Monday 3 October 2016


of Istanbul.

the Precis.

of Turkey, of Screenings, of Turkiye, -->, of Anatolia, the Hittites, of Asia Minor, the Ottomans, <--, of Christianity, of Byzantium, of Antiquity, or if not of the said Pre-Historic too that is.

In the said perceiving of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said African nationalities too that is, of African Democracies, Status, States, [Link], [Link], now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to talk too of, and of a said Europe too that is, of Europa, or if not of said Africa too that is, Equatorial, of Gabon, of Kenya, of said America too that is, the United States of America, or if not of said Africa too that is, Tropical, of Guinea Bissau, of Zambia, or if not in talk too of, in referral, in regard, and to the said Middle East too that is, the Arabian Peninsula, or if not of said Africa too that is, Sub-Saharan, of Chad, of Botswana.

Istanbul, and of the very said Image, and of a said City too, and that would too speak and of it all said even an International City that is, and one too, that could too be said in all, and to speak too, and of what is said to Constitute for, and for speak of, and of said African Cities in themselves, of Nairobi, of Khartoum, [Link], and as said to be seen/found, and in said Eastern Africa, of East, Central Africa, Kenya, and if not of the said Swahili lands too that is.