authority in all, needed, and in the attempt to have Africa, Develop fully that is. That it all too, does now gauge in all, Development in Africa, and in speak too and of a said Consciousness, and that does too speak and of what Parallel Development, is said to be, and if not of Africa, and as said too catching up, and to the said Developed World that is. That Parallel Development, is said now to speak too, and of Africa, and as simply too said, catching up to the rest of the World, and in regard, and to speak and of Diplomacy, and if not in speak of International Relations that is.

In talk too of, of Africa, the African Report, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Evolution too that is, of Evolution, of Africa, of Evolutionary Theory, is to now refer to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Extinction too, of Genes, African, or if not of said life too, of Blood, African, or if not in a said referral to, and to talk too of, and of said Africans too that is, of Africa, the African, or if not of said Issues, or Matters as said faced too that is, of Affairs, African, Political, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Context too that is, of Contexts, African, of African Contexts, or if not in a said regard to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Regeneration too that is, of Reproduction, or if not of said Recreation too, of Mutation, of Mutability, of Evolutionarism, [Link], or if not in a said regard to, nowly, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Adaptivity too that is, African, [Link], [Link], of Adaptation, Africanof African Adaptivity, or if not in the said referring to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Origins too that is, African, of African Origins, Political, Historical, Continental, Evolutional, or if not in a said regard to, nowly, and to what can and in all, in History, African, be as said of, and of the said Nile Valley too that is, of Nile Valley Civilization, or if not of the said Sudan too that is, of Africa, in History, African, in Context, in Evolution, in Status, of Africans, the African.

In having said the above though, that Strategy and Africa, and if not in speak too and of the Tactical, does too speak, and of Parallel Development, is to now too say that, there does exist, said differing manners in all, and that do speak and of Africa, and as said Developing that is, and along the very lines, and that do too speak of, and of Commoditization (Link), and if not of Inculturation (Link) in itself too that is.

However, there are those who do claim that, Africa, and as said Developing, is not said to speak, and of (Political) Debate that is, but in all even, said now to refer, and to speak too, and of what, Political Identity, and Political Status, are said to be all about. That Africa, and in speak now, and of Political Status, now does have to it, speak, and of the said European Powers, and that did in all even attempt, to carve up, Africa, and into the said Regions, and of Southern Africa, Eastern Africa, Western Africa, Central Africa, and if not of Northern Africa (and of Egypt too that is). In speak of Africa, and as said too possessing to it, a Political Identity, is to now too state that, Africa, does in all even lag, and in regard, and to speak of Acclimatization, Acculturation, and if not of Adaptability in itself too that is [and in speak here now, and of what Rankings, Political too, are said to be all about that is]. In saying that, there is more to all this, is to now present the very said view, and that does too ask and of what does pass for Convergence, and if not in speak of Divergence too, and of the said Emergence of said new Leaders in Africa, and as now too said to speak, and of Development in Africa, and as simply too said, to speak and of African Languages in themselves, and if not of the said belief that, Africa, and in Language, can best be said divided, and in speak and of those said possessing, sound, and that does too speak of the Click (Southern Africa), of Intonation, of Accentuation (Nigeria / Western Africa), and if not of Enunciation (Egypt) too that is. That hopefully, all this said is understood, and from a said even Genetic profile, and that does too say that, Africans, and as said holding Convergent, or Divergent Views in all, and of Development in itself too, does in all even actually,speak, and of African Languages, and as said too defined just above that is [on Enunciation, Accentuation etc.].

In having said the above though, is to now too, simply claim that Development in Africa, does too best speak, and of one in all, and as said too a Witness (Link) that is. Something perhaps, believed said outlandish, and if not nonsensical too, but can too be said to speak, and of what a Glossary is said to be, and in now too saying that, one should in all even ponder truly, everything they do witness, and in all truly ponder again, and of just how in all, it all does connect, and to many another thing, said Witnessed, and by a said other too that is. That it all, does now too best speak, and of the Africa Report Magazine, and which does in all even present, its said Content, and in a manner in all, and that does too speak of the Witness, and if not of Interdependence, and of Interrelations too that is.

In finality though, speak now and of Europe and Africa, and in regard and to speak of Misgivings, and as said too arising, and in speak of Slavery in Africa, and if not of Colonialism too, and simply where and in all again, European Law, does in all even now present those said under it, and in a said manner in all, or regard too, and to speak of Subordination (Link), and if not of Insubordination in itself, and as said to speak too of Eurocentrism in itself, and of Africa, and as simply too said perceived, and from speak and of the very term/word of Conquest that is [that Africa, is now too said primarily in all, defined, and by speak of Imagination in itself, and of Europe, and as said too now, and to define the Individual, and not in speak of Imagination in itself either, but in speak truly, and of the said Context that is].