Sunday 29 January 2017

Systematic Identities

Systematic Identities.

(Mut - Egyptian goddess of the Vulture)

When we do here speak and of what are said Systematic Identities, we too must attempt to in all even differentiate it all, and from talk too, and of what are said Systems that is. That the Systematic, is too best said here represented for, any by talk and of what is said Resource, and if not of what is said too Establishment that is, and Establishment too, and as probably best said even to refer, and to speak too of it, and as said even perceived, and from talk, and of the said even famed George Orwell work, and of Animal Farm too that is. In speak though, and of what are said Systems, perhaps now, a said even reference, and to what too are said Family Systems that is, often said too Health Systems for instance, but can too be said even grounded in all, and in speak and of what is believed said Intelligence in itself, and as said too now to encompass, talk, and of what are said too Family traditions that is. In said further regard and to the above just said, now is to in all even mention what are said Networks that is, and as said to in all even now, speak of or refer to, what are said Assets, what is said Liability, and if not of what is too said Equity, and if not of said even Capital too that is.

That in understanding what Systematic Identities are in all even said all about, now is to in all even though, speak and of what is said a Higher Reach that is, and if not of said even Higher Ideals, Higher Goals, or of said even Higher Ends too that is, and as said even now to refer, and to what too are said Religious Systems that is. In many a way, it too can be said that, talk of what are said Spiritual Systems that is, does too often merge, and with talk and of what is said to refer, and to speak and of the gods for instance, and if not of what are said spirits too, and as said even now to in all even inhabit that is, a said even abode, and not realm truly either, and from which they can too be said even to in all even communicate, and with Humans too, and in said speak too and of what is too said to in all even refer, and to what are said Possessive States [Link] for instance [and which too do and in all even differ it can be said, and from what are said Sleep States, and if not of said too Dream States that is].

In helping though put Systematic Identities, and in a said perspective and as said too understandable and to many and if not most and in East Africa too, now is to in all even probably refer and to the said term of Katoliki [Link] that is, and not Catholic truly either, but that in said speak too now, and of what Systems are in all even believed said all about, now is to in all speak and of what is said Independence, and of what too is said Autonomy, and if not of both as said to refer, and to what is said to speak and of the said Historical too that is.

In claiming that, Africa does too have a said even credible History and to it all, now is to in all even associate talk of Systems and in Africa, and as said too Historical that is, and with talk too of what is said Regional, Local, Continental etc., but that in too saying that, African History is not well understood by most, now is to in all even refer and to said African definitions in all, and of what is said Systematic that is, and if not of what is said too Resource, and of the said even Establishment too that is, but that in all again, Africa and in History, and as said even perceived as such, from talk and of what is said Systematic, now does too and in all even, call upon, that said even name and of Ifa too that is, and of the said too here Sacred Ifa Oracle and by Epega and Neimark too that is, and of many a said name too, and in the said foremetioned work and on Ifa, and which does too and in all even refer, and to what too, the Systematic, is in all even said to be, and of the believed said even secrecy in all, and that is too believed said even too in all lie behind, the said even Oriki tradition too that is.

In speak though now, and of the very best said of manners in all, and in understanding what Systems are in all even said to be, now is to in all even have a said too now, Structural approach to what they are in all said to be all about that is, and in said speak too now, and of Systems, and as simply best said here perceived and as said too now Swahili, Egyptian, and if not as said and to speak and of the Media in itself too that is.

That in speak and of what are said Systems, and from speak too and of what is said Structural, and of what too now is said even Swahili, and of said too Swahili History that is, now is to in all even speak and of what is said Language, and of the said even origins or roots, and of the said Kiswahili Language too that is, and in said comparison now, and to speak and of what is believed said to speak and of what is said African Language in itself too that is.

That in speak now and of what are said Systems, and from speak too now and of the said even Structural that is, and from farther said regard and of what is said Egyptian too that is, now is to in all even speak and of what is said Culture, and as best said too Animist or Totemist that is, and if not of said even African perspectives too, and of Culture and as said as such that is.

That in speak now and of what are said Systems, and from said speak and of what is said the Structural that is, now is to in all even refer, and to speak and of Media, and as said even perceived from talk and of what Traditional Systems are in all even said to be, and as said even now to speak and of Media, and as said even perceived from what are said Mediums that is, or of Medium in itself too, and if not of Media and as best said perceived as said Categorized that is, of Media and as said too perceived from what is said Narration that is, and if not of said too Oral traditions that is, and if not of Media and as best said even perceived in all, and from talk too and of what are said Knowledge Systems that is, and of what too can be said here to refer, and to speak and of what is said Coherency, and if not of what is said to speak and of Clarity in itself too that is.