Friday 1 January 2016

Possessed States

of Possessed States.

When we do talk of Possessed States, we must in all, separate it all, and from talk too of Possession, for the latter in all, can too be said a major component, and of African Religion, and if not that truly said Egyptian that is. For the for the said even Function, or Role too, and of Possession, does in all even refer and to speak of Cleansings, or Healings too [and in now too associating speak of Religion, and in Africa or Egypt too, and with speak truly, and of what they do term Position that is]. That Possessed States, do in all even differ, and from speak of Possession, for they do in all even refer, and to the said even Functionality, and of the Human Body in itself too.

That in understanding all this better, is to now too ground, center or even situate too, ones said Identity, and as said to speak and of the Physical, and if not Geographical too that is, and with speak too and of what they do term Structural Functionalism. That the Blog 'Nairo', and as said too a part of East Africa, and if not of Anatolia in itself specifically, now too is said to go along in all, and with speak too of News Media, and if not Magazine Media that is, and that does too speak of East Africa, and if not in speak too, and of what does too pass for Catholic Identity in all (and of an East African Education it too can be said), and in East Africa too that is. That in speak of Anti 'Nairo', and as such, speak now too, and of the East African Community (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi), and if not in speak too, and of the History of the Church in Africa, or in speak truly of East Africa, and if not of Central Africa too that is [Link]. In speak of Counter 'Nairo' though, speak now too and of the said East African Federation, and of the East African Passport too, and if not of East African Identity now, and as said too, and to speak of Catechesis, and if not of African Practises in themselves that is.

In however, getting to the said point in all, and of what Possessed States, are truly said to be all about, is to now present a view, and that does too associate life in Africa, and with speak of the following: 'the Kill', and of Anti 'Nairo, 'the Catch', and of Counter 'Nairo', and if not of 'the Hunt' in itself, and of 'Nairo' too [and in said speak too now, and of what a Serval, and as said too, a rather ferocious Cat, a Cheetah, and if not a Leopard too, are too said to be, and respectively said that is]. In many a way, speak of 'the Kill', 'the Catch', of Picha, Kisw., of Heart(s), the Heart(ful), 'the Chase', or if not of 'the Hunt' too, now too, does speak and of the said better manners in all, and of deciphering or interpreting, talk too of Ori, or if not of said Oriki (Link) in itself too that is.

Thirdly, Possessed States, and in speak of Intelligence too, and as said only understood, and in ones understanding, and of the said Spirituality in all, and of the Heart in itself, and if not in speak too, and of what Laughter, Tears and Facial Expressions, are too said to be, and if not in speak and of Attitude (Link) in itself truly.

In finality, and in helping one truly understand Possessed States, and as said too, truly defining and of African lives, is to now too, ground it all, and in speak and of what Mindsets, Mentalities, Mental Constructs, Emotionality etc., are in all even said to be, for they are in all even said the very basis in all, and for understanding what Possessed States, are in all even said to be all about, and for it all too can be said, and to speak and of life and in Africa, and as said too grounded in all, and in speak of one said term/word only: that of Worry, and if not that of Elenini too that is.

** this said even, manner in all, and of understanding African lives, and as said too Religious, does in all even mirror in all, talk of African lives, and as said White, Brown and Black, and as said even, and to speak of South Africa in itself too, while African Lives and as said Brown and Black, does in all even refer, and to speak too, and of the Sudan in itself that is. Hopefully, this is understood, and from the said perspective, and of the attempt to in all even define life in East Africa, and alongside speak and of the Setting (Link) in itself. In speak though, and of the above said, and from the said perspective of Blood, is to now too, speak of it all even said shadowing, life, and in the United States of America too, and of those too, simply said having Anglo, American Indian, and if not African Blood and to them, and in the United States of America too that is.