Monday 16 November 2015

African Time

of African Time.

This said entry, will attempt to in all question, whether if and if not, what some do term Modern Development, or that said too, Western or Contemporary, is said believed, suitable in all it can best be said here, and in helping in all, solve, or meet to, what are believed said to speak, and of African Needs, and if not in speak too of Demands, African that is. That what can best be said here, and in said regard and to speak too of many a said International Expert, and on said African Issues/Matters that is, is that, any talk of Development and Africa, will in all even lead, and to the said conclusion, that Africa, and in failure or success, is truly said defined, or described too, and by speak too and of what African Time, is said to be. That this in all, does too, speak and of what they do term Time Components, and with it all even said to speak, and of what a Stride, is said to be, and in said comparison, and to speak and of the Gait too, and if not in speak too now, and of what a Milestone, is said to be, and in said comparison, and to speak too and of 'Lengths taken' that is. In all, what we are trying to say here is that, every said faced problem, or situation too, faced that is, and in Africa, will in all even truly lead, and to the said conclusion that, it all does have to do, and with speak and of what African Time, is said to be, and in said speak too now, and of what too, does pass for Strategy in itself that is.

In having said the above, is to now too, ponder in all, and on what in all again, African Time, is said to truly be that is. That what can be said here, is that, African Time, can too, best be said perceived, and in speak too now, and of what is said Expectation, African, and if not in speak of Circumstance too, or in speak again, and of what Probability and Statistic too, are said to be, and if not of Experience, and as said too Individual, and of Memory, African, and if not of Memories in themselves too that is. That the above said, now does speak and of the very attempt here, and in simply defining, what does pass for African Time, and if not in speak and of what is said opportune in itself too that is.

In having said the above though, is to now too, speak, and of Nairobi in itself that is. That Nairobi, is said believed rather chaotic in its ways, and if not said too, simply perceived, and from speak and of what an Eyesore, is said to be. That in the attempt here and to in all even help one understand Nairobi, and as it is today, and as simply said chaotic that is, is to now too claim that, it all does speak and of those who do perceive it all, and from speak and of Modern, or Western Time too that is, and in said comparison here and to what does speak and of African Time in itself that is. That African Time, is best said too here, very much perceived in itself, and from speak too, and of what symptoms, and if not of the symptomatic, are in all said to be. That said symptoms, and if not of the symptomatic too, do in all even give one, a said clearer picture, and of what African Time, is said to be all about, and in regard and to speak, and of what too, chaos in all, is said to be. That in now truly equating African Time, and to speak too of symptoms, is to now too, speak and of those said Diseases, but said Condition truly, and if not of Living Conditions too for instance, and such as Amnesia, Bulimia, Hypochondria, Hyperglycemia, Insomnia, Paranoia etc., are said to be, for they too, are said best to speak, and of Disease that is, or Condition truly, and that does in all best point out that is, what African Time, is actually said to be, and in said speak too now and of healing in itself that is.

That it can too be said that, and in speak and of what symptoms, the symptotic, and if not of chaos in itself too, and in Nairobi that is, is said to be, for it is to now too, equate it all, and to speak, and of the said Condition in all, and of Leukemia that is. That in speak and of Mombasa and as said as such, is to speak too now, and of the said Condition here too, and of what Mania, is said to be all about. In all, the chaos that Leukimia does in all even bring with it, it too said, originating that is, and with a said Infection too perhaps, does now speak too and of Infection that is, and as said here too in all, best said defining, and of what does truly pass for, or serve for that is, and for African Communications too.

"Leukimia" .