Tuesday 7 March 2017


of Hesabu.

This very Blog of Anti 'Nairo', while said too perceived from talk and of what is said Simplicity [Link] that is, can too be said to in all even point at, and at what Simplification is in all even said all about that is. That in many a way, Simplification, can too be said to speak and of, and of what are in all said as of the Elements that is, and if not of the said Elemental too, and in said regard and to speak too, and of what Empiricism, Reductionism, Rationalism, and if not of Relativism too, are in all even said to be that is. In many a way too, there are those who would tell one that, that from the said even point or perspective too and of what Simplification is in all even said to be, the World can in all even be said determined that is, the Elementary, and from talk too of, and of what is and in all said as of Redundancy in itself too that is, it can too be said that Simplification, and in said regard and to speak and of this very Blog of Anti 'Nairo', and in Content too, can too be said to in all even speak, and of what the said Swahili term too that is, of Kiswahili, Kisw., and of Hesabu too that is, does and in all even entail to, or does too and in all even detail that is.