Wednesday 2 March 2016

Expressions Africa

Expressions Africa.

This entry, does have to do, and with speak too and of a said even, Identity Formation, African, and that does too claim that, the very belief that Africans, are said in all, losing their culture, their Heritage, can too be said to speak, and of the very manner in all, Africans, do too, perceive their very Past that is [and if not in speak of Roots too]. That it can be said that, come Colonialism, and into Africa, Africans, are now too said in all, defining themselves, and in speak too of Religion, and that can too be said to very much speak and of Stereotype in itself too. That in speak of Africa, and before Colonialism, and as said to refer, and to the Slave Trade period too, Africans, are now too though, said creating Identity, and that does too, speak and of what African Expressions, are said all about, and of what the Politic too, is said to be. 

That in all again, a said even here, false belief, and that does too claim that, the said African-American Experience, is in all even believed said grounded in all, and in speak of Stereotype truly. That African-American History, and in speak of what one could too term African-American Art, and as said to encompass, speak too of American Dance, is best said and to this very day, to speak and of 'African Expressions', and if not of an African-American Politic, and as often falsely too believed by some, to speak truly and of the very name of Nat Turner too that is. In saying that, African-Americans, do in all even possess, a said even Developed Image to them, it all now too can be said, to speak and of their said Status, and in the United States of America, and as said too, and to speak and of the said moniker even, and of the USA, but that in all again, said African-American Success, is actually built on Ancestral Images, and that do too speak, and of 'African Expressions', and of the African-American Politic that is, and in said comparison, and to speak and of African groups, arriving and into the United States of America, and after Slavery is abolished, and who do in all even though, create Identity in all, and in speak of Stereotype that is.

In many a way, while there are those in Africa, and who do in all even believe, this is still very much said, the best of manners in all, and in creating African Identity, that of Expressions, and of the Politic, is to now not only type out the very name of Dr. Wole Soyinka that is, but that in all again, speak too of East Africa, and if not of Africa too, and of African Expressions, now said to speak, and of East Africa, and in speak of Nature, Ecology and if not Habitat too, but with the Politic, now too simply said to speak, and of the Hunt, the Chase, and the Catch [Capture] in itself too that is. However, it too can be said that, this said manner in all, and of perceiving African Identity formation, of Nature, and of the Chase too that is, is probably believed said even somewhat truly Mythic in its ways, and in said comparison, and to viewing African Expressions, and from speak of Media, Mass Media too, and of the Politic, or in speak now truly, and of said Mass Communications too that is.