Wednesday 30 March 2016

of Scorpion & of Mamba

of Scorpion & of Mamba.

This entry, does in many a way, serve too, and as said even, a follow-through, and to the previous entry, and on 'Into Africa' that is. That it all too, will attempt to speak on, and on what African Blood is said to be, and as said even to speak and of Royalty too that is. That it all too, will attempt and to in all even place African History, and in said Contexts too, and that do too speak, and of the Akan/Ashanti that is, and in said Majesty too.

the Super-Gene; +, Plus, the Irrespective.
of Pulse(s), of life; of Impulse(s), of Blood; of Impetus, of Genes; of Petus, of Baraka, Kisw.

That African History, now too, does connect to that said Egyptian, and in said manners too in all, and that most don't oftenly openly perceive, and in speak too now, and of what Serpents, are in all even said to be. 

In saying that, the Blog 'Nairo' (Link), now does too refer, and to the said History, and of the Catholic Faith, and as said even arising, and with speak and of Saints, and in Egypt, and not Italy either, is to now too, associate speak and of Counter 'Nairo' (Link), and with speak too and of just where, what they do in all term Catechesis, and as said even to refer, and to the very term of Catholicism too, does in all even meet many another said varying, belief that is. and as said even to refer, and to speak too of African religions that is. This Blog though, Anti 'Nairo', does however, deal with other said differing issues in all, and that could too be said attributed, and to speak and of a said even African Catechism, and not that said Catholic truly either, and which does too tackle, what is in all even said to speak, and of a said African Royalty, and as said even referring, and to speak and of the Sacrilegious that is.

That in saying that, African History, does meet that said Egyptian, is to  now and in all, best perceive it all too, and from speak and of the very name of Jerusalem that is. That Egypt, and as said even African, is too said Hebrew, and if not Cobra, but in now saying that, Egypt, and as said even, a said even rather memorable place that is and in regard and to speak of History, does now too speak, and of U-Kanisa in itself, and of the Nazarene, and if not of Vipers too (for it is the Viper, that is actually believed said the Serpent, and of the Bible too), but in speak now, and of said even secret Cults, and in Egypt too, and that do arise, and amidst talk of Freemasonry for instance, and of Templars in Jerusalem too [and not Italy truly either], is to now too, probably talk, and on what Puff Adders, are in all even said all about that is.

In having said that, is to now too say that, U-Kanisa, and in East Africa, and as best said appropriately labelled as such, for Egyptian History too, is in all even believed shrouded and in Mystery in itself, is to now too talk and of a said African Royalty, and that does too talk of the Scorpion, and if not of the Mamba (Link) too. That in speak and of the Scorpion, speak now and of one, and as said even awakening, and fully too, and to what Ori, of Genetics, of Genes, and if not of said Attitude (Link) too that is, "the Rizi Virus", the Genetic, is in all even said to be, or said even all about that is. However, it is in speak and of what too, is said as of the Gene, and not Genes truly either, and whereupon one does in all even actually meet, said African Notions in all, and of Royalty too, for talk of the Gene, and in speak too of the Mamba here, of Geneticism, and as said even as of a Symbol too, does in all even speak, and of what too is believed said Reality in itself, Physical too, and in said comparison too, and to the said existence and of the Dream World too that is, of Genes [for the Dream World, is too believed said truly Actual in its ways that is].

Into Africa

of Into Africa.

When most do in all, attempt, and to study, and if not analyze too, Africa, and in History too that is, it all probably does too come down, and to speak too, and in said jargon, and to speak and of what Signals are in all even said all about, and if not in speak truly and of Signs that is. That speak of Signals here, does too speak and of Africans in themselves, but in speak and of Signs, speak now, and of Africans and in Adaptation too. That it all too, does attempt to in all even, present, or draw up too, a said even, of Oracles, African, the Oracular, Picture too that is, and of African history, and if not of Africans in themselves too, the African past, and of their said State, or Condition too, and in regard and to speak and of said African History in itself too that is.

Of said "Into Africa", or if not of said Currents too, of Loopings, -->, of Inference, of said Maskings too, of Linkings, -->, of Reference, or if not of said Imprints too, of Impressions, -->, of Deference, or if not in a said referral to, and to the said Embodied too, of Africa, or if not of the said Incomplete too, of Completionthe Complete, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Outcome too, or if not in a said regard to, nowly, and to the said Conflicting too, of Ference, or if not of the said Enbodied too that is, of Africa, of Africans, the African.

That the said true History of Africa, is in all even believed said to truly differ, and from many a said even known account of it all that is, for it all too can be said to refer, and to speak and of only one said term that is : Response (Link). That it all too, now does and in all state that, speak of Egypt, Libya and Nubia, and in History too, does not actually refer and to speak too of Africa in itself, for Egypt, Libya and Nubia, do in all even have Histories to them it can best be said here, and that do too speak, and of what Position, Opinion and Stance, and as said respectively too that is, are in all even said to be all about. That Africa on the otherhand, outside speak and of Egypt, Libya and Nubia too, is in all even believed said truly defined, and by speak only, and of Response that is.

In having said the above, is to now attempt, and to in all even, 'Chart out', African History, and as some do even, readily recognize it that is, and as said too now, and to speak, and of the Akan/Ashanti of Ghana, the Hausa, the Yoruba and Igbo of Nigeria, the Congo in itself, and if not in speak too now, and of the Buganda, and in Uganda too that is. That unknown to most, African History, does in all even differ, and from that too said Egyptian, for Egyptian History, is too said even World History, and in speak too now, and of what 'Symbol' in itself is said to be, and not Symbolism truly either. That it is what some do term 'Symbol' (Link) in itself, that is in all even believed said defining, and of History everywhere, but in speak and of Africa, speak now, and of what, Projection in itself, is actually said to be. That all this, is made too coherent, and in the said study, and of Yoruba culture and Religion too, and which does in all even associate itself, and with speak and of what the said Projection of Power that is, is believed said all about, and in speak too of Yoruba Visual and Body cultures too that is. That in speak and of the Igbo of Nigeria, speak now, and of Projection, and in Name, Consciousness, and if not spirit too, (Link), and said too now and to speak and of the very manner in all, the Igbo people of Nigeria, do in all even perceive speak and of Family in itself, but with it all too and interestingly enough, and in speak of a said discrepancy here, said to speak and of the very manner in all, the History of and Dynasty Egypt, is often too presented by many that is. In speak and of the Akan/Ashanti and of Ghana, speak now, and of what the Projection and of Majesty it can best be said here, is said too all about, for Majesty, does too speak and of Survival in itself, and if not of Adaptation in itself too [that it is Akan/Ashanti History, and that is believed even, of most significance in all, and in regard and to speak too and of African History that is]. It is in speak though, and of the Congo, and if not of the Kongo too, and whereby, one does in all even find the said cultures of the Congo, and as said to speak too of Royalty, Kingship and if not of Religion in itself too, said now, to speak and of Projection in itself, and in regard, and to speak and of the very names in all, and of the Congo in itself, and if not of the Kongo too. It is amongst the Buganda, and of Uganda though, and simply where and again Projection, does in all even take interesting dimensions, and that could too be said, to speak, and of what Recitals, Invocation or Chanting too, are in all even said to be, and in said regard, and to speak too and of Oracles in Africa, and if not of Christianity in Africa too that is.

In said speak though, and of the Hausa in Nigeria, speak now and of those who do in all believe, that said Hausa History, is believed even, said more significant or important, and that that which is too said Akan/Ashanti that is. For Hausa History, is in all even defined, and by speak too, and of what Drama in itself, is said to be. That Egyptian History, and in speak too of Human Relations, is said too, and to speak and of what Theatre is said to be, for England too, was said very much imagined up, and in speak too of the Stage that is, Shakespeare too, but in now saying that, Dramatism, and as said and to speak too and of Theatre in itself, does in all even influence any of us, and in speak now and of any said activity, we might in all engage in, Drama on the otherhand, does in all even find a home truly, and in Africa, and in said regard too, and to what 'the Detail', and in said speak too of anything out there, is in all even said to be, or is in all even said all about that is.

However, and in now restating that, this entry, does very well too speak and of the said Myth, and as said too termed here, 'Into Africa' that is, and as said to speak too, and of Africa in itself, and as said even arising, and in speak too and of Response in itself that is. That what too can be said here is that, Africa, and as said to speak too of Egypt, is too believed and in all, borne that is, and of Intelligence, and that does too speak and of what Light (Link) is said to be, Sound (Link) too, and if not in speak too and of Intelligence, and as said even perceived, and in most of the World that is, and in speak now and and of what 'the Element' (Link), is said to be. That Africa in all, is too believed said to possess, its very own Intelligence, and that does too speak and of what Revelation, or Exposure too, are in all even said to be all about, or said even to be, and in speak too now, and of what Illumination in itself actually is.

In having said the above though, is to now offer, a said even differing view, and of said African History, and that does too speak and of Oral traditions (Link), and if not of the said Theory that is, and that does too equate African History, and to speak too and of its said peoples, cultures, customs, rituals, religions etc., and which do in all even arise, and with said speak too, and of what Markets (Link), are in all even said to be, or even said all about that is. That it all too, does speak and of a said manner in all, and of perceiving Time, African, and that does too speak and of British, Victorian, and American History, Swahili, and in Africa too, and if not that said too, and to speak and of Christianity and in Africa too that is. That the British, do in all even define Africa, and in speak too of Behaviour in itself, and if not of Speech too, while Victorian History in Africa, can too be said to speak and of Africa, and in Imprint, and Impression too, but in speak now and of American History in Africa, speak now and of the said redefining and of Taste, African that is, but in speak again and of Christianity in Africa, it too said even, a History, and that does too refer and to speak and of Nigeria, and if not in speak too now, and of what 'IT' (Link) in itself, is actually said to be. In all and again, a History, and that does speak and of the very manner in all, Africans, do perceive Time, for it can be said that, most of the World, and in speak too and of what the Moment is said to be, does in all even mirror in all, the Congo that is, and in speak too now and of what a Duration is said to be, for while North America and in Time, does in all even differ it is believed here, and from the rest of the World, and in speak too and of societies defined and in speak of Time Lengths, and if not Time Spans too, Africa, and in its heights of living, does in all even find itself defining Time, and in speak truly and of the Current, and if not of what Current Affairs are in all even truly said all about that is.

of Time Currents.

Saturday 19 March 2016

Africa Magic

Africa Magic.

Tales, and that do too speak, and of Kijiji (Link1, Link2, Link3) Africa.


Friday 11 March 2016


of Winnipeg.

In talk too of, and of the said Assigned too that is, of life, in Assignment, in Contrast, in Comparison, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to a said Canada too that is, of Winnipeg, [Link], of said East Africa, Kenya too that is, [Link], the Victorian, [Link], the Colonial, the Traditional, or if not as said too that is, perceived, referenced, or if not in talk too of, and of said Leaps & Bounds too that is, of Leaps, &, Bounds, of Respectivity, of Respectiveness.

Of such said Assignment too that is, the Assigned, of life, of the said Little too that is, Quantity, Stands for, of the said X too that is, Letter, Mark, Equated to, or if not of the said Epi- too that is, Weight, Represents for.

Of the said Little too that is, the Little Current, of life, in its said Origins too, of said Structures, Structurings too that is, of Structurism, or of said Stands, Standings too that is, the _______, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Switch too that is, the Switching, Switcheable that is, or of the said Fit too that is, the Fitting, Fittingly that is, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Weighted too that is, of Pyramids in Egypt, Mexico, or of the said Uni-gram too that is, [Link], [Link].

3, 2, 1; Center, Middle, Centre, -->, Straight; 0.
Of the said X too that is, Letter, of the said term/word of Connexion too that is, the Connecteable, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Switch too that is, of Connections, the Connective, the Factual, [Link].

3, 2, 1; Balance, Level, Plane, -->, Direct; 0.
Of the said Epi- too that is, of the said Epigram too that is, the Accomodated, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Fit too that is, of Accomodation, the Accomodative, the Messaging, [Link].

Winnipeg, and in Manitoba, Canada too.

Pat., Vic., BiK, and Hosea too, a said here Rejoinder, [Link].

Mami Wata

of Mami Wata.

The African tradition.

**In claiming that, Africa to this very day, is believed said even, unable, to simply let go off the past, and in said abomination too, or unable to think out in all, a said future, believed said even, beneficial to all, it then all does probably speak, and of said African Perceptions of Time, and that could too be said, to speak and of, and of a said Point in History, and if not in speak too of, and of what a said Major Reference, and as said having to do with History too, is too said even all about that is. In saying that, Africa's said definitions of as such, of a said Point in History, or of a said Major Reference, and in regard to speak and of History in itself too, African, can too be said to in all even refer to, it can best be said, and of Neo-Colonialism in itself too that is, and if not in said speak too and of the said Civil Rights Movement, and in the said United States of America too for instance, and if not of the said name of Marcus Garvey too that is, in Example, is to now simply say that, Africa, and as said even simply defined in all, and in speak too of, and of the said Reference in itself, the Historical too, is probably best too said as Mami Wata that is.

of Mami Wata.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Tropical Disease

of Tropical Disease.

The said search, and for the quintessential African, has often been equated, and to talk too, and of those said even Ashanti/Akan, those said Zulu too, and if not of those said Nubian truly. That it all too, does speak and of what is believed said, to speak, and of Africa and in Philosophy that is, for those often said African, can too be equated, and to speak too and of what does in all even go along in all, and with speak too of Nature, Ecology and Habitat, and in Africa, and as said even referring, and to Religion, African, and such as IFA (Link) too for instance [and if not of what Community, and the Communal too, are in all even said to be]. That for others, those in all even said African, does now and in all lead to speak and of Tradition in itself, and of Kingship, Royalty and Leadership too, and in Africa that is, but in equating all this talk, and with talk too of U-Kanisa and in East Africa, Tradition, now said too, to speak, and of the very ways and manners in all, and of the Zika Virus (Link) for instance [and if not of Culturalism in itself too]. In saying that, speak of Africa today, and of those too said African, does in all even refer, and to speak too and of Materialism, and if not of African Material cultures too, it all too can be said, and to in all even speak and of Africa, and in regard and to speak of Slavery, Colonialism, Neo-Colonialism etc., and if not of said African Religions, or Religious Practises truly, and such as Obeah, Vodun, Candomble etc.

That in many a way, it can actually be said here that, the said search and for the quintessential African, can too be said, and to speak and of Tropical Disease in itself, and if not of the Cultural Barrier (Link) post too, and in now associating speak and of Tropical Disease, and with speak too and of what a said even authentic/genuine African Consciousness in all, is said to be all about, and as said even referring, and to the following:

1. An African Somasis - and of African definitions and of Misery, Sorrow and Sadness too, it can best be said.

2. African Body Images - and if not of what Pathogens too, are said to be.

3. African Myth -  and as said even to refer, and to speak too and of the Story in itself, and in said comparison, and to speak and of Folklore, Oral tradition, and if not of Adage in itself too.

4. African Culture - and as said even defined, and in speak of Taste in itself, and if not in speak of Ritual, or Custom truly.

5. An African Eschatology -  and of Africa in Methodology, and not Practise truly either.

In all, while many do still very much, attempt to define those said African, or African culture too, and in said speak too, and of what Participation, Contribution or Sharing too, are said to be, Tropical Disease, can best be said to refer, and to speak of Religion in all, and as said even summarized, and in speak truly and of only one said term that is: Ase. That Ase, and as said even to speak of IFA, can best be said here equated in all, and to speak too of Gender Constructs, and in Africa, and in said further speak here now, and of those who do believe in the said Equality, and between Men and Women [and in speak here too, and of the cultures of Southern Nigeria too for instance, and if not of what Ashe, is too said to be], speak too and again, and of what does constitute, and for Male and Female Expression [and if not of the said term of Axe, and of Capoeira too, but in speak too now truly, and of the Congo in itself actually], but in all again, Gender Constructs, said now and to speak too and of Male, and Female Energies, and in said speak here, and of East Africa too, and if not of the very term of Ase in itself that is.

Of Ase, of spirit, of said Constructs too, of Gender, African, of Gender Constructs, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Divide too that is, of Dividends, of Divisions, of Seperatings, or if not of a said Class too that is, of Classes, of Classifications, of Partitionings.

Tuesday 8 March 2016


of Candour.


noun: candour
the quality of being open and honest in expression; frankness.
"a man of refreshing candor"

There are those who do believe, that any talk, and that does very much have to do, and with Developing Africa, is simply said not worthwhile, and in Engagement, or Commitment too, and for many a said good reason. Unknown to most though, many of these reasons, can be summarized, and in speak too, and of the said Histories in all, and of both Egypt, and South Africa too. That speak and of what Transformation in itself, Change or Growth too, are in all even said to be, does speak truly, and of Egypt, and in Philosophy or Religion too that is. That it is in speak now and of South Africa, and simply where and in all again, said South African Philosophy in all, can too be equated, and to speak, and of Transition [Link] in itself that is.

Of said Candour, or if not of the said Colonial World too, of Colonial history, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Tick too that is, of Tickings, of Verification, the Verifiable, or if not of the said Check too that is, of Checkings, of Validation, the Valid, the Invalid, or if not of the said Mark too that is, of Marks, of Aberrations, of history, Colonial, past, recent, or if not in a said referral to, nowly, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Damage too that is, of Scarrings, or if not of said Injury too that is, of Affliction, or if not in a said regard to, of Harm, and of what can and in all, of Grief, be as said of, and of a said Incident too that is, of Recovery, of Facts, of Adaptivity.

However, what could be said to be a surprise, and to many, is that, the above said Ideologies in all, and of Transformation in itself, and if not of Transition too, do not appear, to very much, Fit in, or even be said Adaptive, and to the said African Landscape that is [and outside both Egypt, and South Africa too]. That Africa, is believed in all even, ruled over, and by speak too, and of what Alteration in itself is said to be, and as said even to refer, and to what Ori (Link), is too said to be, and if not in speak too now, and in speak too and of Christianity in Africa, and of what Transfiguration, is too said to be all about. That Africa, has in the past, been said known, to define itself as such, and if not in speak now too, and of what too does pass for in all, and for the Periodic, and in Africa, and if not in speak too now, and of what Phases are too said to be, for it does too and in all, lead, and in many a way, and to Africa defined, and in speak truly, and of Candor in itself that is.

"Africa and in spirit"

"Africa and in spirit".

When we do in all even, speak, and of 'Africa and in spirit', we can in all even correlate it all, and to speak too, and of 'Africa and in Name', or in said speak too, and of 'Africa and in Consciousness' that is. That when we do speak, and of Africa, and in such said terms, we can too be said perceiving Africa, and from speak of Intelligence, and if not in speak of Intellect truly. That in speak now, and of 'Africa and in Name', Intellect too, and as said now and to in all even comprise of, speak too of the following:
  • Experience / Memory
  • Upgrade / Update
  • Probability / Statistic
That in speak too and of 'Africa and in Consciousness' that is, speak now and of the following, and in Intellect too:
  • Imprint / Impression
It is in speak though, and of 'Africa and in spirit', that we could too be said to speak and of the following:
  • Direction / Alignment
In saying that, 'Africa and in spirit', does in all even, differ, and in many a way too, and from speak and of 'the spirit of Africa', and of Africa and in Task too, or speak too and again, and of 'the African spirit', and of Africa, and in Expression that is, it too though, can be said that, 'Africa and in spirit', does too talk of the following, and in said Sense that is: 'a Sense of Reality' [probably said Italian too], 'a Sense of Order' [said too Egyptian], speak too now and of 'a Sense of Duty' [often proclaimed American], and if not truly now, and of 'a Sense of Relief' [and which is something often believed truly African].

In many a way, speak and of 'Africa and in Name', can too be said to speak and of Africa today, and as said perceived and from speak of Nigeria, while speak and of 'Africa and in Consciousness', can too be said to speak and of Kenya today too, speak though, and of 'Africa and in spirit', has often in all, been equated, and to speak too of South Africa that is.

In all, "Africa and in spirit", simply believed and as said defining Africa truly that is, and in speak too now and of, and of said Action [Link] in itself too that is.

Monday 7 March 2016


African Ethnology.


the study of the characteristics of various peoples and the differences and relationships between them.

of Kenia.

The very Tales of Redwall, Marlfox too, and by Brian Jacques, while too said Folklore, and in speak too of a Lesson said learned, can too in all, be said even, Ethnology. For Ethnology, and as said too defined as above, can too be said and to speak and of the very manner in all, those in Kenya in particular, and not Africa truly either, do in all even attempt, to in all even create Identity, and if not in speak too, and of their said defining themselves truly, and in speak of Status in itself that is. That Ethnology too, and in speak of Kenya, can too be said very much equated, and to what too is said to speak, and of HIV, and as said Virus too, for HIV in all, is said even condition, or Disease too, and is too believed, said even best approached in all, and in its said Cure too, and via speak and of what Ethnology in itself is said to be [and in further speak too now, and of HIV, and as said even Carrier, or of HIV, and in Status too that is].

Of said Ethnology that is, or as said perceived, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Ethnologism, the body, or of said Philosophism too, the self, or if not in talk too of, and of said Perceptions too that is, of Names, of Namings, and of said Kenia too, [Link], of Kenya, or if not in their said Existence too that is, of Existences, African, Historical, Political.

Of said Existences too that is, of Names, of Namings, of Politics, African, Colonial, or if not of said Kenia too, Nation, Country, of Kenya, East Africa, of said Ukoloni too, Kisw., of East Africa, the Pre-Historic, the East African, or if not in talk too of, and of said Kenya too, of Uhuru, Kisw., of Kenya, the Traditional, the Kenyan, or if not in talk too of, and of said Kenya too, Republic, Country, of East Africa, Kenya, of said Colonialism too, African, of said East Africa, Colonial, of Colonial East Africa, or if not of said African Colonialism too, of said Kenya, Colonial, of Colonial Kenya.

Of said Ethnology, of Ethnologisms, of Biology, of said Philosophism, of Psychology, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Body too, African, Political, the body, the self, of Evolution, the Evolutionary, the Evolutional, or if not of the said Source too, of Sources, of Pathogens, of Disease, or if not in a said referral to, and to the said Organism too, African, Biological, the cell, -->, of Cells, of cells, the Cellular, or if not of the said Origin too, of Origins, of Virus, of Memory, or if not in talk too of, nowly, and of said Africa too, of Africa, of Africans, as said perceived too, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Abstractive too that is, of Abstraction, of Abstractivity, the Abstract.

In saying that, Ethnology, can too be approached, and from speak too, and of what can be said termed or called, a Religious Discipline that is, and that does too speak now, and of what too can be said termed, or called, a Collective Memory, and as said too defined in all, and in speak of Memory, Human that is, and as said too, Echoic, Retentive, Vivid, and if not of it all said even centered in all, and in speak too now, and of Rote Memory in itself that is. That it is this said Collective Memory, of Memory, of Recollection, as said as defined as such, and which too is often believed said the very way or manner in all, those found living outside Africa, and as probably said too, African, and in said speak too of what Personification is said to be, do in all even identify that is, and with Africa in itself [and if not in speak now, and of those who do truly identify, and with African Artforms for instance].

In all, Ethnology, said too, the very manner in all, Europe today, does in all even attempt to define itself in all, and in a said Immigrant Europe that is, and if not of it all said even, coming to truly define, European Popular Music (Link) today, and if not European Popular Media (Link) in itself too that is.

Saturday 5 March 2016




This very entry, does have to do, and with the said Potential, that Africa, is believed said to actually harbour, and in said comparison, and to Potential, said held or possessed too. That it all too, now does very much speak, and of the said term of 'Ethno' (Link), and of its said too direct, associations, and with speak too of the Creative Arts Industries, and of their said too defining, the very Potential, that Africa, is believed said to in all even harbour that is. That in speak of Africa, and of Potential held or possessed, speak of it now truly, and in regard, and to speak of African History in itself that is.

That 'Ethno', now does too attempt, and to speak on life, and if not Potential too, and from speak and of what too, does pass for, or serve for, a said Construct, a said Reality, and if not of a said Plane of Existence that is, and as said too now, defining Africa, and in speak of Success, Goals, Romance, War, Suffering, Injury etc., and such that, talk of any and of this said, and in Africa today, is often too, equated in all, and to talk of Neo-Colonialism in itself that is. That talk and of it all even said to speak and of Neo-Colonialism, now does too ask, and of what too, is said even, the Bigger Picture, and to life in itself, the Larger Reality, or speak too, and of the Ultimate Reality in itself. That the Bigger Picture, does too now, speak, and of Africa, and of the Western World too, and now does too ask and of Africa, and of the very manner in all, Africans, do in all even define the Metric, and if not in speak too now, and of what too is said Quantity, Amount or Measure too that is. That in speak of a said Larger Reality, speak now and if it said even, and to refer and to speak of 'Ethno', and of what too is said a Construct, a said Reality, or of a said Plane of Existence too, and with it all even said now American, and in speak too now and of African culture, and as said even possessing elements to it, and that can too be said added, and to this said Larger Reality too that is.

That in now too saying that, China, [Link], could in all even be said here, better, and in regard to all this said, and in speak too of Africa, is to now associate China, and with an 'Ethno', and that does too speak and of the Ultimate Reality, and in regard, and to speak too of Africa that is.

Action Research

of Action Research.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Expressions Africa

Expressions Africa.

This entry, does have to do, and with speak too and of a said even, Identity Formation, African, and that does too claim that, the very belief that Africans, are said in all, losing their culture, their Heritage, can too be said to speak, and of the very manner in all, Africans, do too, perceive their very Past that is [and if not in speak of Roots too]. That it can be said that, come Colonialism, and into Africa, Africans, are now too said in all, defining themselves, and in speak too of Religion, and that can too be said to very much speak and of Stereotype in itself too. That in speak of Africa, and before Colonialism, and as said to refer, and to the Slave Trade period too, Africans, are now too though, said creating Identity, and that does too, speak and of what African Expressions, are said all about, and of what the Politic too, is said to be. 

That in all again, a said even here, false belief, and that does too claim that, the said African-American Experience, is in all even believed said grounded in all, and in speak of Stereotype truly. That African-American History, and in speak of what one could too term African-American Art, and as said to encompass, speak too of American Dance, is best said and to this very day, to speak and of 'African Expressions', and if not of an African-American Politic, and as often falsely too believed by some, to speak truly and of the very name of Nat Turner too that is. In saying that, African-Americans, do in all even possess, a said even Developed Image to them, it all now too can be said, to speak and of their said Status, and in the United States of America, and as said too, and to speak and of the said moniker even, and of the USA, but that in all again, said African-American Success, is actually built on Ancestral Images, and that do too speak, and of 'African Expressions', and of the African-American Politic that is, and in said comparison, and to speak and of African groups, arriving and into the United States of America, and after Slavery is abolished, and who do in all even though, create Identity in all, and in speak of Stereotype that is.

In many a way, while there are those in Africa, and who do in all even believe, this is still very much said, the best of manners in all, and in creating African Identity, that of Expressions, and of the Politic, is to now not only type out the very name of Dr. Wole Soyinka that is, but that in all again, speak too of East Africa, and if not of Africa too, and of African Expressions, now said to speak, and of East Africa, and in speak of Nature, Ecology and if not Habitat too, but with the Politic, now too simply said to speak, and of the Hunt, the Chase, and the Catch [Capture] in itself too that is. However, it too can be said that, this said manner in all, and of perceiving African Identity formation, of Nature, and of the Chase too that is, is probably believed said even somewhat truly Mythic in its ways, and in said comparison, and to viewing African Expressions, and from speak of Media, Mass Media too, and of the Politic, or in speak now truly, and of said Mass Communications too that is.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Dr. Dobbs

Dr. Dobbs.

One of the many problems, and that many who do in all even believe themselves, said even rather educated, do face, is the very question, and of the very manner in all, many a thing out there, or anything, and in life too, does in all even add up, sum up, or is simply said even, to in all accumulate. That in all, when one does too, develop, a said Exercise Routine, how in all, can it be proven, that the results, are simply said incoming, or will actually add up, and to something that is. That for some, talk pf us, does too lead and to talk now, and of the Mathematics of Sequences, and of the Series too, and if not of talk too perhaps, and of Graphical Curves, and of said Logarithmic, and Exponential Curves too that is, but in speak of this very Blog, it probably can best be said, such a said summation function that is, now does add up, and to speak too probably, and of the C# Programming Language that is [that in all, when one does talk Disease, or Virus too, their ways in all, and in speak of summation too, can probably best be explained, and by speak of Programming Languages that is].


of Technologism.

Feist ~ Mushaboom.

White South Africa.

In talk too of, and of what can/was and in all, said as of, and of said Apartheid too that is, in History, South African, [Link], of White South Africa, of S.A., of Afrikaans, the Boer, or if not of said Segregation too that is, in Perspective, the Point-of-View, the Viewpoint, the Vantage point, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Socialism too that is, of Technologism, African, or if not of said Nationalism too that is.

Of said Socialism too that is, of Ethics, of said Technologism too that is, [Link], [Link], of Images, or if not of said Nationalism too that is, of Symbols, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Convolution too that is, Psych., the Complex, the Complicated, or if not in a said too that is, referral to, in regard, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Clarity too that is, of Intelligibility, of perceptions, beliefs, thoughts, ideas, views etc. too that is, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Signatory too that is, of Signs, the Signful, or if not of said Belief systems too that is, [Link], of Education, the Educational.

Of said Education too that is, the Educative, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Basic too that is, the Basis, of the said Base too that is, or if not in a said too that is, -->, referral to, in regard, and to what can and in all, be as said of, the Basics, and of the said Central too that is, of Factors, the Primary, the Factual. Of the said Basics too that is, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Narration too that is, of Expositions, the Explanation, or of said Ethics too that is, of the said Story too that is, of Versions, the Tale, or of said Images too that is, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Account too that is, of Renditions, the Interpretation, or of said Symbols too that is.

Of the said Character too that is, of Ethics, of Inculcation, or if not of the said Mark too that is, of Images, of Instruction, or of the said Figure too that is, of Symbols, of Indoctrination, or if not in talk too of, of Identity, of identity, the Typical, [Link], and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Appeasing too that is, of Appeasement, of Satiation, the Satisfactory, the Pleasant, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Examinable too that is, the Commendable, the Applaudable, or if not in a said too that is, referral to, in regard, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Major too that is, the Minor, the Critical, the Crucial, the Consequential.

Cottage, Swahili, [Link].
East Africa, Kenya - India, Goa.
of Images.

of Technologism.

In talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Technologism too that is, African, of Technology, of Imaging, the Imageful, [Link], or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Impact too that is, the Impacting, the Impactful, of said Features, Aspects, Parts, Units, Components etc., now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to talk too of, and of the said Striking too that is, of Strikes, [Link], the Strikingly, of Iodes, [Link], the Strike, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Impetus too that is, [Link], the Inductive, the Inducive.

Of the said Striking too that is, of the said Effect too that is, of Impressions, of Consequences, the Circular, or if not in talk too of, or of what can, and of said Repercussions too that is, of Force etc., [Link], in Arrival, the self, [Link], or if not in talk too of, and of the said Guiding principle too that is, or if not of said light too that is, of light, of Luminescence, of Elucidation, the Illuminating, the Luminating.

Of the said Impetus too that is, the Impelling, of the said Requirement too that is, the Constraint, of Propellation, the Pressing, or if not in talk too of, or of what can, and of the said Motive too that is, [Link], of Drive, of the said Guiding too that is, the Leading, the Controlling, the Assisting.

the Striking.