Thursday 27 April 2017


of Nano-Technology.

This entry, could in all too be said to in all even speak and of the said attempt to in all even finish up, or summarize too, the very said even Content or entries, and of this very Blog, and in said too regard, and to the very said even reason, I would in all too be said even inspired, and in writing it all up that is. That in many a way, it does too now speak, and of our said even Existences or said too Worlds that is, and as said even perceived and from talk too, and of what is said Relational and in itself too that is. 

In asking though, what in all Nanotechnology is in all too said to be, and as probably said even to refer, and to what is said Nanomechanics too that is, now is to and in all even perceive a said too East Africa, and as said even perceived and from talk and of what is said Structure, and if not of what is said Activity too, but with what is said Structure, now said too perceived and from talk and of what is said Theory, or of the said even Abstract or as said Model too, and in said regard now and to what too is said of Nanomechanics that is, the Nano-Scale, but in talk and of Activity, talk too now and of the Theoretical, of Nano-Science, and if not in a said regard and to what is said as of Nanomechanics, the Com--Current, and if not of the said Relational in itself too that is.

That in too saying that, we do in all live today, and in a said even highly structured World, and that does too refer and to speak and of said even Modern Militaries that is, the very question and of the very said best of manners in all, and in said regard and to speak and of one and as said too approaching it all, and from talk too and of what are said too margins for instance, we too can now be said to in all even associate, what they do term Western Identity, and with talk and of what is said Consultation for instance, but with that Identity said Contemporary, said too now associated and with talk and of what is said Policing that is, but in speak and of that Identity said Modern, talk too now and of what is best probably said to in all even refer, and to what is too said Documentation that is.

In saying that, this very Blog, and as said too and in all titled Anti 'Nairo' that is, and with a said even here emphasis, and on what is said Anti that is, is to now claim that, it too can be said even perceived in all, and from talk and of the said Relational in itself, and in too associating it all, and with that said even Psychology, believed said even Egyptian that is, said too Psykolojia probably, and of what is said Psychometry that is, and if not as said to in all even now refer, and to what is said Metry that is, and if not of what is said Metre too that is. That in better explaining all this, what has been said termed on this Blog and as said Katekisimu [Link], does too speak and of what is said Psychometry that is, but in talk and of what is said Metry, and if not of the World and as said too perceived and from the very manner in all, it is all said even perceived and as said too Related that is, and if not of the said even Relational itself too that is, we too can speak and of the Bible, and as said too Biblia that is, but in talk and of what is said Metre, talk too now, and of what was said to speak, and of the said even Ifa Oracle that is, and on this very Blog too, and if not of what is said Oriki too for instance.

In too saying that, what is said Nanotechnology, can too be said even readily perceived that is, and from talk and of the said Relational that is, and of what is too said even miniature for instance, now is to and in all even attempt to break away, and from the above said and on what is said Relational that is, and in too now attempting to put it all, and in a said even Historical perspective, what is said Relational that is, and in too saying that, what is said American History, can too be said even best perceived now and from talk, and of the said even American Dream [Link1, Link2] that is, of Hollywood, [Link], of Ignominy, and of it all said even to speak, and of the said Relational and of itself too that is, but in talk and of Africa, and of it as said even perceived from talk and of the Historical, and if not as said Relational too, we too can be said to in all even ask, and of what are said African Interests [Link] that is, said too Political, and if not in speak and of it all said even to lead, and to talk and of what is said Institutional that is, and in too now tying down what is said African History, and to speak and of the said African Warrior that is, and of what too is said Relational that is, and of he and as said too Madinka for instance, of said too Mwindo that is, and if not of that said African Warrior, and as said too termed Ashanti that is.

In too saying that, speak and of what is said Relational, and as probably said to refer, and to all there is, is not said easy to in all even explain for, we too can now be said to in all even refer, and to what is said Christianity, or of a said African Christianity too, and if not of what was said U-Kanisa and on this very Blog too, and of the said Church in Africa and as said African too, and in now too associating all this said, and with the very said term and of Vocation that is, and not of Work truly either, and in too now associating what is said Vocation, and with talk too and of the said even Relational in itself, and as best said too perceived now, and from talk too and of that said even Yoruba term, and of said too Yoruba Religion that is, and that does too speak and of what is said Ori [Link] that is, and as said too Conscience, but as said too Apari-inu, and if not of said Ori-Apere too that is. That in many a way, what is too been said here is that, the said even understanding and of what is said Relational, now does too cut down and to talk, and of the said even Evolutionary that is, and in too saying that, talk and of the said Relational, has often been said approached in all, and from talk too, and of what is said spirit, of what is said light, and if not in said regard and to speak too, and of just who in all it can be said, God, is too said in all to be that is.

In too closing and on all this, now is to and in all even speak, and of the very said reason in itself, we would too be said to in all even study that is, what is said Nanotechnology, for we can too say it all now to refer, and to what is said Instructional that is. For it all too, what is said Instructional, does too speak and of what is said survival in itself, and if not of the said too structural that is, and in too associating talk now and of the Instructional that is, and with talk too and of the said even East African past, and if not of Eastern Africa too, and as said too perceived in all, and from talk and of what are said roots or antecedents too that is, and in said regard and to its said cultures too that is, but if not in speak again, and of what is said Instructional, and with talk too now and of East Africa, of the said Swahili lands too, of said too Burundi and Rwanda that is, and if not of the said Congo Basin too that is, and in said regard now and to speak, and of the said even origins and if not of said even antecedents too, and to what is said life, and on this very said Earth too that is.

Friday 7 April 2017

the Swahili Dhow

The Swahili Dhow.

The Swahili Dhow; Or of said East Africa in itself, and as in all said as Amplified too that is, [Link1, Link2], of Amplification, the Amplified, and if not in talk too now and of, and of the said even now Swahili Coastline in itself too that is, <Somalia,.......,Mozambique>.

Of the said Dhow too that is, Swahili, Arab, Indian, the Amplified, of the said Coastline too that is, Swahili, Arabian, the Swahili Coast, the Swahili coast, [Link], the Swahili coastline, of the said Passage too that is, of Memorythe Memorised, the Journey, of Travel, the Crossing, the Trip, of the said Voyage too that is, the Voyager, of Sinbad, [Link], [Link], of Africa, of India, the Seaman, the Merchant, the Indian Ocean.

Of Oman, of Zanzibar, the Swahili lands, of Iran, of Kuwait, the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, of India, the Bay of Bengal, of Indonesia, the Pacific Ocean.

the Swahili coast.

Thursday 6 April 2017

Evolutionary Psychology

of Evolutionary Psychology.

This entry, can too be said to in all even truly deal, and with what can be said here, and as said Dramatisation that is. That in many a way, it can be said to in all even serve, and as said too, a follow through, and to the said even latter entry, and on Pluralism that is. That it in all though, will in all even now attempt, to in all too present what was said Amplification, and not from talk and of what is said to speak and of the said Expounding that is, and as the latter entry did in all, but from said talk now, and of what is said Explainitive that is. 

In helping though, to truly introduce this entry, and from said talk too and of what is said Evolutionary Psychology that is, now is to and in all even, speak, and on what is said Drama that is. That what in all is Drama, said to in all be? It all too can be said even perceived in all, and from talk, and of what is too said engagement, involvement, interaction, contact etc., but with it all even said now Belief that is, of life, of Drama, of Impossibility, of Improbability, of Screens, of Possibility, of Probability, of Displays, and if not in a said regard to, and to what is and in all said as Dramatized too that is, but in the said now expounding that is, and on what is said Drama in itself, the very said term of Dramatization is said too called upon, and in said regard and to what is said Drama, and as said too now enacted that is, and if not in said regard, and to what is said as of a Display in itself too for instance. The very said term of Dramatisation though, does in all even differ it can be said, for it all does too ask, and of the very manner in all, we would too perceive, what is said even instinct, and in said regard and to what is said preservation that is, and that would too speak, and of what is said Drama, but as said too Dramatized that is.

In saying that, what is said Dramatisation, does too speak, and of the said even contact, and between Africans, and those said outside Africa too, we too can be said to in all even refer, and to speak and of what is said Western, and if not of said even now World Religions too that is, for what is said preservation, is too said even now, perceived in all, and from talk, and of the said even Psychology of Withdrawal [Link] that is, and if not in said regard, and to the said even discovering of oneself that is, and as said too self, soul, body, spirit etc. That in the said even discovering of oneself as such, and as said too spirit for instance, we can too be said even now, to in all even attempt, to in all fully find or discover oneself it can best be said, and in said regard, and to what is said Motive [Link] for instance. 

In said regard now, and to the said even latter entry, and on Pluralism, of Africa, & of India, what was said as of Amplification, and as said even now Expounded on, could too be said even perceived in all, and from talk and of what is said Reference that is, and if not of said even Pointers too that is, and in said regard to what is said Segment too, and of the said even now paragraphing that is, and of the said latter entry and on Pluralism too that is. In speak of Amplification though, and from what is said Explainitive that is, we too can be said to in all even refer, and to what is said Index that is, and if not of what are said Pointers too, and as said to in all even speak, and of what are said Blocks, and if not in said reference, and to speak and of any two said segments for instance, and as said too joined and as one that is.

In saying though, that this very entry, is too said believed to in all even deal, and with what is said Evolutionary Psychology that is, now is to in all even attempt to in all too simply reference that is, the said now previous entry, and on Pluralism that is, and in said regard now, and to what is said Amplification that is, and as said too now, not as said perceived in all and from talk, and of what is said reference or index that is, but instead, in said regard and to what is said Base, Ground or Concrete too, and as said too now to refer, and to what is said Congruent [Link] that is. That in many a way, what is said Evolutionary Psychology, now is too said even perceived in all, and from talk and of what is said Congruent that is, but in too saying that, what is said Congruent, can too be said Index or Reference too, now is to say it all even perceived that is, and in said favour too, and to what is said Index that is, and as best said too explainitive that is, and of what is said Congruent, and in said even regard and to the said even presence that is, and of said Pyramids too, and in said Egypt, Giza too that is. In however saying that, what is said Presence, is too said even best explainitive that is, and from said talk too, and of what is said Congruent, and of what too is said Evolutionary Psychology that is, now is to and in all even refer, and to a said even World today, said too defined in all, and by talk of what is said Global, or International, and in said Presence, or of said even Worldly Presences too that is, but in said regard and to speak and of this very Blog, and of what too was said termed and as said East African civilization too that is, Evolutionary Psychology and as said too now helping one open up, and to speak and of what are said Presences, and that do in all even refer and to what is said Congruent, and as said to in all even speak, and of what is said as of Spiritism for instance.

In however attempting to shine a said light, and on the previous paragraph that is, and on what is said Evolutionary Psychology too, and of what is said Congruent, and in said regard to what is said Index too, it all does too now refer, or in all reference that is, that said segment and in the said here latter entry that is and on Pluralism, and on what was said to speak and of said even Media Outlets, Media Portals, Media Channels, Media Networks etc., and that would too refer and to what is said Amplification, and as said too now perceived in all, and from talk, and of what are said as of Indexes in themselves that is.

Wednesday 5 April 2017


of Pluralism.

This entry, will in all attempt, to in all too approach, talk, and of what is said Pluralism, and as probably best said Efficacy in itself too, and if not in said speak and of what is said Contingent too that is, and not of Contingency truly either that is. That it in all, will too attempt to in all deal with, what is too often said Agenda for instance, and in the said even talk that is, and of what can be said to speak and of Development and in East Africa too for instance, and in favour truly, and for what can be said to speak and of a said even Democratic stance, and in said regard now, and to what is said Action, and as said even Political, Social, Pluralist etc. that is.

That what is said Pluralism, will too be said even, defined in all, and in this very entry, and alongside speak and of what can be said Theory, said too Communications, and if not as said Analytical too, Analytics that is, but of it all as probably said too American that is, and in said regard now, to what is said Amplification in itself that is. Amplification, and as said too Theory, and that would too and in all even refer, and to what Pluralism does in all even refer to that is, and if not of Amplification, and as said too now perceived in all, and as said even Textual that is, and if not as said perceived and as said Stereo too that is, and of a said even Stereo Image too for instance. In too saying that, Amplification, can too be said even now perceived in all, and from what is said Pluralist Action that is, now is to and in all even, say it all to in all even refer, and to what are said Media Outlets for instance, of Media Portals too, Media Channels, Media Networks etc., and in a said too here that is, Decision making process for instance. 


In a said referral to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Novel too that is, of Novels, of Literary works, Victorian, [Link], Indian, preferably, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to the said manner in all, talk of India, Nation, Land, subcontinent, is and in all, said as Connected to, Inter-Connected, of Communicativity, and to the said regions too that is, of Regions, the Regional, and of the said Arabian Peninsula, the Indian Ocean, the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Sea, and if not of said East Africa too, of East Africa, the Horn of Africa, the Swahili lands, and if not of the said Novel too that is, as said now, perceived, and in it said communications too, and if not in talk too of, and of what can in all be as said of, and of said Heights too that is, of Heights, of Highs, of Lows, or if not of said Peakings too that is, of Peaks, of Ups, of Downs.

In all, all this as said, and if not in a said referral to, and to a said World today, as said as Global, International, or if not of the said Worldwide too, the Western World, and if not in its said Communications too, as said as perceived, and if not in talk too of, and of the said Account too that is, of Accounts, the Accountable, the Novel, but that in all again, in talk too of, and if not in its said Doings too that is, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Inclusive too that is, of Inclusivity, or if not of the said Exclusive too that is, of Exclusivity.


In now attempting to in all even speak and on just why in all, Pluralism, and as said even perceived from what is said Amplification, is said beneficial, it all too can be said to speak, and of it all as said even perceived from said too Swahili directions, and if not of said Swahili perceptions too that is. That it all too, could be said to in all even refer, and to what is said Communal Wealth for instance, and as said even now perceived from what is said 'Swahili Media' that is, and as probably best said 'Swahili Arab' too, and of what too is said Individual Expression that is, and in said regard to what is said Pluralist too that is, and as best said too now attached to that very said term of Soloism too for instance, and of the said even Soloist too that is, but with it all said even a term, and from said talk too and of what is said Amplification that is, Soloism, said even now to refer, and to what is said Rotational that is, and if not of Time, and as often said too as said African Time that is, said too now as said Circular Time for instance, and if not in said reference, and to the said term of Amun for instance, and as said to in all even probably refer and to speak and of the Moon, and if not of the said even name of Tutankhamun [Link] too for instance.

In the said attempt to in all too now explain, Pluralist Action, and from what is said Interpretation too that is, now is to and in all even refer, and to the said even difference, and in said regard and to what is said Italy, and in said speak too, and of what is said the Papacy, and if not of what is said the Vatican too that is. For while it can be said, what is said the Papacy, can too be said to speak and of what is said Socialist Action for instance, it too would be said to in all even refer, what is said Socialist Action that is, and to speak and of South Africa, and as said too S.A., and if not of the said even Bantustan, and in said even South African History too that is, but what too can be said here is that, in said regard to what is said Amplification, and as said too now definitive in all, and of what is said Pluralist Action that is, probable talk now and of the Vatican, and in said regard and to speak, and of the said even Vatican Museum that is, and of what too some have often too termed, and in a said even simple Interpretation that is, and as said to speak, and of a said even 'Feast for the Eyes' that is.

In having said all the above, the attempt to in all even associate, or even interpret in all, what is said Pluralism, or of said Pluralist Action too, and from talk and of what is said Amplification, and as said too Theory, and that does too now and in all even refer to what are said Communications, Analytics, Technology etc., now is to and in all even attempt, to in all even speak, and of what is said Pluralism that is, and from talk and of what is in all even said Inference that is. That it all too, Pluralism and as said Inference that is, would too be said to in all even speak, and of what is said Pluralism, and from talk and of what is said Study in itself, and not of Investigation truly either, and in too now associating such said talk of Pluralism, or of what is said Pluralist that is, and from said even now Egyptian directions that is, and that would too refer and to the said even Swahili term of Msingi that is, and as best said too 'Misingi' that is. That in all again, Msingi, and as said too a said even Swahili or Kiswahili term, and for a said even Body of Knowledge that is, and that does too encompass in all, talk, and of what is said Substance, what is said Light, and if not of what is said Scent too that is.

In the attempt to in all even truly understand, what Pluralism is in all even said to be, and in said regard now and to what too Development is in all even said all about that is, we can now too turn to speak, and of what is said Indian that is, and as said to now speak and of India in itself, of India and as said Subcontinent too that is, and if not of what is said Southeast Asian too that is. That it all does too speak, and of a said too India, and as said Jointed that is, and of India and as said Subcontinent too, of India and as said Disjointed, and if not of India and in name in itself too, and of India and as said Misjointed that is, and as said too a part, and of Southeast Asia too that is. In many a way, a said too, way that is, and of simply understanding what Pluralism is in all even said to be, and in now associating such said talk of Pluralism, and in said regard to speak and of India, of Jointings, of Elements. of Africa, of India, of Chuma, Kisw., and with talk and of what is said Pluralist too, and from the said even perspective now, and not of what is said Formation either that is, but of what is said Feasibility that is, and of what too is said a Joint that is, for it all does too speak, and of what is said Development, and as said too now perceived, from it as said even perceived Korean that is, and if not of South Korea truly, and of the very said manner in all, what is said too as said perceived truly Advanced for instance, and in Development, would too make it and into Kenya/East Africa that is, and in said regard now, and to what is said Joint, and not of what is said Connection truly either that is.

In too referring and to what is said Pluralism, and if not as said Pluralist truly, and from the said even perspective of History, East African that is, now is to and in all even attempt to in all too counter, East Africa's. or Kenya's said, History, and as said too Identity that is, and as said now perceived from talk, and of what is said to speak, and of a said even Third World Identity that is. That it all does too refer to speak, and of East African History, and not that said Kenyan truly either, and from talk and of what is said Exploration, and that does too arise and with talk of Portuguese Explorers that is, and into the said even Swahili lands, and if not of said Victorian Explorers, and into East Africa too, and as said too now Kenya that is. That in said regard to what is said Amplification, Portuguese Explorers, and in said regard to speak and of East Africa, now said even associated and with talk, and of what is said Escapism that is, and in said too regard that is, and to what is said Mission that is, and of History and as said too perceived in all, and from talk and of what is said Historicism that is, and if not of Portuguese Identity, and in said regard to speak of East Africa, and as said too now Naval that is. In saying that, the said even presence and of Portuguese Explorers, and into the said even Swahili lands, and if not as said East Africa too, is not well understood by most, and in said regard to what is said Mission, and if not of what is said Escapism too that is, and of the said even Escapist too that is, and if not of what is said truly Individual that is, now is to and in all even speak and of Victorian Explorers and into East Africa in itself too, and in said regard to what is said Adventurism too that is, and if not of History and as said perceived from talk and of what is said Historiography that is, for we too can now be said to in all even associate talk and of what was said the Victorian Memory into East Africa, and with talk and of the very said term here, and of Encouragement that is, and if not of it all as said coming to in all even define that is, what is said Education in East Africa, or as said Educational too, and if not of what is said to speak, and of East Africa today that is. In many a way, Victorian Identity in East Africa, and if not in Kenya too, said even now tied down to speak, and of the said even History of Flight that is, and into Africa. In understanding why the above said, does in all even matter, now is to and in all even tie it all, and to speak and of what is said Pluralist, and as said even now to refer, and to what is said Task that is. The very belief that, East Africa, is still very much open, to all said even Exploration that is, and that would too hint at, History, and as said even now perceived from talk and of the said even 'Philosophy of History' that is, of what too is said Task in itself, and if not of said even now Explorers that is, best said too Japanese probably, and into East Africa that is, and in too claiming that, Japanese Identity and into East Africa, can be said to in all even now speak, and of what is said the Internet in itself, and if not of what is said Specification in itself too, or of said Specifications truly that is, and of what is said Task that is, but that would too be said to in all even amount, and to talk and of what is said Communalism in itself that is.

Thursday 23 March 2017

the Ascension

The Ascension.

A said African Christianity, Outline, Framing, Compendium, or Synopsis too that is.

In the said referring to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said African Christianity too that is, [Link], of Framings, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of the said Body too that is, Physical, African, and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of (the) said Ache(s) too that is, [Link], the Pleasurable, and if not of (the) said Lining(s) too that is.

Of the said Ache too that is, of the said Real too that is, the Unreal, the Not Real, [Link], the Pleasurable, and if not of said Linings too that is, of Issues, of Matters, of said Groundings too that is, of said Reality too that is, the Fore, the Forward, the Back, the Backward, the Angled etc. too that is.

Of said Reality too that is, the Question, and of the said Instinctive too that is, the Pleasurable, the Probable, the Possible, the Likely, the Likeable, of Africa, of India, and if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Doubt too that is, of Fear, or if not of said Uncertainty too that is, [Link].

Of such said Fear too that is, of the said Knowable too that is, the Realizable, ->, "the Mentionable", or if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Continuity too that is, ->, "of Conductivity", "of Contextuality", or if not in a said too that is, referral, regard to, and to what can and in all too that is, be as said of, and of said Consistency too that is, of Contiguity, of Congruity, [Link].

of Continuity.

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Bartolomeu Dias

of Bartolomeu Dias.

The very name and of Bartolomeu Dias, and more than that of Vasco da Gama too, and as said too and in all even defining of, and of what are said as of African Timelines too that is, and as said too perceived in all, and from said talk too of, and of what are said as of East African Timelines too that is.

In talk too of, and of said Bartolomeu Dias too that is, in Name, Explorer, Portuguese, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Timeline too that is, of Timelines, East African, [Link], or if not of the said Past too that is, of history, pasts, historical contexts, East African, [Link], now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Tracking too that is, of Tracks, of Time, of Timings, or if not in talk too of, and of the said following too that is: of Intervals, [Link], of Interspersals, of Intermediates, of Interposings, of Intermittents.

Of such said Trackings too that is, of Trackers, or if not in talk too of, of Tickers, of Tickerings, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of a said Ticker too that is, Tickering, or if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Time too that is, of African Time, Colonial, National, East African, Kenyan, or if not in talk too of, of Wakat-i, Kisw., of Africa, of India, and of what can and in all, be as said of, of Time, of Historicity, [Link], and of said East Africa, Kenya too that is, of East Africa, of Kenya, of Zinj, [Link], [Link], [Link].

Tuesday 7 March 2017


of Hesabu.

This very Blog of Anti 'Nairo', while said too perceived from talk and of what is said Simplicity [Link] that is, can too be said to in all even point at, and at what Simplification is in all even said all about that is. That in many a way, Simplification, can too be said to speak and of, and of what are in all said as of the Elements that is, and if not of the said Elemental too, and in said regard and to speak too, and of what Empiricism, Reductionism, Rationalism, and if not of Relativism too, are in all even said to be that is. In many a way too, there are those who would tell one that, that from the said even point or perspective too and of what Simplification is in all even said to be, the World can in all even be said determined that is, the Elementary, and from talk too of, and of what is and in all said as of Redundancy in itself too that is, it can too be said that Simplification, and in said regard and to speak and of this very Blog of Anti 'Nairo', and in Content too, can too be said to in all even speak, and of what the said Swahili term too that is, of Kiswahili, Kisw., and of Hesabu too that is, does and in all even entail to, or does too and in all even detail that is.

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Applied Ethics

of Applied Ethics.

It was previously mentioned that, the said even Contents of this Blog, can too be said even to speak, and of the said even Title and of the Curator too that is, and if not of what is said as of Museology [Link] too that is. That in many a way, while this Blog can too be said to in all have to it, what too can be said termed Religious Material that is, and in said regard and to what was said termed U-Kanisa [Link] too that is, and on this very Blog, and if not in said speak now and of the said even presence and of the Church and in East Africa, and in said regard and to what is said to speak and of a said even Religious Study too that is, and of the said even traditions and of the said even peoples of East Africa too that is, it can best be said that, it is believed that this very Blog, does in all even approach what was said Curator [Link] and on this very said Blog too, and in said Intellect too that is.

That the very said even world of the Curator, is probably too said even best approached here, and from talk and of what is said Applied Ethics that is, of Intelligence, and if not of said even Moral Theory too, of Intellect, and in said regard and to speak and of the said even Contents and of this very Blog, and as said too studied and under said talk and of what is said a Practicum that is, of Knowledge, and of the said even creation that is, and of what can be too said even termed African Knowledge Systems that is, and as said even approached now from talk, and of what is said Katekisimu, U-Biblia, and if not of the said even study and of the said too Ifa Religion that is, but as said in all even targeted now, and to what is said Applied Ethics, and of said too Moral Theory that is.


Katekisimu : and of Knowledge, and as said too Glyph (Hieroglyphs, Petroglyphs etc.).

U-Biblia : and of Knowledge, and as said too Script (Inscriptions, Scriptions etc.).

Ifa Religion (Odu Ifa) : and of Knowledge, and as said too Code (Incantation etc.).

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Monday 20 February 2017

Internal Strife

of Internal Strife.

Kitendawili, Tega.

Nyumba yangu haina mlango


When we do here and in all, speak, and of what is said Internal Strife, we can too now be said to in all even approach it all, and as said readily too, and from speak and of what is said Disease, but if not and in all again, from said speak too, and of the very said Question and of the very name of Jesus too that is. That it all too could be said to speak, and of what it does means to Internalize, and if not of what is said Indocrination, Instillation, Inculcation etc., and if not of what Internalization is in all even said to be, and as said too Mechanism that is, but that in all again, speak truly now and of what is said Internalisation, and as said to in all even speak and of all there is and to the Human too that is. That Internalisation, can too now be said even equated in all, and to speak and of what is said Disease in itself that is, and of our said even acknowledging in all, and of what too is actually said Reality in itself for instance.

In the attempt though, to in all speak and of what is said Internal Strife, and as said to in all even refer, and to what is said Internalisation in itself that is, and in farther said regard and to speak and of the very said even Question and of the name of Jesus too that is, we now do in all even perceive it all, and from talk and of what is said Political Strife in itself that is, and as probably said too now and to in all even refer and to the very name of Pontius Pilate for instance, and if not of the said even Pharaonic too for instance, and in Egyptian History, but that in all again, speak too now and of many a said Lesson, and in said regard and to the very name of Jesus that is, and if not as said Jesus Christ too that is. That what can simply be said here is that, for those said in East Africa, and as said too here deemed civilization that is, perhaps a said questioned posed here, and on what is said Success, Image, Suffering, Poverty etcetc., and in said regard, and to what too Internal Strife is in all even said to be, and if not as said all there is that is.

In now too helping one understand what is said Internal Strife, and of what too is said Construct in itself that is, we can too now approach it all, and form talk and of what is said Roman Civilization that is, and if not in said regard and to speak and of the very names and of the Caesars too that is, and of the very said manner in all, Civilization, is in all even said perceived, and as said too in Existence that is. That it can be simply said here that, three said Types of Civilization can be said to exist, and one that would refer to what is said Creature, the other and of what is said Herb, and if not of that said truly Human that is. That in many a way, it is from the said even Roman tradition, and that does too and in all have us said aware, and of the said even decline and of Egyptian Civilization, and that would too tell one that, speak, and of what is said Creature, and if not as said Serpent too, does too and in all even speak and of Egyptian Civilization and as said too African truly, but that in speak of what is said Herb, speak too now and of simply where and in all again Egyptian Civilization, does in all too meet the rest of the said World, and as said too Civilization, but that in all again, Egyptian Civilization and as said too Egypt, is in all even believed said to in all even be said to exist that is, and not in said regard and to speak and of the said Pharaohs of Egypt that is, but in said speak now, and of the said even roots or History and of what is said the Masonic, and in said Egyptian History too that is. In having said all this, now is to and in all even point out that, the said even Roman World, is too said now borne and of what is said Diatribe, Political, and if not of the said even Diatribist, and of what too are said roots or origins, and if not of what is in all even said now, to be truly in Existence that is.

In now and in all even though, and in the said attempt to in all even define what is said Internal Strife, and if not as said Strife in itself too, and from speak and of what is said Model, and if not as said Abstraction too, now is to in all and again, ask and of what is said a Kitendawili, Swahili, and as said and to in all even now ask or speak, and of what is too said to speak and of Reality in itself that is. That it does too and in all again, and from speak and of what is said Internal Strife, can too be said to in all even refer, and to said too false perceptions, or as said misconceptions too, and of what is said African, and if not of what is too said African that is. That in said regard and to speak and of what is said Strife in itself, and of said too Models and of what is too said Reality in itself, we can too say that, many in Africa, are in all too said, to be of said even false perceptions, or misconceptions too, and of what it does in all mean to be in all even said African that is, for that Civilization said Egyptian, does too now and in all even evolve, and in speak and of what is simply said society that is, and if not as said simply perceived and from talk of the titular too that is, but that in all again, it is that Civilization said Central Asian, and that is too believed said grounded in all, and in speak and what are said Practises that is, and if not in said speak too now, and of that Civilization said Italy, and that would too and in all even specifically define itself in all, and in speak and of what is said Function that is.

That in said regard and to what too is said a Kitendawili, and in said farther regard and to speak and of what is said Internalisation that is, we too can be said to in all even refer now and to speak and of what is said Externalisation that is, and of the very said even Realities in all, and that the said too here Swahili world that is, does too and in all even bring, and into East Africa too that is, and in said regard now to what is said Strife in itself that is, for the Swahili world, can too be said to in all even perceive Strife, and from speak and of what is said Externalisation in itself that is, or of the said belief too that, what is said Memory, can too best be said perceived in all, and from what is said Presence in itself too that is, but that in all again, it is the said Swahili world, and that does too see and to it, that East Africa, is said even now perceived from talk, and of what is said U-Kanisa [Link] that is, and in said regard now to what is said Strife, and if not of what is said Internalisation too, and of said too African Crosses for instance.

In too saying that, what can too be said even here and as said termed the African World, and as too said even perceived from talk and of what is said Strife in itself, and if not as best said too Political Strife that is, we can too probably now ask and of what is said too Nonchalance in itself for instance, and of life and in said Ease [Link] too that is, of Contentment, but that in all again, and in said regard to speak and of Human life and as said even perceived from what is said Internal Strife in itself, of said too Internalisation that is, we can too now speak and of Africa, and of what too is said Western, and from said speak and of what is said Conjoinment, and of what is said too Adjoinment that is. That in speak and of East Africa, and as said too perceived from both said terms that is, that of Conjoinment, would too now refer and to speak and of the said Swahili world, but of that of Adjoinment, speak too now and of the said even Middle East that is. In now doing away though, and with such said Models, and of what is said too Reality in itself, or of said Existence in itself too, and if not of said too Strife in itself, and in said regard to what is said Adjoinment, or of said Conjoinment too, now is to in all even associate it all, and with said talk and of what is said Media in itself, of Religion in itself too, and of said too Family Structures that is, and that would too now refer and to speak and of the said even Indian Ocean, and of its said History too, of the said too Indian Ocean Trade region that is, and if not of the said even location and of India in itself too that is.

In finalizing on all this said, now is to in all even introduce the said too complex or said even complicated Picture that is, and that the said Middle East does too and in all, bring, and into the said even region and of East Africa too that is. One that would too speak and of the name of Somalia, and if not of that of Ethiopia too and in said Diatribe, and of what is said to speak and of Islam in Africa too that is, but that in all again, the said even History of the Middle East, is too best said even perceived from talk and of the said too History and of the Near East that is, for the said even History of the Near East, is too believed said even of said Paramount importance or significance too, and with it all said to not only refer and to speak and of the Bible, the Qu'ran, and if not of the said Torah too, but in said regard now and to speak, and of what is too believed said to in all even constitute, and for said even Human relations in themselves, or as said too Relationships and in themselves too that is.

In now closing on all this, the very said even troubling question, and of the said even impact, and of what does too constitute and for said even Egyptian Identity that is, and in said regard and to speak and of what is said Context for instance, and in East Africa too, and if not into Africa in itself too, and that does too now speak or ask, and of what is said Blood, Gene and if not of what is said Health in itself too, and as said too Egyptian, for it does too speak and of what is said Complex or said even Complicated too that is, and that would too be said to in all even best speak and of what is said Perception in itself, and of said Blood too, and of what is said View in itself and of said Gene too, and if not of what is best said Cognition, and as said too now to speak and of what is said Health that is, and in now too claiming that, speak, and of Egypt and as such, from said even Blood, Gene and of said Health too, does too now ask and of those in Africa, and of the said even manner in all, they do and in all even perceive, what is believed said to speak, and of the Crucial in itself, and if not as said the Crucial in itself too, and in said regard now and to speak and of what is said life in itself too that is.

Wednesday 15 February 2017


of Ki-China.

When we do here refer or talk, and of what is said Ki-China, and with it all said too Swahili terminology that is, we can too now equate it all, and to speak and of what too is said Ki-Hindi that is, and as with it all too said Swahili, and for things said Indian too that is. That both said terms that is, and of Ki-China, and of Ki-Hindi, could too be said to speak and of things said Chinese and Indian too that is, and as respectively said, but that in all again, it all is said to meet speak and of Kenya, or of East Africa too, and in said regard, and to what is said Social Policy that is. 

That in the said attempt to make this entry much clearer and in said Intention too, now is to in all even associate what is said Ki-Hindi, or as said Ki-hindi too, and with talk too and of the said even entry and of said even Indians too, and as often said termed too Asians that is, Kenyan or East African Asians that is, and into Kenya or East Africa that is, and via talk too and of the said even presence and of the British in Kenya, and of said too British Interests and in a said too Colonial Kenya that is. That said even Indian Identity, often too associated and with talk and of what is said Acumen, and in a said too British Kenya that is, does too now come and to in all even be associated, and with talk and of what is said Ethnocentrism [Link] that is, and of said even Indian Ethnocentrism and in Kenya too, and that would too now be said even and to speak, and of what is said Gratuity, and as said too Indian that is.

That what is said termed here Ki-Hindi, does too now come to be said even definitive in all, and of what is said Social Policy and in Kenya too that is, and if not in said East Africa too that is, and in now too saying that, the said even rise and of many a said prominent Indian Businessman in Kenya, does not actually happen via talk and of what is said British in Kenya that is, but that in many a way, in saying that Indians in Kenya and in East Africa too, do in all even create the very own said Memory and in Kenya and East Africa too, and away from that said British or Colonial, does too now speak of it all and in said regard and to speak and of what is said Social Policy that is, and in Kenya or East Africa too, and that would in all even impact the very said cultures and of both said places that is, and in now simply associating talk and of Kenya and East Africa, and with talk and of what is said Local Policy, and of said even Local Identities too, and which do in all even expand in their ways, and into what is said Social Policy that is, and as probably best said too National in its ways, for the very said even existence that is, and of Local Policy and in Kenya or East Africa too, does too now and in all merge and with speak and of what is said Business, Trade, Banking, Commerce etc., and via talk and of what is said Social Policy too, and that did too speak and of what too was said the Colonial Experience that is, and in a said too Colonial Kenya or East Africa too that is. 

In saying that Kenyan Social Policy, and in said regard to speak, and of a said even post- Independence Kenya too that is, does too and in all and under speak and of what is said even Nationalism in Kenya, does too merge and with talk and of what is said Public Policy, of said too Government Policy, and if not of a said even Regional Policy too, and that would too be said to in all even impact what is said Education, Law and Health, and in Kenya or East Africa too, and can too be said even to have existed and in a said even Colonial Kenya too that is, and in now saying it all to in all even simply speak, and of what is said to in all even refer, and to the said too Key- issue or matter, and of what is said Trust [Link] that is, and in said regard and to speak and of said even Kenyan Politics that is, and in now and in all even referring, and to speak and of what is said Ki-Hindi that is, believed said even tainted and in Name, and in said regard and to speak and of a Kenya, and that would too and in all even attempt to in all too, define itself it can be said, and along the said lines and of what is said a National Fabric that is, and would too be said even definitive in all, and of what is said Trust and in Kenya too that is.

In talk too of, and of the said World today too that is, of Africa today, of World Politics, of World History, of Worldliness, the Victorian, [Link], now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Ki-China too that is, Kisw., [Link], of U-China, Kisw., [Link], of Engagement, Contact, Political, Chinese, of said East Africa, Kenya too that is, the People's Republic of China, [Link], or if not in a said too that is, referral to, in regard, and to talk too of, and of (a) said China too that is, Kisw., [Link], in Diversity, in History, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Abridged too that is, in Abridgement, the Chinese, the Chinas, the Asian, or if not in a said too that is, referral to, in regard, and to talk too of, and of (a) said Africa too that is, the Continent, in Diversity, in History, in Abridgement, and as in all said too that is, perceived, referenced, bestly, or if not in talk too of, and of (a) said Ethiopia too that is, Size, Shape, Geography, Topography, Landscapes, or if not in a said too that is, referral to, in regard, and to talk too of, and of (a) said Kenya too that is, of East Africa, Geography, Topography, Climate, the Climatic, the Kenyan Plains/Highlands/Plateaus, the Nilotic, [Link], [Link], the Cushitic.

Despite all the above said though, what can too be said about what is said Ki-Hindi that is, and in said Memory too, and that would too refer and to speak too and of Kenya and as said Affluent that is, and as probably best too often associated and with the said even trading of the Kenyan Shilling, and of the said too World Forex Markets that is, and of Kenya and as said even perceived from talk of said too Imports and Exports that is, now is to in all even claim that, from said speak and of East Africa truly, and not that of Kenya, what can be said termed Ki-China, is too believed said even to in all even help truly revitalize the region and as it is, East Africa that is, and as said too falling apart now, and from the said even perspectives that is, and of what is said Local Policy,and if not of said even Local Identity, and if not of what is said Social Policy too, and as best said too perceived and from speak, and of what is in all said defunct that is, and in said too regard, and to speak and of said even East African Social and Political relations that is.

In saying that, what is said Ki-China, and of things said Chinese too, is said best perceived in all, and from the said even lens and of what is said Mediacentrism too that is, now is to not only associate it all, and as simply said that is, and with what can be said to speak and of Chinese Media, and such as CCTV News, and on DSTv/MNET too that is, and if not of Kenya's Star TV too, but that in all again, we can and in all too, be said and to in all even speak and of China and as best said perceived, and from what is said Chinese Identity, and as often said too associated and with talk and of Thrift, and if not of what is too said Chinese Benevolence that is. In many a way too, China [Link1, Link2], and as said too now perceived in Direction, and from talk and of the said even Cities of Jinan, Chengzhou and if not of Guiyang too, and as said too now and again, best probably perceived, and as said one, and from their said even placed, and on the said even circumference and of a Circle that is, and of their said too simply perceived from said even Angular perspectives or as said too directions that is. 

That Ki-China, and as said too now Social Policy, does too refer and to speak and of Kenya or East Africa, and as said best viewed from said even Local perspectives, and if not from said talk too, and of Media, and that would too refer and to what is said tourism for instance, but that in all again, it too now said to speak, and of what does too speak and of said even Kenyan and East African Hospitality that is, and if not of the said too Kenyan or East African Institute, and as said even now defined in all, and from said too Local perspectives that is, and by talk and of what is said Agency in itself, and in said regard and to what is said too Development, Progress etc., and if not in said speak now and of what are said Agents too that is.

That Ki-China, can too now be said to in all even associate what is said Kenyan Identity that is, and if not that said East African too, and with speak too and of what is said Language in itself, and of the said Chinese Language too and as simply said too perceived as said collocated that is, and to speak and of Language and in East Africa or Kenya too that is, and with the said even Politics of Language that is, said too now perceived and from said talk, and of what is said Reservation in itself that is. In many a way, what is too said Ki-China, and of things said Chinese too that is, is believed said too now, and to in all even impact Kenya or East Africa that is, and from said talk too and of what is said even Infringement in itself that is, and in said regard and to what the very said term and of the Politic, and not of Politics truly either, is in all truly said all about that is.