Wednesday 17 August 2016

African Musicality

of African Musicality.

This entry, can too be said to speak, and of what is too said Development in itself, and in its said Trackings too, and of Africa, and as simply said even here, perceived, and as having no said proper past, present, or future, and to it all too that is. That many in Africa, are too simply believed to perceive Development, and from talk too, and of what is said Replication for instance, the Technological, [Link], and in said comparison, and to talk too and of what is said Duplication for instance.

That African Musicality, can too now be said even, to speak, and of African culture too, and as said even perceived, and from what are said timings, intervals, paces, matches, measures, metres etc. and if not of what too, does speak, and of Culture and in Development, and of the very term of tandem too, and if not of many a said perception, and of what a future projection for instance, and if not of what is said too a Timeline that is, African, are in all even said all about that is. That what too, can be said here, and in regard to the above just said, is that, Cultural Development, does too talk, and of what is said Tech. that is.

In claiming that, Musicality, does too refer, and to what too, is said even, a Clear Conscience, and if not of what they do term, and in the Ifa Religion too, "Ori tutu" that is, and if not of what too, is said even, a clear Drawing, and of anything, and in said regard and to what clarity in itself, is actually in all said to be, is to now too, speak, and of the very manner in all, Africans, East Africans too, can too be said to actually perceive themselves, and in any said situation too for instance, and in said speak too, and of what is said too, Interpolation, and if not Extrapolation too that is. That Africans, and in such said perception, and of what is said too Musicality etc. that is, now do and in all even perceive themselves as such it can too be said, and in talk too, and of African Voices in themselves, and as said even Calling out (and in said Call-and-Response too), and from the said even here, past, present, or future too probably.

In having said all the above, is to now too, ground talk of African Musicality, and as said even having or possessing to it, a said too Political presence, and in talk too here, and of what is too said Kijiji [Link] that is, and of what is too said the City [Link] too that is, and in said regard to all this.


1. East Africa : the Bible

2. Africa : the Missal

3. Swahili : Prayer , Maombi

4. Egypt : Katekisimu, Catechism

the City:

1. East Africa : Kenyan, East African Crosses

2. Kenya : the National Flag

3. Swahili : Local Industry

4. South Africa : African Media