Saturday 5 March 2016




This very entry, does have to do, and with the said Potential, that Africa, is believed said to actually harbour, and in said comparison, and to Potential, said held or possessed too. That it all too, now does very much speak, and of the said term of 'Ethno' (Link), and of its said too direct, associations, and with speak too of the Creative Arts Industries, and of their said too defining, the very Potential, that Africa, is believed said to in all even harbour that is. That in speak of Africa, and of Potential held or possessed, speak of it now truly, and in regard, and to speak of African History in itself that is.

That 'Ethno', now does too attempt, and to speak on life, and if not Potential too, and from speak and of what too, does pass for, or serve for, a said Construct, a said Reality, and if not of a said Plane of Existence that is, and as said too now, defining Africa, and in speak of Success, Goals, Romance, War, Suffering, Injury etc., and such that, talk of any and of this said, and in Africa today, is often too, equated in all, and to talk of Neo-Colonialism in itself that is. That talk and of it all even said to speak and of Neo-Colonialism, now does too ask, and of what too, is said even, the Bigger Picture, and to life in itself, the Larger Reality, or speak too, and of the Ultimate Reality in itself. That the Bigger Picture, does too now, speak, and of Africa, and of the Western World too, and now does too ask and of Africa, and of the very manner in all, Africans, do in all even define the Metric, and if not in speak too now, and of what too is said Quantity, Amount or Measure too that is. That in speak of a said Larger Reality, speak now and if it said even, and to refer and to speak of 'Ethno', and of what too is said a Construct, a said Reality, or of a said Plane of Existence too, and with it all even said now American, and in speak too now and of African culture, and as said even possessing elements to it, and that can too be said added, and to this said Larger Reality too that is.

That in now too saying that, China, [Link], could in all even be said here, better, and in regard to all this said, and in speak too of Africa, is to now associate China, and with an 'Ethno', and that does too speak and of the Ultimate Reality, and in regard, and to speak too of Africa that is.