Monday 30 January 2017

of Christianity, Islam, & of the Otherly

of Christianity, Islam, & of the Otherly.

In talk too of, of Colonialism, African, of Religion, the Symbolic, of Africa, of India, the Symbolized, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said National too that is, the Colonial, of East Africa, Kenya, or if not of the said Modern, Traditional too that is, the Contemporary, of East Africa, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Religion too that is, ModernTraditionalAfrican, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Modernity too that is, of Coloniality, of Ukoloni, [Link], Politics, History, of Symbolism, [Link], the Technologic, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said World too that is of Africa, of Africa today, of East Africa, Kenya, of the said Post-Colonial too that is, of East Africa, the Pre-Modern, of New Media, [Link], of World Media, of Mass Media, or if not of said Internet Media too that is, [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link].

Of said Religion too that is, of Religiousity, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Technology too that is, of Technologism, [Link], the Wired, [Link], or if not in talk too of, of Nervesthe Nervingthe Healing, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Intense too that is, of Intensityof light&sound, or if not in a said too that is, of Reality, of Constructs, of Conscious States, of Conscience, referral to, in regard, and to what can and in all, of Reality, of Realism, be as said of, and of said Size too that is of Sound, of Shapes, of Solids, or if not of said Substance too that is, [Link], of Substantiality, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, of Symbols, [Link], of Entities, of Affliction, be as said of, and of said Vibrance too that is, [Link], of life, of Health, of Matters, of Issues.

of Technology.

In this entry, the said even importance or significance too, and of Religion, is now too said even discussed, and from speak, and of what is said as of a Structure in itself too that is. That in said speak and of Islam, and as said even influential and in said regard to many a thing, now is to speak and of the said even construction or erecting, of Mosques that is, and in said design too, and if not of said perceptions of Islam in itself, and from speak too of, and of what is said as of a Lock too that is, and if not of the said Unlocking in itself too that is. That of Christianity, and in said speak too and of what are said as of Churches too that is, and if not of said even Cathedrals too that is, African, it all too can too now be said even perceived, and from talk too of, and of what is said as of (a) Key in itself too that is. That in speak too now and of what has been termed the Otherly, and of other said Religions that is, and outside speak too of Islam or Christianity, of Hinduism, of the said Place of Worship too that is, and if not in said regard and to speak too of, and of said East Africa too that is, speak too now and of, and of their said been perceived too, and from talk too of, and of what is said as of a Door too that is, or if not of the said Doorway truly too that is.

In all and again that is, talk too of, and of said Codings too that is, of Codes, and of the said above too that is, said too as, perceived, referenced, and if not in talk too of, and of said Colonialism too that is, African, of Colonial East Africa, Kenya, of Ukoloni, [Link], or if not of said Colonial Codings too that is, of Colonial Codes, of Coloniality.

on Education

on African Education.

When we do in all even here, refer, and to what an Education might in all even be said to be all about, we can too be said even, to in all even hint at, and at what is said Interest, Motive, Aim etc.  That Education, is too said in many a way, many a thing that is, and that would too ask and of the very best of said manners in all, the Human, can to be said even, to in all even perceive, his said environs that is. That Education, is too said now, what is said Configuration, Human, what is said Acknowledgement, and if not of what is said Impression/Imprint too that is.

That in said speak and of what is said Configuration, Human, now we do in all even see a said Model and of the Human that is, and as said now to speak, and of what Knowing, Understanding and if not of Comprehension too, are in all even said to be, and as said to in all even, speak, and of what too is said Creed that is. That in speak and of Acknowledgement, now is to in all even refer and to speak and of what is said Discernment, and of the Human and as said perceived as such, from Discernment that is, and if not of what is too said Response in itself, and as said now to speak, and of the very manner in all, the Human, is said to in all even Register, any said thing that is, and in said speak and of what is said the Human Memory too that is. In speak and of Impression/Imprint though, now we do in all even see, a said manner in all, and of perceiving the Human, and that does too and in all even, speak, and of the said rise and of Civilization in itself, and on this said Earth too, and if not in said speak too now, and of what does in all even pass for, and for speak and of the Actual that is, and in said regard too, and to what is believed said to speak and of said even Psychological Damage and Impairment too, and of what too can be said to speak and of a said even Insult too for instance, and if not of the said belief that, the Human, can too be best said even simply perceived, and from a said term or word, and that is believed said too, rather descriptive or defining in all, and of the Human, and in now too associating those said in East Africa, and in this said regard, and with the very said even, terms, and of said Recovery [Link] too that is, of Repossession, and if not of that of said Cowardice too that is.

In talk too of, and of what could too be as said of, and of the said Practical too, of the Pragmmatic, now is to and in all, even, refer to, of English, of English-speakers, of England, and to a said Ghana too, of Ghana, the Practical, of Ghana, West Africa, or if not as said perceived too that is, or if not in talk too of, of England, the English, the English Civil Wars, the English Revolution, Britain, and of what could too be as said of, of Coloniality, of Film, and of said Practicism too that is, of Practise, of Practice, the Practical. Of the said Pragmmatic too, of Film, of Coloniality, or if not in talk too of, of Austria, Victorian, Habsburg, of Psychology, "the Austrian School of Psychology", of Psycho-Analysis, and of a said Kenya too that is, of Kenya, the Pragmatic, of Kenya, East Africa, or if not in a said referral to, of Victorianism, the Victorian, the American, the Industrial Revolution, British, and of what could too be as said of, and of said Pragmatism too that is, of Pragmatism, the Pragmatic, the Pragmatist, the Pragmatical.

In claiming that, Education is too often perceived, and from talk and of what is said even Background that is, now is to in all even speak and of Education, and as said too Swahili, Egyptian, and if not as said American too that is. That the Swahili World, and in said speak too of the Kiswahili Language in itself, can too be said even now, and to in all even refer, and to what is said Education, and from speak, and of what is said Methodicism that is, and of the said Swahili World too, and if not of said Swahili History too, and as said even now existing and as said too a Merchant society that is, but that in speak and of Education and as said Egyptian, speak too now and of what is said Practicalism, and if not of the said word or term, Swahili, and of Kazi too that is, but that in speak and of Education and as said now American, speak now and of what is said Pragmatism, and of the said even wording or terming, and of Know-how too that is. In many a way, Education, and as said too best perceived, and away from talk and of what is said Institution, and in said regard too, and to what is said Practise [Link] that is.

In speak and of Education, and as said too in all even now speak, and of the Church and in East Africa, or of U-Kanisa [Link] too, now is to in all even hint at, what is said Culturalism, and as said too defined in all, and by speak, and by what too is said Fetish, Mediacentrism, and if not of said Context too, and with it all said now, described in all, and by talk and of the very said term and of Magnification too that is, and if not of the very said term too, and of the Remark, and as said to in all now speak, and of what is said Remarkable too that is.

In concluding and all this said, now is to in all even simply say that, Africa, and in one said term or word too, can too be said even defined in all, and by talk and of what is said Factorisation that is. That it all too, does speak and of a said manner in all, and of perceiving the said Human Body too that is, and as said too left handed, and as said right handed too, and with the said left-hand, said now to speak, and of what is said Fact, and with the said right-hand, and of what is said Factoid, but of it as said as one, and in speak too and of what is said Ori [Link], speak now and of the said Factual that is. That in making farther sense and of all this, the said even left-hand, can too be said even now to speak and of what is said to refer and to speak and of Sleep, but of the right-hand, the said now complicated question and of what is said Sexuality that is, and as now simply said Sex that is, and with it all said as one, and to speak and of what is said Ori, and if not of the said even Human Face in itself that is. In many a way too, speak and of the left-hand, and of what is said Belief, and of the right-hand, and of what is said Thought, but of it all as said as one, and in said speak too and of what is said Ori, speak too now and of what is said Consequence, Repercussion etc. In many a way too, a said even Computer configuration and in s aid regard to all this said, and would in all even associate speak and of the said left-hand, and with talk and of what is said Bit, talk of the right-hand, and of what is said Chip, but in talk and of it all as said as one, and in speak and of what is said Ori, talk too now and of what is said Signal in itself that is.

Sunday 29 January 2017

Systematic Identities

Systematic Identities.

(Mut - Egyptian goddess of the Vulture)

When we do here speak and of what are said Systematic Identities, we too must attempt to in all even differentiate it all, and from talk too, and of what are said Systems that is. That the Systematic, is too best said here represented for, any by talk and of what is said Resource, and if not of what is said too Establishment that is, and Establishment too, and as probably best said even to refer, and to speak too of it, and as said even perceived, and from talk, and of the said even famed George Orwell work, and of Animal Farm too that is. In speak though, and of what are said Systems, perhaps now, a said even reference, and to what too are said Family Systems that is, often said too Health Systems for instance, but can too be said even grounded in all, and in speak and of what is believed said Intelligence in itself, and as said too now to encompass, talk, and of what are said too Family traditions that is. In said further regard and to the above just said, now is to in all even mention what are said Networks that is, and as said to in all even now, speak of or refer to, what are said Assets, what is said Liability, and if not of what is too said Equity, and if not of said even Capital too that is.

That in understanding what Systematic Identities are in all even said all about, now is to in all even though, speak and of what is said a Higher Reach that is, and if not of said even Higher Ideals, Higher Goals, or of said even Higher Ends too that is, and as said even now to refer, and to what too are said Religious Systems that is. In many a way, it too can be said that, talk of what are said Spiritual Systems that is, does too often merge, and with talk and of what is said to refer, and to speak and of the gods for instance, and if not of what are said spirits too, and as said even now to in all even inhabit that is, a said even abode, and not realm truly either, and from which they can too be said even to in all even communicate, and with Humans too, and in said speak too and of what is too said to in all even refer, and to what are said Possessive States [Link] for instance [and which too do and in all even differ it can be said, and from what are said Sleep States, and if not of said too Dream States that is].

In helping though put Systematic Identities, and in a said perspective and as said too understandable and to many and if not most and in East Africa too, now is to in all even probably refer and to the said term of Katoliki [Link] that is, and not Catholic truly either, but that in said speak too now, and of what Systems are in all even believed said all about, now is to in all speak and of what is said Independence, and of what too is said Autonomy, and if not of both as said to refer, and to what is said to speak and of the said Historical too that is.

In claiming that, Africa does too have a said even credible History and to it all, now is to in all even associate talk of Systems and in Africa, and as said too Historical that is, and with talk too of what is said Regional, Local, Continental etc., but that in too saying that, African History is not well understood by most, now is to in all even refer and to said African definitions in all, and of what is said Systematic that is, and if not of what is said too Resource, and of the said even Establishment too that is, but that in all again, Africa and in History, and as said even perceived as such, from talk and of what is said Systematic, now does too and in all even, call upon, that said even name and of Ifa too that is, and of the said too here Sacred Ifa Oracle and by Epega and Neimark too that is, and of many a said name too, and in the said foremetioned work and on Ifa, and which does too and in all even refer, and to what too, the Systematic, is in all even said to be, and of the believed said even secrecy in all, and that is too believed said even too in all lie behind, the said even Oriki tradition too that is.

In speak though now, and of the very best said of manners in all, and in understanding what Systems are in all even said to be, now is to in all even have a said too now, Structural approach to what they are in all said to be all about that is, and in said speak too now, and of Systems, and as simply best said here perceived and as said too now Swahili, Egyptian, and if not as said and to speak and of the Media in itself too that is.

That in speak and of what are said Systems, and from speak too and of what is said Structural, and of what too now is said even Swahili, and of said too Swahili History that is, now is to in all even speak and of what is said Language, and of the said even origins or roots, and of the said Kiswahili Language too that is, and in said comparison now, and to speak and of what is believed said to speak and of what is said African Language in itself too that is.

That in speak now and of what are said Systems, and from speak too now and of the said even Structural that is, and from farther said regard and of what is said Egyptian too that is, now is to in all even speak and of what is said Culture, and as best said too Animist or Totemist that is, and if not of said even African perspectives too, and of Culture and as said as such that is.

That in speak now and of what are said Systems, and from said speak and of what is said the Structural that is, now is to in all even refer, and to speak and of Media, and as said even perceived from talk and of what Traditional Systems are in all even said to be, and as said even now to speak and of Media, and as said even perceived from what are said Mediums that is, or of Medium in itself too, and if not of Media and as best said perceived as said Categorized that is, of Media and as said too perceived from what is said Narration that is, and if not of said too Oral traditions that is, and if not of Media and as best said even perceived in all, and from talk too and of what are said Knowledge Systems that is, and of what too can be said here to refer, and to speak and of what is said Coherency, and if not of what is said to speak and of Clarity in itself too that is.

Saturday 28 January 2017

the Prickly Pear

the Prickly Pear.

Of Teknolojia.

Of Cacti, <--->, Of Breadth, of Breathe.

Tumaini University Makumira

Tumaini University Makumira.

Arusha, Tanzania.

In talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Language too that is, African, Modern, Traditional, or if not in talk too of, of English, of Kiswahili, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Language Group too that is, of African Languages, of African Bodies, of African society, now is to and in all, even, refer to, of Knowledge, of Intelligence, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Knowledge Gathering too that is, African, or if not of said Acquired Intelligence too that is, African, or if not in a said too that is, of Language, of Memory, referral to, in regard, and to what was/can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Colonial too that is, of Colonialism, African, the Colonialist, the Colonial Experiment, or if not in talk too of, of Media, of East Africa, [Link], the Symbolicized, [Link], [Link], and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Lawful too that is, of Colonialism, of Ukoloni, [Link], or if not of the said Educative too that is, [Link], of Modernism, of Traditionalism, [Link], of Nationalism, of Socialism, African.

Of said Language too that is, African, Traditional, Modern, or if not in talk too of, of English, of Kiswahili, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said language too that is, of speech, in Divide, the Divisible, of Jointings, or if not in talk too of, of Advancement, of Progress, of Development, and of the said following too that is: of language, of Modes, of said Stringings too that is, or if not of said Linkings too that is; of speech, of Forms, of said Connectivity too that is, or if not of said Linings too that is.

of Language.

Of said Language too that is, of Tanganyika, African, of Kiswahili, of East Africa, Tanzania, of Arusha, [Link], of English, of East Africa, Kenya, of Dodoma, [Link], Kampala, Nairobi, or if not in talk too of, of Politics, Liberation, African, Colonial, Independence, National, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said African Languages too that is, of Ancestry, Roots, Origins, Descent etc., or if not in talk too of, of said Dialects, Lingua, Vernacular, Slangs, Jargon, etc., and of said African Linguistics too that is, or if not in a said too that is, referral to, in regard, of Arabism, of Pan-Africanism, [Link], of Modern Africa, of Africa today, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Education too that is, of Health, of Law, of Religion, or if not of said Communications too that is. 

Of said Language too that is, African, or if not in talk too of, of Issues, of Matters, and of what can and in all, be as said of, of Concepts, of Beliefs, and of the said Projectional too that is, of Projection, Psychological, Psychic, Physical, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, of Notion, of Nuance, and of said Sickness, Illness, Disease etc. too that is, the Psychological, of said Disorders, Maladies etc. too that is, the Psychic, or if not of the said Physical too that is, of Ailments, Malaise, Afflictions etc. too that is.

Thursday 26 January 2017


of African Fractals.

The very term of Assurance, can in all too, be used to in all even insinuate, what does too speak of or stand for that is, and for a said Stop, Break, Obstacle, Wall, Obstruction, Bloc, Hindrance, Snag etc. In the said attempt and to in all even understand the World and as it is today, often said too American and in its said ways too, now is to in all even speak, and of what is said Intrinsic, and in said Value too, and if not of what is said Inherent too that is. That in speak of the Intrinsic, and in said Value too, speak too now and in all probably, and of what the said Commodities Markets that is, are in all even said to be all about that is, and in said speak too and of a said even United States of America, and that would too and in all attempt, to in all too define itself, and in said Wealth too, and that does in all even surpass, Wealth that is, and as it has often been known, and through out History too that is.

In saying that, what we do too term and in this very Blog, and as said to speak and of a said even East African civilization that is, can too be said even perceived, and from speak and of what is said Inherent, and in said Value too, and that would too probably refer, and to the very said term of Assurance too that is, and in now too claiming that, such said Inherent Value that is, and that would too speak of what is said Assurance, could too be said to speak and of what are said Fractals that is, and in the said even Design that is, and of the very Worlds we do live in, and if not in said speak and of the said even History of the Earth, and as said too now deemed said even, and as truly said too, truly Ancient that is.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

the Grin

The Grin.

(The) Grin, or of Africa Mythologized.



"Allan of Africa"


Tuesday 17 January 2017

East Africa Radio

of East Africa Radio.

of said East Africa Radio that is, of Radio, [Link], East Africa, Kenya, of said Transmission too that is, of Reception, the Amplified, the Aerial, of the said Channel too that is, the Wave, the Signal, of the said Circuit too that is, the Electric, the Magnetic, the Current, of Africa, of India, the Pyramidic, [Link], the Analogous.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Saturday 7 January 2017

the Sudanese Institute

The Sudanese Institute.

This said entry, of East Africa, Kenya, South Sudan, does have to do, or of the said Sudanese Institute too, and with many another said previous entry and on this said Blog too, of Anti 'Nairo', and on the said of best of manners in all, and in simply defining in all that is, what is said to speak, and of a said even East African Identity that is. In many a way, the very questioning, and of just why in all, East Africa, should in all even truly exist, and as said too an Independent Political Entity that is, and away too, and from its said too Constituent and not Individual Countries either that is.

In saying that, many do in all, not truly fathom or realize, and if not as said to understand, the very said nature that is, and of what is said Existence in itself [Link], now is to in all even simply associate it all, and with talk of both the EAF, East African Federation, an if not of the EAC, East African Community, and in said speak too now, and of what can too be said to speak, and of said even Political Existence that is, and if not of what is said too Individual Subsistence in itself that is [Link]. In saying that, a said Secretariat [Link1, Link2], is in all even said to exist, and in its said even serving in all, the said even members of the EAF, and if not of the EAC too, now is to in all even call on the question, and on what is probably said Independence, and if not of what is said Autonomy in itself too, and of the said too reason, the EAF, or EAC, does too and in all even is said to actually Exist that is. 

That in simply putting the above said and in a said simple stance too, we can too be said even to speak and of life and as said even perceived now, and from the said too search, and of what is in all, is too simply said Individual that is. That the said even search, and for what is said Individual is probably all there is to life, and in said speak too now, and of understanding it all too, and from speak and of the said even role or existence and of the Church, or U-Kanisa [Link], and in East Africa too, as said even to speak and of what is said Individual, and from talk too and of what is said Spiritual Warfare [Link], and if not of what is said to speak here and of Celebrations Africa [Link] too that is.

In too saying that, speak and of what is said African Civilization, and from the said even perspective and of East Africa, does too now and in all ask, and of who in all too, is simply said the Individual [Link] that is, the African [Link] too, now is to simply attempt to in all differentiate talk of East Africa, and from said too talk of Egypt, Nubia and of the Sudan too, and if not of the said name too of Ethiopia that is. That all three said, but in speak truly and of Egypt and of Nubia, have in all, or do in all even attempt to truly define themselves, and in talk truly and of what is said Identity, Historical too, and not in speak either, and of what is said Individual [Link] truly that is. That in too saying that Identity, is too said to speak and of what Political Ideology in itself is in all even actually said to be, now is to speak and of what is best said here Immeasurable too that is, and in said comparison now, and to what is said Individual, and that can too be said even to speak, and of what is said Reference in itself, and if not of what is said Citation in itself too that is. In saying that, East Africa, or of those in East Africa, may too be said to in all, lack any said proper Power to them, and that does too speak and of what Survival, History, Evolution etc, are in all even said all about that is, now is to claim that, in speak of what is said Reference, or of what is said too Citation, it all too now believed said to speak, and in speak and of what is said Colonial, and if not of what is said Swahili too that is. That in understanding just why in all, East Africa. might never truly attain its said in all too, Ambitions that is, now is to in all even associate talk and of what is said Citation, and in Africa, and with talk too and of that name said Egypt, and in History too, but in talk of what is said Reference, probable best speak too now, and of the said even History of Nubia that is, and if not as said to speak, and of the said too here name of Abu Simbel that is.

In too now saying that, what is said Citation, and if not of what is said Activity [Link] too. does too and in all probably best speak and of the said even Egyptian University too, and of what is said Reference, now too said even to speak and of what is said Nubian, Sudanese, African, and if not in the said Practice too, of Sudan, of Practises, the Sudan, of Genes, african, of Surfaces, of Textures, -->, of Layerings, and if not of the said name of Abu Simbel too, now is to in all even attempt to in all too truly ground, East African Identity, and with talk too of the Church, U-Kanisa, and as mentioned in the said third paragraph above, and away too and from talk of what is said to speak of Ethiopia, or of Italy too, [Link], and in too claiming that, East Africa, and as said even now to cover talk of both Rwanda and Burundi, and if not into the said Swahili lands too, can too be said even best defined in all, and by talk and of what does too speak and of Museology [Link] that is, and if not of the said too Curator [Link] that is.