Tuesday 18 October 2016

the Human Organism

the Human Organism.

This entry, will in all even attempt, to in all even place, many of the said even contents of this Blog, and into their said proper perspective that is. That one cannot in all, be said even to subscribe, and to all the said entries on this Blog, but that in all again, it all does now refer, and to the very said manner in all, one does choose to perceive the Human, and as best said here, said even an Organism in itself that is.

That the Human and as said Organism, can too be said, and in a said even complicated stance that is, simply said perceived, and in talk, and of what are said Communications, and of what is said Messaging that is. That the two, do differ, and can too here, be said even perceived, and of what is said termed the self, and if not the said here too 'the African Self' (Link) that is, and of the self, and as said too perceived now, and from talk too, and of what is said as of Possession in itself too that is.

McMillan Memorial Library;
Kenya, Nairobi.
of life; of pasts; of history.

In talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said life too that is, of Contact, the Sensuous, or if not in talk too of, of Statements, of Summaries, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Effect too that is, of Effects, the Sensual, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Reality too that is, of Settings, of Africa, of India, Continent, Subcontinent, of said Beauty too that is, of Sensuality, in Effect, in Question, of Inner Beauty, [Link], of Thai Buddhism, the Heart of Asia, or if not in a said too that is, of life, in Effect, referral to, in regard, of Memory, of Switches, of Evolution, the Evolutionary, the Evolutional, the Basic, of Evolutionary Gaming, the Simple, of Evolutionary Theory, the Cell, the Organism, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Manifest too that is, of Manifestations, of Textures, or if not of the said Emanate too that is, of Emanations, of Layers.

of life, of Bodies, the Body, of Possession, Possessed States, [Link], of Messaging, of Communications, the self.
of life, of Bodies, the Body, of Shapes, &, Forms, of spirit, the Free, of Sensitivity.
of life, of Bodies, the Body, in relation, in respect, "to Others", the Next, Adjacent, of Interference, of Interruption, of Response, the Sensitive.
of life, of Bodies, the Body, of Doubt, of Mappings.
of life, of Bodies, the Body, of Hearts, the Heart, of Shapes, the Shapely, of Knowledge, Experience, Interaction, &, Behaviour.
of life, of Bodies, the Body, of the said Effect, of Effects, only, preferable, of light, of Luminosity.

That in attempting to place the above said, and in a said even clearer light, now is to say that, the Human and as said even Organism, and if not in said speak too, and of what is said even 'the African self' [Link1, Link2], can too be best said even equated, and to talk, and of Lizards, and as said even Organism that is.

In now too saying that, Communications, do in all even speak, and of one and as said even Adept, and in speak of what is said Adaptation, and if not of Adoptation too, is to now equate Messaging, and with talk too, and of what is said even Fetish, and of the said too Human Imagination that is, of what is said spirit (Link), and if not of what too, is said even Substance that is. That in said African terms too, Communications, said even to speak and of what is said Prayer, but of Messaging, speak of that said African tradition, best said Ifa too, and of Igede that is, and that does too speak and of what is said Incantation in itself that is.

In now too saying that, speak of the Human Organism, does too speak of one, and as said even, a Simpleton [Link] that is, now is to speak, and of the Human, and as simply said perceived and as said Gene [Link] that is, and of what is said to speak of Mediums too, said even Ori, and of what is said spirit, Human, that is, and if not of what is said Pulsation, and of the Human Heart too that is.

In all, the said even Human Organism, and in said speak too, and of what is said Ifa religion, now too said even perceived, and from what some have termed, the said even 'Crown of the head' that is, and of what is said to speak too, and of what is said as of Possession in itself too that is.

the Spiny-tailed Lizard.