Sunday 8 November 2015


of Dubai.

When one does in all even, ponder, what said importance, or significance too, that the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and if not Dubai too, does in all even hold, and in regard and to speak of Development in Kenya too, is to now too, associate Kenyan Identity, and with speak of Assimilation in itself that is.

All this too said, and in regard and to speak too of Oman, and its said relations in all, and with Kenya, and which do in all even speak, and of what Enculturation, or if not of said Culturation too, is too simply said all about that is.

Finally, the Swahili people, and of the said Swahili/Kenyan Coast too, said too now, having an Independent Identity and to their said selves in all, and which too does now speak, and of Adoption in itself too that is.

on Enculturation.